
The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

author:Frequent physician in internal medicine

"One cup of milk a day, strong Chinese". Breakfast should be good and the top priority of the day. Getting up every morning with bread and milk is a healthy eating habit that has always been recommended.

But in fact, this is Western nutrition, which was later introduced to China. This Western tradition, which has received mixed reviews in the study of Chinese medicine, has always been skeptical.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

Some people think that Chinese's stomach is not enough to adapt to milk, and drinking milk is not healthy. But milk is indeed a nutritious food rich in protein.

There are also many benefits of drinking milk, which can improve the body's immunity. It can also effectively avoid osteoporosis and make bones stronger. Children supplement calcium when they are in the body and also advocate drinking more milk.

In recent years, there have been surveys promoting that drinking milk can cause cancer. Many people say that milk is replaced with soy milk or yogurt to supplement calcium. I'm really worried about this, and I'm really confused!

So what is the truth about drinking milk? Does drinking milk regularly increase cancer risk?

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

First, drinking milk is not comfortable?

Many people have such an experience, and their stomach hurts after drinking milk. In less than half an hour, my stomach growled, and then I had to run to the toilet.

At first, you will suspect that it is a problem with milk, but the same milk is all right after drinking it? In fact, it is a problem of self-constitution, lactose is not digested, and it stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

Milk has high nutritional value, but it is really unfriendly to people who have diarrhea after drinking, and lactose intolerance is really troublesome. So what is lactose intolerance?

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

It is also a manifestation of indigestion, bloating, vice, etc., lactose cannot be digested in the body, and there is an allergic reaction. In severe cases, respiratory symptoms may also occur.

But know that this kind of problem is not innate. Most people can digest lactose normally when they are young, and they are exposed to more lactose at that time.

After drinking milk less frequently, coupled with the possibility of not paying attention to a healthy diet, suddenly drinking milk is prone to lactose intolerance.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

When drinking milk, you should still pay more attention, do not drink on an empty stomach, you can eat some bread, biscuits, with milk, or make hot milk oats, do not overdose at a time, so that the body slowly adapts.

Second, does drinking milk really cause cancer?

The abundance and variety of intestinal flora may also affect lactose metabolism. People with stomach problems should also pay attention to drinking milk, especially milk with high sugar content may also increase the burden on the stomach.

People with stomach problems recommend that it is best not to drink milk. Milk contains a lot of protein, which is decomposed by stomach acid to produce a large amount of gas, which is very irritating to the stomach and causes bloating.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

Drinking milk increases the risk of cancer is a myth. It is unwise to blindly give up drinking milk because it may cause cancer. It's just that some people's bodies can't absorb milk, and they can try to tolerate it to change the discomfort.

Or opt for low-lactose milk that is easier to digest and absorb. Spoiled milk that does not meet national hygiene standards carries a risk of causing cancer.

Pay attention to check the shelf life of milk, and drinking milk when reasonable is still beneficial to health.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

3. Can milk still be drunk? How to drink?

Of course! Reconcile with milk. Take a rational look at the impact of food on health.

Milk is a drink rich in important nutrients such as protein, calcium and vitamin D. Most people are inseparable, and choosing the right milk is more beneficial than harmful.

People who are lactose intolerant and allergic to milk proteins cannot digest and absorb milk proteins. You can choose soy milk or plant-based protein drinks instead.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

For people who are lactose intolerant and have allergies, quoting milk can be risky. You can make appropriate adjustments according to your own situation, choose easy to digest and absorb, and provide energy for the body.

These alternatives not only provide similar nutritional value to cow's milk, but also avoid the occurrence of discomfort and allergy symptoms.

For those who are concerned that drinking milk increases their chances of cancer, they can also reduce their intake of estrogen and growth factors by choosing low-fat milk or plant-based alternatives.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

Eating a varied diet is key to staying healthy, don't supplement with one protein.

As a highly nutritious food, milk can also be combined with other protein sources, fruits and vegetables, which is more beneficial to health.

There are many milk drinks on the market, so you should choose carefully. In particular, some are milk drinks, and the composition of milk is not high.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear


The exquisite appearance and sweet taste are often irresistible. Avoid choosing drinks that are too high in sugar. For a long time, it is easy to increase blood sugar, causing disease.

Not only does it lead to tooth erosion, but also increases the risk of diabetes and obesity. It is recommended to reduce the intake of sugary foods to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In daily life, you can drink milk in moderation, do not be misled by the view that milk causes cancer.

The "savior" of immunity, milk, actually increases the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer? One article to make it clear

Milk contains high-quality calcium, rich nutritional value and excellent dietary health care effect.

It has a variety of effects such as sleep, calcium supplementation, and beauty. It is an indispensable health product for the human body.

In the summer heat, for the sake of good health, you still have to pay attention to your diet. The slightest mistake may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Don't be greedy for cold, don't overeat!