
People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

author:Lao Gao said medicine

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In 2020, there was a particularly young girl, obviously only 22 years old, still a young man who had just entered society, but suffered from the most incurable stomach cancer.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

After learning of her cause, many people became silent, because her work required overtime, so she stayed up late every day, could only order takeaway for three meals, and never ate on time.

The long irregular life eventually overwhelmed her body, and she had to lie in a hospital bed with medication.

This incident also let us know that not eating on time and having bad habits can really be life-threatening.

Do you know what bad habits you can't have when eating?

First, gobbling up food hurts the body

Nowadays, many people eat very quickly because of work.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

The rule we passed down was to chew slowly, but a few people were able to do it.

Especially some people who don't even have time to eat, most of them gobble up in the short time to fill their stomachs.

However, the harm to the body of this way of eating is huge, because when the food is not broken down by the mouth as much as possible, it will affect digestion and bring a burden to the stomach.

Food will not chew carefully because it is eaten too quickly, and the volume of food eaten at this time will be too large, and the digestive tract will be easily stimulated.

Over time, it can cause damage to the digestive tract, easily cause inflammation, and in severe cases, it will become cancer.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

In addition, eating and gobbling up can also lead to obesity and accelerate the development of some chronic diseases.

Just like staple foods such as refined white noodles, its main ingredient is starch, and eating quickly will make blood sugar rise rapidly, and the pressure of insulin will increase, resulting in the risk of diabetes.

Therefore, if you want to be healthy and live a long life, you must first chew slowly when eating.

Second, with unstable emotions affect life

When eating, emotions must be stable, good, pleasant emotions and bad, irritable emotions will affect the health of the body.

If a person laughs while eating, there is a good chance that the food will be aspirated into the trachea.

When there is a foreign body in the airway, it can cause severe choking, and in severe cases, it can cause suffocation.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

Some fragile people can easily cause inflammation or other diseases even if a foreign body is taken out of the trachea.

If you have negative emotions during eating, it will also cause great damage to the body.

Being angry itself is not good for the body, and being angry when eating hurts the stomach.

Resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in gastric acid secretion, a deterioration in appetite, a lack of diet, digestive disorders in the long run, and gastric ulcers in severe cases.

Getting angry during meals can also affect other organs.

For example, liver pain is prone to occur, and when patients with high blood pressure or diabetes are angry, the incidence of cerebral hemorrhage is increased.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

Therefore, people cannot be angry when eating, and they must maintain a good mood in normal times and learn to adjust themselves.

Third, not eating on time will also be short-lived

People who don't eat on time are more likely to have problems with their health than others.

Most of today's young people skip breakfast because they feel tired and can't wake up in the morning, let alone get up to cook.

Some people feel that even if they go to buy breakfast, they feel that it is a waste of time, so most people directly choose not to eat breakfast.

Skipping breakfast can easily lead to obesity, and we have a demand for calories.

If you don't eat breakfast, you will eat more at lunch or dinner, resulting in a concentrated accumulation of calories.

If you don't exercise after dinner, fat will accumulate and obesity will follow.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

In addition, skipping breakfast for a long time can also lead to hardening of the arteries.

Skipping breakfast will also lead to reduced resistance, because energy and nutrient intake will not be enough, which can easily cause malnutrition, which in turn will lead to reduced resistance.

In addition, skipping breakfast can also lead to a slower reaction, because skipping breakfast will lead to insufficient blood sugar in the body.

At this time, the human body will be easily fatigued or not in a good mental state.

Without breakfast, gastric acid will stimulate the gastric mucosal layer, the function of cells to secrete mucus will be destroyed, and digestive diseases such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer will occur because of skipping breakfast, causing a huge impact on the body.

There are also problems in everyday life.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

Not eating lunch and dinner, or eating at the wrong time, will also have corresponding problems.

For example, eating dinner too late can easily lead to urine that cannot be excreted in time, calcium substances will also remain in the body, and it is easy to suffer from kidney stones over time.


Therefore, people who do not eat well, people who have bad problems when eating, it is easy to cause damage to the body.

The three things mentioned above that can damage lifespan must be avoided in our daily lives.

People with short lifespans have 3 bad habits of eating! Quitting can prolong life for 12 years

If you can quit, according to relevant studies, you can live longer.

What a wonderful thing it is for us to enjoy a healthy and happy life.

I don't know if you have any of the above bad problems?