
To help urban environmental remediation, grid officers are in action

author:Shanglushan App
In order to effectively improve the urban environmental sanitation, further optimize the living environment, and improve the happiness and satisfaction of the residents, Nankang Town gave full play to the advantages of grid service management and mobilized 42 grid members to actively participate in the urban human settlement environment improvement action, so as to ensure the effective improvement of the town's environment.
To help urban environmental remediation, grid officers are in action
Do a good job of environmental remediation "propagandists". Actively publicize the importance of environmental remediation through household visits, WeChat groups and other means, guide the masses to take the initiative to participate, everyone to contribute, start from small things, start from themselves, further improve the sense of "ownership" of the masses, and let the masses truly become participants, improvers and beneficiaries of urban environmental remediation.
To help urban environmental remediation, grid officers are in action
Do a good job of environmental remediation "pioneer". Taking advantage of the advantages of familiarity and familiarity, the grid officer measures all sections of the precinct with his footsteps, shuttles through the streets and alleys of the precinct, and handles the sanitation problems that can be solved at will, and the grid officer deals with them on the spot in a timely manner; For the random parking of vehicles, actively persuade people to regulate parking; For psoriasis on the wall, clean up immediately. This series of acts has played a good role in demonstrating and leading the masses of the people.
To help urban environmental remediation, grid officers are in action

Be a good environmental remediation "inspector". Increase the frequency of inspections by grid personnel, promptly persuade and stop the phenomenon of littering and piling up debris in the grid, grasp the living environment in the grid in real time, ensure that environmental remediation in the jurisdiction does not leave dead ends and blind areas, and achieve all-round and full coverage of environmental remediation. At the same time, strengthen the inspection of the night lighting situation of back streets and alleys, and report and deal with "blind" street lights in a timely manner. (Contributed by Wen Yumei and Zhang Lihua)

Source: Nan Kangfu