
The new favorite of the bath industry: portable bath machines, let the disabled elderly live clean and dignified!

author:As technology

Bathing is one of the most basic human needs.

But when you enter your twilight years, lose the most basic mobility, can not get up, walk, and can only stay in bed to maintain life, you will find that taking a hot bath has become so difficult and luxurious. According to statistics, there are 280 million elderly people over 60 years old in mainland China, of which about 44 million are disabled and semi-disabled. The data shows that among the six activities such as dressing, eating, getting in and out of bed, and bathing, the most troublesome thing for the disabled elderly is bathing.

The new favorite of the bath industry: portable bath machines, let the disabled elderly live clean and dignified!

How difficult is it for families to bathe disabled elderly people?

1. High physical requirements

With the aggravation of aging, it is more and more common for young elderly people to take care of elderly parents, and it is very hard for sixty or seventy-year-olds to take care of parents in their eighties and nineties. The disabled elderly have mobility difficulties, and bathing the elderly is a very demanding thing.

2. High privacy

Bathing is a very demanding matter for privacy, and many elderly people are ashamed to express this, difficult to accept the help of others, and even feel ashamed to expose their bodies in front of their children and want to maintain a sense of authority.

3. High risk

Many elderly people have underlying diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease, which can lead to changes in blood pressure when the temperature changes. Especially when washing hair, it is easy to cause sudden expansion of blood in the head and whole body, and then lead to acute ischemia of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is prone to accidents.

The new favorite of the bath industry: portable bath machines, let the disabled elderly live clean and dignified!

The difficulty increases, but the demand does not disappear. Bai Jiaojiao, director of the nursing department of East China Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, believes that bathing the elderly is necessary, it can thoroughly clean the body of the elderly, make the elderly feel comfortable and dignified, and the flushing of hot water can also improve the blood circulation of the elderly and play a role in the recovery process of the disease. This is irreplaceable by everyday ordinary wiping.

In this context, the bath industry came into being. Door-to-door bathing can help the elderly clean their bodies, meet the bathing needs of the elderly, and make their later life more quality and dignity.

Although door-to-door bathing services have entered the market, there are still many problems: high risk factor for transporting the elderly, lack of professional tools, low bathing efficiency, lack of professional cleaning standards, high bathing costs, and difficulty in popularizing diseases. In response to these problems, Shenzhen as a science and technology has developed a more efficient bath aid - portable bath machine to deal with it.

The new favorite of the bath industry: portable bath machines, let the disabled elderly live clean and dignified!

Portable bathing machines provide a new way for people with reduced mobility to help bathe, without entering the water and eliminating the trouble of moving. Single operability, making bathing easier and helping baths easier. As a portable intelligent bathing equipment, it has high flexibility, strong applicability, and does not have high requirements for the space environment, and can easily complete the whole body or partial bath without moving.

The new favorite of the bath industry: portable bath machines, let the disabled elderly live clean and dignified!

Portable bath machine small size, light weight, less water, simple operation, not limited by the site, etc., effectively solve the elderly with reduced mobility, disabled or paralyzed people, difficult to move bathing and other nursing work, especially suitable for nursing institutions, nursing homes, hospitals, day care centers, disabled elderly families, very suitable for home care for the disabled elderly bathing.

The new favorite of the bath industry: portable bath machines, let the disabled elderly live clean and dignified!

The old and the old, bathers bring cleanliness to the elderly, "bath" into its beauty, bring care to the elderly, similarly, the emergence of portable bathing machines also helps bathers to serve, reducing the burden of bathing.

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