
Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

author:Zeqing tea ceremony

Rainy weather, summer breeze and. There are many cicadas in the high willows. Koentai Yuanchibo. The fish play the new lotus. Tulle kitchen, light feather fan. Pillow cold cool deep courtyard. The mood is at this time. Nothing little fairy. - Zhou Bangyan, "Crane Rushing to the Sky"

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Sanfu Day, between the summer heat and the beginning of autumn, is the hottest day of the year, humid and muggy. Chinese there is the method of counting the day with volts, and the meaning of volt is latent, and the "volt" in "three volt days" means "fu evil".

This is the hottest day of the year and is humid and muggy. The so-called "heat in three volts". Sanfutian is the hottest and humid and stuffy time of the year, so the folk proverb goes: small summer and big summer, steamed and boiled.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

The three solar terms span the three solar terms of small summer, big summer and autumn. The first volt begins in the summer solar term. The initial volt is from July 11 to July 20, 2023, a total of 10 days; The medium volt is from July 21 to August 9, 2023, a total of 20 days; The last volt is from August 10 to August 19, 2023, a total of 10 days.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

"After a small summer, three points of heat a day."

During the small summer solar term, just in time for the "ambush", the "three-volt day" is coming, the "hot value" in many places is bursting, the temperature is gradually rising, and the consumption of the human body is also increasing. In the summer, many people feel unwell and mentally weak.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

As soon as the summer heat passes, everyone can feel an adjective that we have used to describe summer since we were young, called "heat wave rolling".

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

The ancients said: "Birds sing bamboo is dense, rain sounds lotus leaves fragrant." "Why don't you beat the heat and sit in a courtyard." There is no long object in front of you, and there is a fresh breeze under the window. The heat dissipation is calm, and the coolness is born into the empty room. At this time, it is difficult to protect yourself. ”

At this time, it is most suitable to sit at home, or alone, or invite a few friends, drink tea and chat, "Peony Pavilion" sings: there is wind and elegance, IKEA.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

The summer is strong, and it is time to drink tea. Summer is the season when people's mood fluctuates. In the heat, emotions inevitably become moody, or angry, lonely, or anxious. At this time, it is more necessary to adjust the mood, maintain a peaceful mind, avoid anxiety and irritability, and prevent severe mood fluctuations from causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension and cerebrovascular accidents.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Brewing tea can be casual, and drinking tea has become unrestrained. Accompanied by a few songs of pleasant silk bamboo, you will enjoy a variety of exquisite and delicious refreshments to feel the slight coolness in this summer.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

On three days, drinking tea can replenish more hydration. During the Futian period, everyone sweats a lot, which can easily lead to the loss of salt and water in the body, so be sure to hydrate more. Tea contains a lot of inorganic salts, which can supplement the potassium and sodium that people lose, so drinking tea in summer quenches thirst more than drinking water! Southern kung fu tea, although small cups and small bubbles, but inadvertently let people drink a lot, is actually a good way to drink tea and replenish water!

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

At this time, drinking tea should drink some warm tea, such as old white tea, black tea, black tea, Pu'er tea.

These teas are warm and can help the body drive away cold and nourish the stomach. In addition, another key to the three-volt day health care is to "dispel dampness", because at this time not only hot but also humid, the cold and heat of the human body are often accompanied by moisture, the so-called wet cold, humid heat.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

In addition, Futian can also try ginger tea. I believe that many people have heard the saying "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer". Ginger is warm and has the effect of warming up, and eating ginger often in summer can replenish yang qi.

Moreover, ginger can also disperse cold and sweat, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough, and stomach, and stop vomiting. Drinking ginger tea on three days is also a simple and easy way to maintain health.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Therefore, in summer, both living and eating habits should be paid great attention. If there is a small negligence, it is easy to cause diseases to the body. However, drinking tea can avoid these problems very well! Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

1. Refreshing cold brew tea

With the acceleration of people's pace of life, a breakthrough in the traditional way of drinking tea - "cold brew method" began to become popular, especially in summer, more and more people use the "cold brew method" to make tea, not only convenient, but also refreshing to dispel the heat.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

A good cup of cold brew tea, without sugar, there is a natural sweet aroma, the taste is sweet. For tea leaves used for cold brewing, it is best to use new tea, so that it can drink the mellow taste. Green tea, lightly fermented oolong tea, and moonshine white are all more suitable for cold brewing.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Cold brew tea is a must-have for escaping the heat. Make tea with hot water, and when it is cold, it is really not delicious, but if you start with cold water. You may not know it yet, but in places such as South Korea and Japan, it is popular to brew tea with cold water, and in Japan, cold brew tea also has a proper name "water cloud tea".

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Compared with tea brewed in hot water, cold brew tea nutrients can be precipitated to the maximum, and the taste is not astringent at all, which is very suitable for summer drinking. Cold brew tea can not only quench thirst, remove oiliness, but also have special effects on lowering blood pressure and lowering uric acid.

Tea itself contains more than 700 kinds of nutrients, cold brew tea can avoid the destruction of tea cell structure by water temperature, and completely retain the beneficial substances in tea, this conclusion is supported by research data. According to the Beijing Morning News, Lin Zhi, director of the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, once took out a foreign cold brew tea research report.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

The report, published in the journal Food Composition and Analysis, shows that overall, the polyphenols, catechins and antioxidant activity in cold-brewed tea soup are better than teas made in hot water.

"Cold brew" is a method of extracting coffee powder/tea leaves by steeping them in cold water for a long time. Just put the tea leaves into cold boiled water or mineral water, and after a certain period of waiting, you can get a tea soup with color, aroma and taste.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

With the acceleration of people's pace of life, a breakthrough in the traditional way of drinking tea - "cold brew method" began to become popular, especially in summer, more and more people use the "cold brew method" to make tea, not only convenient, but also refreshing to dispel the heat.

A good cup of cold brew tea, without sugar, there is a natural sweet aroma, the taste is sweet. For tea leaves used for cold brewing, it is best to use new tea, so that it can drink the mellow taste. Green tea, lightly fermented oolong tea, and moonshine white are all more suitable for cold brewing. Black tea, Tie Guanyin, and Pu'er tea with a high degree of fermentation are not suitable for cold brewing, and the taste is bitter and aromaless.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

2. Prevent heat stroke and drink white tea

Hot weather is prone to heat stroke, especially for people who often go out to work and play. At this time, all you need is white tea. White tea is a kind of tea that only undergoes a slightly fermented process such as killing and drying, and is cool. Moreover, tea is rich in amino acids, which have the effect of removing heat and cooling heat, and can prevent heat stroke.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

White teas suitable for drinking in summer include old white tea, white silver needle, and white peony. Among them, old white tea is the best, the caffeine, tea polyphenols, etc. in old white tea have been fully transformed, the tea is mild, the effect of reducing heat and thirst is very good, suitable for most people to drink.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

2. Refresh the stomach and drink black tea

In the summer, people's mental energy is very poor, often drowsy and very tired. The caffeine rich in black tea can stimulate the nerve center, speed up our blood circulation, and promote metabolism, which can refresh the mind and eliminate fatigue.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

In summer, we also always like to eat some frozen food or cold drinks to "cool down". As everyone knows, this can easily hurt the fragile spleen and stomach. Black tea is hot and has the effect of warming the stomach and protecting the stomach. Therefore, summer is also very suitable for drinking black tea.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

4. Drink Pu'er tea and black tea

Light summer means that the weather starts to get hot, but it is not yet the hottest. Xiaoxiao is when the yang of the human body is the most vigorous, and it is necessary to combine work and rest to protect the yang, and the large bowl of brewing chrysanthemum pu'er has a good effect on this. Chrysanthemum is spicy, sweet, bitter, slightly cold, and with Pu'er, it can disperse wind and clear heat, and calm the liver and eyes. Drinkers should pay attention to the fact that because chrysanthemums are cool, those with deficiency and stomach are cold with caution.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

After a small summer heat, enter the three volts, the yang qi reaches the extreme, you should eat more bitter food, should clear the supplement. Pu'er tea and black tea are luscious and thick, and the vitality is continuous. At the same time, caffeine, vitamins, amino acids, etc. in Pu'er tea and black tea help digestion, regulate fat metabolism, improve gastric juice secretion, and also help increase appetite.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

In the hot summer, if the diet is not hygienic, bacteria will multiply in large numbers, and summer is the season for digestive tract diseases. Scientific studies have shown that tea has the function of antibacterial, bactericidal and improving the structure of intestinal microorganisms, and drinking tea can not only inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, but also promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and improve the immunity of the intestine.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Ripe Pu belongs to the fermented tea, ripe Pu five elements return to the soil, sweet taste, fragrant smell; Enter the spleen meridian, clear the stomach meridian, so ripe can regulate the spleen and stomach and help digestion. It is suitable for drinking in midsummer (also known as "long summer") at the junction of summer and autumn, and can strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

If it is trapped by humid heat, it will cause wet spleen and loose stool because the soil does not produce water, which is easy to cause anorexia, bloating and gastrointestinal diseases. This season, drink ripe pu, with warm heart and yang and solid spleen soil. In addition, fermented ripe Pu'er tea is also rich in probiotics, which have high nutritional value.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Pu'er ripe tea is relatively mild, warming the stomach without hurting the stomach. Glycol, smooth Pu'er tea enters the human stomach and intestines, forming a membrane attached to the surface of the stomach, which can protect the stomach from irritation. Friends who love to drink are prone to stomach cold, insist on drinking a cup of Pu'er ripe tea every day, which can play a role in nourishing and protecting the stomach.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

5. Health and healthy fruit tea

After the small summer, the hot weather is when people are easy to get sleepy and tired, with the arrival of three volt days, in addition to appropriate exercise and more rest, reasonable adjustment of diet, eat more fruits, but also drinking water fruit tea, can effectively relieve the heat and relieve fatigue.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Drinking fruit tea in summer has many benefits:

1. Fruit tea contains nutrients such as dietary fiber and pectin, which help the peristalsis of the intestine and can be used for beauty and beauty.

2, tea is rich in alkaloids and caffeine, and contains vitamin C and other nutrients, drinking tea can enhance respiratory function, can refresh the mind, promote adrenaline secretion, help relieve fatigue.

3. The rich fruit acid in fruits can inhibit people's appetite, and the desire for greasy food will be greatly reduced, so it also has the effect of weight loss.

4. Vitamin P contained in fruits can refine pores, remove keratin on the surface of the skin, make the skin fair and beautiful, and make the skin white and tender.

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Which teas are suitable for fruit tea?

The taste of tea should be blended with fruits, and it tastes layered, so not all teas are suitable as a base. Suitable teas for base are: oolong tea (many Internet celebrity stores use four-season spring tea as the base), black tea, green tea (Biluo Chun), flower tea (jasmine, rose, roselle, etc.).

Drink the right cup of tea and live a good day

Oolong tea is fragrant and elegant, black tea is sweet and rich, green tea is fresh and refreshing, flower tea is rich and fragrant, and it looks beautiful when slowly blooming in the water. The brewing method is divided into cold water and hot water. Since it is to relieve the heat, July and August prefer cold brew tea, brewing for a longer time, and the taste is also very strong.

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