
The prototype story of the movie "In the Octagon": a fighting orphan of the Embo Fight Club

author:Weihai floating clouds

The movie "In the Octagon Cage" is directed and starring Wang Baoqiang, with Qiqi and Wang Baoqiang as screenwriters. At the same time, the film also invited Chen Yongsheng , Shi Pengyuan starring, Wang Xun , Zhang Yixiao , Hu Haofan , Ma Hu , Zhou Debaiwen , Jia Yang Qiulang to participate, Xiao Yang , Liu Hua , Li Yang , Li Chen , Li Meng , Shi Yaneng , Wang Dazhi , Zhao Liang , Bao Zhenjiang , Zhang Qi , Dong Qi , Chi Peng , Li Ruotian , Wang Yongfang special friendship starred , will be released on July 06, 2023 on Chinese mainland.

The prototype story of the movie "In the Octagon": a fighting orphan of the Embo Fight Club

"In the Octagon Cage" is a movie set in real life in a poor area of Sichuan, telling the story of martial arts athlete Xiang Tenghui (played by Wang Baoqiang) leading a group of poor and strong children to highlight the siege of fate and explore a way out of life.

The prototype story of the movie "In the Octagon": a fighting orphan of the Embo Fight Club

It is reported that the film is adapted from real events, which is the sensational "fighting orphan incident" in 2017. At that time, the Embo Fighting Club adopted many orphans from Daliangshan and let them practice MMA, learn cultural classes, and perform some commercial performances in the club. It was these commercial performances that caused the Embo Fight Club and the fighting orphans to be criticized and questioned. In 2017, due to the influence of public opinion and the intervention of the police, these orphans were sent back to Daliangshan, but after returning to their hometown, neither the educational conditions nor the quality of life were as good as everything they got in the club.

It is understood that the founder of the club, Enbo, was born in Heishui County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan, he lost his father at the age of 8, and after experiencing the helpless life of rural poverty, Enbo began to practice sanda at the age of 18 and later became an armed police fighter. In 1980, in the military competition held by the Aba Prefecture Detachment of the Armed Police, he won the double championship of "horizontal and double bars, grappling fighting". In an interview with the media, Empo said that during his service, he had worked as a military instructor at the grassroots level. There, he would often see children wandering the mountains and on the streets. "It's when it's time to go to school, why don't they go to school?" Embo inquired and found that almost none of these children were taken care of by their families, some were orphans, and some were too poor to manage at home. "If they don't guide them well, they will really go down the road of breaking the law." During his time as a SWAT officer, Embo has also seen many cases of children in their teens stealing and fighting. Since then, Mr. Empo said, he had ideas on how to help the children.

On November 22, 2017, with the support of the government, the Embo Club obtained a sports school qualification, and those children who had been "repatriated" were given the opportunity to return to the club to train and study, and after graduation, they could obtain state-recognized academic qualifications, giving them the opportunity to go out of the mountain village. Since then, the end of their lives is no longer farming, herding cattle, giving birth, raising children, staying in the mountains, as long as they work hard enough, they may enter the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) to change their destiny.

It can be seen that the movie "In the Octagon Cage" is a film full of social practical significance and humanistic care, which brings us moviegoers a lot of thoughts and inspirations. Through this film, we can have a deeper understanding of the living conditions of people in poor areas, and at the same time, we can cherish the happiness and good life we have.

The prototype story of the movie "In the Octagon": a fighting orphan of the Embo Fight Club


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