
Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

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Remember the villains who were all the rage in those years?

The actor's unique interpretation of the role, coupled with the blessing of the scale-breaking character, sometimes the villain, even if it is a supporting role, often becomes the most memorable highlight of the entire show.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

For example, the big drug lord Guo Xiaopeng in "Black Ice", the plot bugs were covered up by Wang Zhiwen's absolutely wonderful performance, and the monologue of more than ten minutes at the end was directly sealed. Nie Mingyu in "Black Hole", Chen Daoming refreshed the performance method of the domestic drama black boss. There is also "China Criminal Investigation No. 1 Case" Bai Baoshan, which is simply a childhood shadow.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

They could even be called "one character saves the whole show".

Looking at Gao Qiqiang's phenomenal explosion today, the success of "Crazy" has fully demonstrated the importance of the shaping of villains to a work, especially anti-black criminal investigation, if there is still the setting of positive and negative "love and kill", the audience simply loves miserable.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

At present, another criminal investigation drama has become popular -

Peach enlarged the move, and "The Disappearing Eleven Floors" directly won the championship of the soaring list on the first day of release. The clear villain who plays the pig and eats the tiger and the brother of the deputy director who grew up together are familiar with the formula and are more vigorous.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

Click on the comment area and praise.

"It's a little interesting", "I didn't treat the audience as a fool", "Female characters are also shaped in place", "Digging evidence layer by layer like a large-scale script killing" and so on.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

It is indeed a rare sweeping drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy", but how good it is can make the audience so obsessed-

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

"The Disappearing Eleventh Floor" brings together the fusion of comedy suspense elements in the first half of "Who Is He", as well as the eye-catching characteristics of the villain of "Crazy", the relationship between the characters is clear but full of explosive points, the scale of unsolved cases is increased, and it is repeatedly bouncing on the audience's cool points, and at the same time will be poked by sudden laughs.

1. Pros and cons "one milk compatriot"

Criminal investigation drama, the most interesting thing is -

The pros and cons are brothers against each other.

How big the contrast between the two before and after depends on how good their relationship was before. And the words "Disappearing Eleven Floors" are enough to make the audience's eyes shine.

A compatriot with different surnames, the deputy chief of the police station and the boss of the group.

Yes, you heard it right. The brothers are too fake and routine, Qu Jianghe (played by Pan Yueming) and Meng Chuansheng (played by Guo Jinglin) have grown up together since childhood, one has become the boss of the group, and the other is the deputy chief of the police department.

From the title, it looks very ambiguous, plus Qu Jianghe was raised by Meng Chuan's mother, the two are not biological but like biological children.

If you tear your face later, the excitement will be directly doubled, which is simply "crazy racing".

2. Interlocking and multi-line parallelism

At the beginning, I don't say anything about directly letting go of the work.

A sound of "have a skull, kill someone" cuts through the silent night, and the city of Jinchuan is not destined to be calm.

After six years of unsolved cases, all traces have been washed clean by the lake, and the difficulty of investigating the case can be imagined. There is enough for the criminal police team to drink a pot here, and over there comes a twin who alarms the murderers in the province to join the police force.

It's only been six episodes, I thought that these two were enough to be burned, and the big guy Meng Chuansheng actually operated in the dark, full of interests to put on small shoes for his good brother.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

In terms of suspense, "The Eleven Floors of Disappearance" is not said. At the same time, what is more interesting to the audience is the officialdom atmosphere of "one level presses one level" in the plot.

Murders are frequent, and another murderer has replaced the police, and public opinion is simply giving eye medicine to the province. In the words of the deputy governor himself -

Now they are all engaged in development, you are giving me an earthquake in Jinchuan?

People don't care about solving the case at all, the most important thing is to cause public opinion after the decline in word of mouth, which has a great impact on the development of all aspects, isn't this waiting to be criticized.

When the city secretary received the phone call and heard the three words "engage in earthquakes", his heart instantly felt cold. Quickly set up a flag for the leader, not to say whether it can be done, first show your determination and attitude.

Put down the phone, change your face in a second, and involuntarily breathe a sigh of relief.

There is something that he is the first to be trained, and there is no place to spread his anger, but fortunately, this time a few words have been dealt with, and the secretary will next -

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

Train people.

You can't just scold yourself, you have to spill this breath. As a result, police officers who are ineffective in handling cases must come and be trained in person.

Sitting and scolding is not too enjoyable, you must slap the table and stand up, a criminal is mixed in the police team, such a funny and outrageous thing can be illuminated into reality, isn't this looking for scolding.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

On the other side, the project to dig up the skull at the site was stopped, the salary was not paid, and the workers began to make trouble again.

Who was trained again?

The big guy Meng Chuan is born, but the big guy is the big guy. The deputy mayor was angry, but the people were indifferent and even began to pretend to be pitiful.

The attitude is pertinent, the vice mayor does not "dare" to say too seriously, Meng Chuansheng is even more cheerful, a good boss with a big heart, and it is easy to resolve in three words.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"
Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

The picture breaks through the scale, the character relationship is novel, the group portrait is full, and there are laughs added, this drama was taken out by Peach as the highlight of the summer file is not unreasonable, not only the plot is wonderful, the interpretation of the actors in place makes people instantly enter the play——

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

Two words: wonderful.

Four words: really wonderful.

There is no traffic star, all the strength, the old drama bone can make people creepy with a single look, even the supporting roles are online throughout the process, such a drama is difficult not to be popular.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

1. Pan Yueming and Guo Jinglin are too dramatic

These two seemingly incompatible actors really sparked a different spark, and the most important thing is that the ability of the two people to shape characters is really amazing.

Guo Jinglin, with the role of Yuan Longping in the film "Yuan Longping", defeated Zhang Hanyu and Wu Gang to win the Huabiao actor. I never expected that the always decent image could grasp the two faces of the sanctimonious boss so vividly.

He is serious and thinks about his brother in everything

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

Big brother, even if he is forced to stop work, he promises that the workers' wages will be paid and the treatment will be the same, and the words are sincere and the pattern is very large.

Indeed, Meng Chuansheng is really like his own brother to Qu Jianghe, but when the two have a conflict of interest and he can't protect himself, will he still care about this younger brother?

Digging up the skull and forced to stop work, he knocked on the side to ask the deputy mayor to put pressure on the police station, and at the same time pretended to tell the other party not to put too much pressure on him soon after Qu Jianghe took office.

Hearing the other party say that he was too good for his brother, he seemed to laugh, and the instant change in his eyes made people break out in a cold sweat, I see, this person is definitely not that simple.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"
Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

After the construction site was troubled and pacified, his subordinates clearly let Qujianghe "accommodating", Meng Chuansheng glanced over, and he could see that this sentence directly poked at his pain point. After the person left, he jokingly said that the other party did not have a door on his mouth, and the smile on his face had not yet faded to show killing intent, and finally the vicious expression showed the two sides of this character vividly.

Suspicious, vicious, and careless about human life, even if it is Qu Jianghe, he may not believe it all. When Qu Jianghe was in the whirlpool of public opinion and kept complaining to his eldest brother about his work, Qu Jianghe was defensive at this time, and he was observing his younger brother's expression all the time.

When he heard Qu Jianghe say that he didn't want to wear this uniform, Meng Chuansheng's vigilance was sharpened to the extreme, and just such a shot, you can feel the cold air across the screen.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"
Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

As for Pan Yueming, two words to describe -


He can always blend the suspenseful tension with the embarrassing laughter of middle age just right, no matter what the scene performance is very relaxed, so that the audience has a more sense of substitution. Moreover, with the same theme, Qu Jianghe and Guan Hongfeng are completely different.

2. The four national first-class actors are really amazing

The first one, Hu Yajie.

At the age of 60, he has been in the circle for 37 years, and his debut film "Plainclothes Police" in 1987 was well received as soon as it came out, and the main drama followed one after another. In "The Disappearing Eleventh Floor", he played Secretary Yuan, with sonorous lines and a very good performance.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

The second place, Wang Liyun.

"National mother-in-law" Wang Liyun, a typical popular person is not popular, shuttling in various big dramas, "In the Name of the People", "Tour Inspection Group" and other works have a reputation, this time Wang Liyun plays the mother of the big man Meng Chuansheng, who treats Qujianghe as his own.

Later, Qu Jianghe "mutinied", and the mother and son definitely have a wonderful drama to be staged.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

The third place, Zhang Hongjie.

After creating the image of many village cadres, Zhang Hongjie began to experiment with different characters. In "The Disappearing Eleventh Floor", he is the father of the second male and Wang Liyun is a husband and wife, they are the living treasures of the entire drama, with a face.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

The fourth place, Li Hongtao.

The "standard" of high-quality dramas, "Ideal City", "Breakout", "Love Only", "Ordinary Road" and so on, almost every word-of-mouth star drama has Li Hongtao's figure.

In the play, he plays the governor, there are not many shots in the first few episodes, but as soon as he appears, he rushes straight to the screen, and there may be many scenes later.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

3. The supporting roles are too brilliant

"The Disappearing Eleventh Floor" is really quite a bit of "Crazy" in terms of casting, and all the members are outstanding, and even the supporting roles are very exciting.

The first one, "Uncle Tiger" Sun Yan.

This kid really doesn't look like a good person, in the new drama, he is completely uncute, the shrewdness of profiteers and the viciousness of loyal dogs are just right, and even without lines, people are scared.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"
Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

The second place, Zhang Chao.

The "Six Groups of Serious Cases" series made Zhang Chao a household name, in "The Disappearing Eleventh Floor" he played the former director, related to the accident of Meng Chuansheng Group's "mining disaster", this character does not have many shots in front, but every frame tells the audience that this former director is not so simple.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"
Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

The third place, Wang Zheng.

Guo Qiyun in "The Pretender", and Shaun the young in "Qing Yu Nian". Wang Zheng's performance in the new play really shocked me, one person played two roles, and he played Qiu Jianjian's arrogant and domineering characteristics to the extreme, especially in the bridge with Pan Yueming in prison, which directly pulled the audience into the play, not scary and not stopping.

Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"
Broadcast 6 episodes, soaring the first place, audience: This is a rare anti-black drama that cannot be picked out after "Crazy"

The fourth, two unknown little policemen.

How wonderful this play is, even the unimportant little policeman is full of drama. In order to catch Qiu Jianjian, they pretended to be mourners, crying hoarsely in order not to be suspected.

Full of comedy, so that the entire drama directly doubles the emotional drive of the audience, one second is still immersed in the unsolved case, the next second can't help it.

Sure enough, criminal investigation is always the bearer of the domestic drama market. Good actors gather together, the plot is fascinating, and "The Disappearing Eleven Floors" really has no reason not to be popular.


This drama brings together almost all the points of criminal investigation dramas, good brothers turn against each other, business bigwigs and politicians join forces, laughter is bursting and there are even many hand-to-hand action scenes, and the camera language is a must. Although the publicity is average, "The Disappearing Eleven" relies on real materials to win.

In this summer full of idol dramas, what could be more sensual than a criminal detective case?

In the trailer, Qu Jianghe was framed and told Meng Chuansheng that he would not do this job, but Meng Chuansheng did not seem to believe everything, whether it was to join forces after mutual testing or to shoot and scatter after a scene, the real good goods are still to come.


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