
Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

I didn't have such high expectations, because I saw in advance that someone commented that the narrative of this movie was long and dull.

I didn't expect it to be so good, and I burst into tears when I saw the end.

And there is an indescribable complex emotion stirring in the heart, as if there is a rush of blood rushing in the body, but it is not just hot blood.

Coming out of the cinema, I ran along that running track all the way to the beach, the sea and sky were vast, the waves were hitting the reef, I ran until my abdomen ached, the sunset dispersed, and the sky darkened.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

"30,000 Li of Chang'an" is a majestic and magnificent historical picture, a ups and downs of the life of a poet and literati of the Tang Dynasty.

The opening scene is a goshawk soaring in the sky, the eagle's eyes disappear, and the transition to Gao Shi's eyes, yes, the film unfolds from Gao Shi's perspective.

Once when he was a freshly dressed angry horse boy, Gao Shi and Li Bai met, did not fight or knew each other, one with arrogant sword intent, one with sharp marksmanship, and was introduced as a confidant. It was the beginning of their lifelong friendship.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

The film looks at Li Bai from Gao Shi's eyes, but I want to say that Gao Shi is the first protagonist of this film.

Gao Shimune was silent, Li Bai was really heroic, and these two happened to constitute a control group.

Gao Shi said to Li Bai, you are an immortal, you want to return to heaven, I am a person in the world, and I am destined to work hard in this world.

Li Bai is a genius with great talent, and his character and poetry are soaring and detached.

And Gao Shi is a person of average talent, he stutters when he is young, has severe dyslexia, and whenever he sees words, it is like seeing those ink turns into tadpoles and swims away - this is a vivid and vivid concrete expression given in the animation.

Gao Shi was unable to read alone for a long time, and he had to ask the village children to read it to him in order to understand the words.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

Gao Shi looked at Li Bai, watched him step on a horse and whip, summoned fairy cranes, fluttered in style, dashing and unruly, watched him on the surface of Yangzhou Lake, scattered a thousand gold for Wuji, watched him in Chang'an City, drunkenly and furiously poetic with a group of popular figures, and watched him drunkenly chant a song on the bank of the Yellow River that the water of the Yellow River did not come up in the sky.

In those famous scenes, Gao Shi is also said to be a person in the bureau, but he is more of a bystander, he often rushes to a certain place, to see Li Bai, and then quickly leaves, returning to his own journey track.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

Gao Shi lived in poverty for the first half of his life, relying on a few acres of thin fields to survive, practicing Gao family's marksmanship hard all his life, and reading poetry diligently.

That year, he came to Beijing at Li Bai's urging, but the result was not satisfactory, and Gao Yi decided to return to his hometown, and before leaving, he asked Du Fu to accompany him to worship his ancestors.

His grandfather Gao Wei was a famous general of the first generation, who was named the Right Xiaowei Lang General at the age of 20, who had captured the Turkic leader among the 10,000 armies, and was promoted to the general of the left prison guard and the Anton Duhu, died at the age of 42 and was buried in Qianling.

Gao Shi talked about his grandfather's achievements, and then sighed: "I am 43 years old this year. ”

The sadness of having the ambition to make a contribution, time flies, and still faltering is born.

Gao Shi then returned to Shangqiu Liang Garden and continued his days of hard study.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

Gao Shi later went to his ten-year covenant and went to Liangzhou Hexi Jiedu to make the Geshuhan shogunate secretary and do paperwork.

When he assisted Geshuhan in defending Tongguan, An Lushan rebelled, and the rebels captured Tongguan and forced Geshuhan to surrender.

Geshuhan swore not to surrender, rode with Gao Shi to carry a spear, and rushed into a melee. Gao Shi said that he has practiced the Gao family's marksmanship hard all his life and has no chance to kill the enemy in battle, but today he is used to deal with a group of young people.

Fortunately, Gao Shi finally waited for his era, and at the age of 53, Gao Shi was promoted from a minor official of the eighth rank to an envoy of Huainan Jiedu, and was ordered to fight against Li Xuan, the king of Yong.

At the age of 60, Gao Shiqian was appointed as an envoy of Jiannan Jiedu, fighting against Tubo and defending the frontier.

Gao Shi finally became a warrior of his dreams, fought on the battlefield, and realized his ambition of making a contribution.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

And a popular figure like Li Bai, who is as immortal as he is, he is talented, famous in poetry, and also eager to make meritorious achievements,

And the closest moment in his life to his ideal was when he was involved in the Rebellion of the Yongwang, and as a result, he was exiled to Yelang.

There is a pop song that says, if I can do it again, I will choose Li Bai.

A genius like Li Bai has always been a chosen person, not someone who wants to be one.

Even Gao Shi, Li Bai's best friend, every time he traveled thousands of miles to see him, he could feel the gap between heaven and earth.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

The valuable thing about Gao Shi is that he has never lost himself because of this, and it stands to reason that Li Bai and him have completely different personalities and live a completely different life.

But Gao Shi has never envied Li Bai's indulgent poetic life, he has a very clear understanding of himself, and he is firm in his ambition and path.

Therefore, every time he went to the appointment, he found that the situation was not what he wanted, and he never stayed for a moment, turned around and set off and returned to his farming life.

Such an attitude to life as Gao Shi is what we ordinary people can learn to emulate.

He was woody by nature, stuttered, and held a bad card in life like dyslexia.

For the first half of his life, he was unknown and embarrassed, but he always practiced marksmanship and poetry, and from a martial artist who was difficult to read, he abruptly cultivated himself into a talent with both literature and martial arts.

Finally, after the year of his destiny, he ushered in the place of heroes and became one of the most outstanding poets of the Tang Dynasty.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

The narrative of the film is actually very good, grand and atmospheric, with both smooth flow in one go, and the effect of beaded curtain stringing jade, and full of ingenuity.

The 168-minute film, covering a time span of 60 years, presents a magnificent and majestic picture of the Tang Dynasty.

How to properly and smoothly unfold the historical changes and the fate of characters in the past 60 years of prosperity and decline in less than 3 hours?

The director uses a combination of flashbacks, interpolations and positive narratives to trigger the memories of the characters through a dialogue.

The opening time node is 764 AD, 61-year-old Gao Shi was appointed as the envoy of Jiannan Jiedu, stationed on the frontier to fight with Tubo.

Gao Shi withdrew his army from Yunshan City, and Cheng Gonggong came to oversee the battle and started a questioning conversation with Gao Shi.

Cheng Gonggong's focus is what is the relationship between Gao Shi and Li Bai, from which Gao Shi begins a long memory.

With Gao Shi's memories, the magnificent picture of Sheng Tang slowly unfolded, and a group of literati and heroes appeared in turn.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, He Zhizhang, Wu Daozi, Zhang Xu, Meng Haoran, Guo Ziyi, Ge Shuhan, Cen Shen, Cui Zongzhi...

It can be called the all-star cast of the Tang Dynasty.

From the young talents who were in full swing and ready to show their ambitions at the height of the Tang Dynasty, to the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, the wars were raging and devastated, the poets had entered their twilight years, most of them were unpaid, some were exiled, some were killed with rods, some were displaced, and they were adrift.

Li Bai, who was in prison, pushed open the window under Gao Shi's signal, and saw that this was already a devastated world, and the Yellow Crane Tower was swept by the flames of war, and it had become a ruined well, and the grandeur of the past was no longer the same.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

Gao Shi progresses from distant memories to the current timeline. The emperor ordered him to send troops to pacify the Tubo people, but he retreated without permission and surrendered Yunshan City.

Cheng Gonggong came to question the superintendent, and Gao Shi took a sword and wiped it on his neck, and wrapped his neck with blood-stained gauze as an excuse.

Just when Gao Shi told Cheng Gonggong about the origin of this long river of history, in the real timeline, it was Tubo Fa who sent 50,000 troops to attack the city, approaching step by step, and it was imminent.

Gao Shi calmly and patiently explained the decades of friendship and involvement between him and Li Bai.

Then he tore off the blood-stained gauze disguised around his neck, and led the army to take a shortcut and quickly reach Yunshan City.

On the one hand, Gao Shi led the commander to drive straight into and take Yunshan City, cutting off Tubo's back road and base camp,

On one side, the Tubo soldiers marching to the gorge were attacked by ambush soldiers and suffered heavy casualties.

On the one hand, Yan Wu led 20,000 elite soldiers to arrive, and reinforcements had arrived, defeating Tubo and solving Chang'an's urgent.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

Gao Shi, who has always been honest and steady, did a beautiful trick in this war.

He recalled that when he was young, he competed with Li Bai in martial arts, and Li Bai taught him how to let the enemy into the trap, and he had to make a long foreshadowing in advance, do enough details, and do it realistically, to the extent that even he believed it to be true.

The past, today's wars, the young talk about soldiers, the old people using soldiers to fight, and the lifelong friendship between Li Bai and Gao Shi are connected and open up in this time and space.

Here the film completes a perfect and elaborate narrative closed loop.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

"A month in Chang'an, the sound of thousands of households pounding clothes."

"Chang'an 30,000 Li", the real protagonist is actually Chang'an, which is poetry.

Just like Gao Shi in the twilight years said, as long as those poems of the Yellow Crane Tower are there, the Yellow Crane Tower is there.

The poem is there, Chang'an is there.

These poems, beautifully produced by chasing light animation, are presented on the big screen, and the unrestrained imagination and the magnificence of the picture bring us into the realistic and vivid life scenes of the Tang Dynasty, and at the same time stir up our hearts and involve us in the poetic and talented poems of Li Bai and other Tang poets.

Douban 8 points! After watching the tears in his eyes, Chang'an 30,000 li, a feast that people who love poetry cannot refuse

When Li Bai recited "Will Enter Wine", the dreamlike picture of riding a fairy crane for nine days and thousands of miles is a reflection of the Tang Dynasty culture, the rush of majestic imagination, and the ultimate romance in the poetry world.

The magnificence of this section is dazzling.

When the verses that can be recited through the ages are recited one sentence after another on the long scroll of history and culture, the cultural genes in Chinese bones are resonating and deeply shocked.

Everyone who loves poetry will love this animation, which is a feast that poetry lovers cannot refuse.

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