
Thunderstorms and winds above category 8! Strong convection!

author:Hai'an lives in the same town

#Nantong Toutiao#

Strong convection blue warning

Haian Meteorological Observatory

A yellow warning for thunderstorms and high winds was issued

Expected within the next 6 hours

Towns and coastal sea areas of our city

There will be lightning activity

Thunderstorms and winds above category 8! Strong convection!
Thunderstorms and winds above category 8! Strong convection!

  The Nantong Meteorological Observatory issued a strong convection blue warning at 08:46 today. It is expected that in the next 6 hours, thunderstorms and winds of more than 8 degrees will occur in all counties (cities, districts), parks and coastal sea areas of our city, accompanied by strong convective weather such as lightning and short-term heavy precipitation. The Municipal Emergency Response Bureau (Municipal Disaster Reduction Office) and the Municipal Meteorological Bureau remind attention to prevention.

Thunderstorms and winds above category 8! Strong convection!

Specific weather in Nantong:

Today day to night

Cloudy to overcast with scattered showers or thunderstorms

Short-term gusts of magnitude 7-9 during thunderstorms

Maximum temperature: 33-34°C

Tomorrow morning minimum temperature: around 27°C

Cloudy on July 11

Maximum temperature: 35-36°C

The lowest temperature on the 12th: around 28°C

July 12 cloudy

Maximum temperature: 35-36°C

The lowest temperature on the 13th: around 28°C

Thunderstorms and winds above category 8! Strong convection!

Source, Nantong Meteorology, Haian Meteorology.