
Roar! Gou wants to use the 716 stage to express his anger, can he get the sincere support of voters?


Text | Zhang Youhua

Gou Taiming roared on July 7, hoping that voters would stand up, "716" on Kaido, why? He said that even criminals who killed police officers could run from prison to the outside service room, and the outside was in military service. That is to say, prisoners who kill police officers can run from inside the prison to the outside service.

Roar! Gou wants to use the 716 stage to express his anger, can he get the sincere support of voters?

In other words, how did they review this? Gou looked very angry. Of course, Gou now needs the stage of "716". The so-called stage was a big parade led by Huang Guochang and them, inviting Gou, Hou Youyi, Lai Qingde, and Ke Wenzhe, who were engaged in the "716" parade in the name of justice.

Roar! Gou wants to use the 716 stage to express his anger, can he get the sincere support of voters?

That Gou's anger was just right, a prisoner who killed the police, because he was doing well in prison, let him go out for a day. From this place, it can be seen that Gou Taiming is taking advantage of the situation and gaining power. He is taking advantage of the situation, evoking the Tsai Ing-wen era, the treatment of police officers killed in the line of duty, as well as all security issues, etc., they all measured it, so Gou Taiming will say that everyone stands up.

In fact, Gou needs the stage now. Because Gou Taiming went to Nantou to drink tea, to Pingtung to see groupers, to Tainan to see fruits and so on. Gou has always believed that if he walked like this, his polls would already be as high as 17%. If there is more of a strong campaign, his polls should come up.

Roar! Gou wants to use the 716 stage to express his anger, can he get the sincere support of voters?

But it can be said very accurately that his poll still can't come up, probably Gou's poll is 17, just 15 and 17 with Hou Youyi, adding up to 32. Three percent 2 is the basic plate of the Kuomintang, then the DPP is about three into 8, three into 2 plus three into 8, a total of seven percent, no wonder Ke Wenzhe here will have three percent.

The gap between Ke Wenzhe's poll and Lai Qingde is not too big now, with a difference of 0.1. In other words, it was Ke Wenzhe who acquired the Kuomintang, not the Kuomintang unconditionally absorbing the People's Party. Today Ke Wenzhe will participate, but he doesn't need this stage, but Gou needs it, why does Gou need it?

Roar! Gou wants to use the 716 stage to express his anger, can he get the sincere support of voters?

Now Gou Taiming is worthy of being an entrepreneur, he always sees the problem is very, with the concept of cost control over there, why? He hopes to get the maximum benefit with the smallest money. So he is not like in 2019, his busy situation in 2019, you can see that he is eager to try.

But now to 2024, that is, 2023, he is a dragonfly water, can spend as little as possible he will spend less, he mainly spends all the "gold bullets", "silver bullets" and "banknote capabilities", all spent on future co-signing. So it can be calculated, it can be seen that Gou Taiming is already thinking about how to run for election.

The result of his calculation is that he hopes that everyone will have more social momentum movements, or social movements. These social movements he can fully nourish from them. In this case, he will say voters, you can stand up angrily and join me in the streets, Gou Taiming he found the knack for social movements.

Roar! Gou wants to use the 716 stage to express his anger, can he get the sincere support of voters?

But then again, Gou has rarely participated in such similar movements and social movements in the past, like non-party movements and social movements, and you can't use this momentum to create your momentum. But I can say that no matter what Gou Taiming does today, whether he wants to create momentum or not, this occasion is definitely not Gou's home turf.

Why do I say that? This is just Gou to express his anger, but how many votes you can get from anger remains to be seen.

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