
Are diabetics often uncomfortable? A magic recipe in traditional Chinese medicine, the liver, spleen and kidney are in the same tune, replenishing the whole body qi and blood, I don't know if sugar friends have such a feeling, obviously often feel uncomfortable and have a heart

author:Director Li of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Are diabetics often uncomfortable? A magic recipe in traditional Chinese medicine, the liver, spleen and kidney are in harmony to replenish the whole body's qi and blood

I don't know if sugar friends have such a feeling, obviously often feel uncomfortable, there are palpitations, frequent and urgent urination, waist and knee soreness, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, bloating and abdominal pain, frequent diarrhea, loose stools, etc., but as soon as I went to the hospital for examination, the doctor said that there was nothing wrong except for high blood sugar, and it was enough to strengthen blood sugar control.

In fact, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the above conditions are caused by the continuous loss of qi and blood, if sugar friends have been ill for a long time, the body's qi and blood have been in a state of deficiency, the body can not get the nourishment of qi and blood, it is easy to lead to a variety of symptoms in the body, over time, it is easy to accelerate the arrival of complications.

So how to solve it? In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, "the kidney is the innate foundation, the spleen is the acquired foundation", kidney qi promotes the operation of the five internal organs, the spleen and stomach biochemical qi and blood, and the liver and kidney are the same source, the liver is the main drainage, the main blood is hidden, so if you want to solve the problem of deficiency of qi and blood, you have to have the liver, spleen and kidney three organs in the same tune, so that you can make up the qi and blood.

Today I will introduce you to a recipe, this recipe is called Xianfang Three Tonic Pills, composed of poria, psoralen, myrrh, only 3 flavor medicines, the main role is to replenish the spleen, nourish the kidney and nourish the liver.

Fangzhong psoralen replenishes the spleen, tonifies the kidney and helps the yang, poria oozes moisture and strengthens the spleen, water and swelling, myrrh disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling and strengthens tendons, and relieves blood and pain. 3 flavor medicine combination, can improve diabetic patients such as waist and knee soreness, frequent and urgent urination, insomnia, dreams, diarrhea and loose stools, loss of appetite, sperm loss and premature ejaculation.

However, although this prescription is good, it is not suitable for everyone, it is best to use it under the differentiation of professional Chinese medicine practitioners, do not self-medicate. #TCM##Diabetes##医者仁心#

Are diabetics often uncomfortable? A magic recipe in traditional Chinese medicine, the liver, spleen and kidney are in the same tune, replenishing the whole body qi and blood, I don't know if sugar friends have such a feeling, obviously often feel uncomfortable and have a heart
Are diabetics often uncomfortable? A magic recipe in traditional Chinese medicine, the liver, spleen and kidney are in the same tune, replenishing the whole body qi and blood, I don't know if sugar friends have such a feeling, obviously often feel uncomfortable and have a heart
Are diabetics often uncomfortable? A magic recipe in traditional Chinese medicine, the liver, spleen and kidney are in the same tune, replenishing the whole body qi and blood, I don't know if sugar friends have such a feeling, obviously often feel uncomfortable and have a heart