
Like someone, don't confess too quickly

author:Southern girl Tan Meng

When liking someone, confession is always an important thing.

Always say it, the other party will be clear, and the relationship can really be determined.

Every love should have a confession, which can be very formal, carefully prepared, very ceremonial, or on a certain day, when the atmosphere is in place, directly say that sentence, everything is simple.

Confession is key, but confession also needs to pay attention to timing.

If you like it, it is not recommended to drag it all the time and never make it clear.

But it's also best not to confess too quickly, just met, don't understand, just rush forward.

Confessing too quickly seems to occupy the timing, but in fact it is not a good thing.

Like someone, don't confess too quickly

I don't understand it, and it's easy to get problems.

I met a boy who fell in love with a girl at first sight and immediately identified the other party.

So, within two days of getting along, he told the girl his thoughts, and the girl felt very good about him, and did not want to miss this opportunity easily, so he said to come and see for a while.

The girl agreed, he was very happy, only when they came into contact with each other, he found that although the girl's appearance was very attractive to him and made him feel very satisfied, the personalities of the two people were indeed different, and he really couldn't stand each other.

Not long after, after a little experience, his heart began to retreat, not only did he not like it, but he also felt that the other party was not the type he wanted, it was that he was a little sloppy, and he wanted to break off contact with the girl.

It was he who provoked the relationship, and it wasn't long before it was he who wanted to flee directly.

Emotional things, we may indeed have a good feeling because of a person's appearance, but this good feeling is often very weak, whether you can always like it, whether it will be very firm, after all, you still need to look at more aspects.

Understand each other's personality, look at each other's three views, and feel what it's like to get along with each other.

Only when you have a minimum understanding, this like can be counted, and it is possible to continue forever, otherwise, start too quickly, say like it in confusion, it may really change soon, and then you will even not know how to end.

Like someone, don't confess too quickly

It will scare the other party and lower the impression score.

Not all likes, both people happen the same frequency.

There are times when you fall in love with someone, but they don't notice you at all, they don't feel different about you, and they don't think about having something with you.

In this case, you can't suppress your liking, and quickly rush to the other party to confess, the other party will not feel moved, will not feel your like, but will only feel that you are a little impetuous and unreliable.

It's not that you like each other, the other party will definitely like you, it's not that you are full of enthusiasm, the other party will definitely perceive, and then choose to accept it gladly, so that you can get your wish and start a relationship directly.

Being too reckless can sometimes really not achieve the goal, but will only bring you further away from the goal.

After something happens, once the other party labels you as not very reliable, and you want to behave well and make the other person think of you, it will often be more difficult. After all, people are always easily influenced by the first impressions.

As a result, you need to do a lot of things that can be simpler, so that the other party can have a good understanding of you, so that the other party can see you and be willing to give you a chance.

After all, between the opposite sex, it is a very good thing to be liked, but the likes that you don't feel, the likes that suddenly appear, will still make people feel a little strange.

Like someone, don't confess too quickly

Feelings are not in place, and it is likely to be rejected.

To confess to a person, it must be to let the other person make a decision.

There will be moments when you have not known someone for a long time, and a person feels okay with you, but it is not very good, and you can't like it at all.

Because you still don't know what kind of person you are, whether you are compatible or not, because you are more cautious in terms of feelings, and you will not be with anyone, and it is relatively slow to heat.

A very cautious person, you quickly say you like it, let the other party give you an answer, even if the other party is interested, but will not agree at all, will only follow their own heart, respect their own rhythm.

Anyway, it's better to miss it than to let yourself easily enter a relationship when you feel ungrounded.

Then, between you, you may think, it's okay, you can continue to chase, and then in fact, after being rejected, you may not be able to lift up, and the other party may not be able to face you calmly.

The situation can really become awkward, and what could have been possible can easily become impossible.

Just because of one of your own actions, and then miss someone, and the other party has no chance again, no matter how you think about it, you will still be a little unwilling and regret your behavior after all.

Like someone, don't confess too quickly

Like, should be brave.

Like, it should be a little slower.

When you have a mind for a person, instead of ignoring it, just say that you like each other, give yourself a little time, give each other a little time, let each other get to know each other well, that is better.

When you see clearly, you really like it, and when the other party has a certain understanding of themselves and feels their own likes, they also have the same thoughts about themselves.

Love, you really don't have to be in such a hurry, nor can you be so anxious.

Too fast food love, after all, it is difficult to make people feel at ease, and it is difficult to have a good ending.

For a lifetime, you might as well be more patient and make everything more natural.

Text/Tan Meng
