
Venus, this time, completely planted?

author:Travel anecdotes


The entertainment industry in recent times is really lively, and Venus, who has not been seen for a long time, suddenly rushed to the hot search list.

The reason is that Jin Xing published his "insight" on the Internet on the phenomenon of celebrities covering their chests.

She said:

"Whether it is for the brand platform or to shape the "personality" for yourself, since you choose to wear a deep V, you will generously show the confidence of the big V! Besides: really powerful actors never need to rely on exaggerated costumes to earn eyeballs! ”
Venus, this time, completely planted?

The picture of countless female celebrities wearing dresses and covering their chests walking the red carpet to receive awards crossed their minds.

This indiscriminate attack quickly caused the majority of netizens to take sides.

Advocates believe that they are exposed and covering, their thoughts are divided, and their behavior is contrived;

Venus, this time, completely planted?

The opposition believes that wearing a dress is for beauty, and covering your chest is to protect yourself from going away, and the two are not contradictory;

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Many people shouted "chest cover freedom", and also launched a topic of the same name on a platform, refusing to judge the actress's behavior.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Netizens full of resentment even picked up the same chest picture of Venus, reprimanded it for its double standard, and treated himself with leniency.

Venus, the lord of reason, directly scolded, "Are you blind?" Or silly? This is the actor's hand to express his heartfelt gratitude to the audience for their support and love when they call the curtain on stage! ”

Venus, this time, completely planted?

For a while, Venus became the target of everyone, and this was not the first time she had fallen behind in thinking about what to say.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Regardless of Venus's "actress chest covering theory", the various controversies caused by her are right and wrong, and her "stunning" recklessness alone is a rare part of domestic entertainment.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

"Brave" is the biggest personality trait on Venus, no matter what identity the other party is, fan geometry, as long as they are not used to it, they will be exported, and the main "they are cool".

At an awards ceremony, there were many star-studded stars who were sought after by fans, but unfortunately their fame and reputation were worthless in the eyes of Venus, only to be beaten hard.

As the host of the night, Jin Xing complained:

"It's really hard for you to serve, I was five hours this afternoon, I received five versions of the hosting process, this one doesn't come, that can't give me an award, I can't sit with him, it's really pretentious."
Venus, this time, completely planted?

After saying that, it was called a righteous indignation, and after the words, the directors and producers in the audience applauded.

The true temperament of Sister Jin instantly became a capital boss, a porter who dared to be angry and did not dare to speak of her true emotions.

For those behaviors of leaving after winning awards at the award ceremony, Jin Xingrui commented: Dogs do not know how to lift on a sedan chair.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

In response to the phenomenon of high salaries and poor acting skills of stars, Jin Xing is even more angry:

"Some small fresh meat bar, the drama has not been filmed a few, the salary has reached millions, or even tens of millions, but what we see on TV is a bad film with zero acting skills."
Venus, this time, completely planted?

Don't think that Venus is a general attack on people, and people are not afraid of naming names.

Zhang Da, as a gas bag in the entertainment industry, a back-pot man with black public opinion, is not treated by netizens because of his miserable behavior in previous dramas.

Venus intimately turned into the internal entertainment mouth of the majority of netizens, and opened up wildly.

"I dare to go on any show, earn any money, and even participated in the original police dog growth program, I thought to myself that anyone can be a police dog now, do you think you can be a police dog if you bite and bark"
Venus, this time, completely planted?

What is the difference between the sharpness of this language and directly throwing people's mouths?

The key is that this slap is not bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, choosing people and fanning, regardless of the old and young coffee positions, as long as there are slots, they will not let go.

In an environment where fans threaten to overturn the entertainment industry at every turn, I am afraid that only Venus can treat "who you are" equally.

When talking about the fact that young artists now have empty traffic and no representative works, Jin Xing directly took Fan Chengcheng as an example.

"I want to recall, why did he sing, I can't find out"
Venus, this time, completely planted?

In a live broadcast, Jin Xing and netizens discussed the candidates for the Spring Festival Gala, and some netizens typed Hua Chenyu's name in the comment area, and Jin Xing said after seeing it: Hua Chenyu is choking enough, he has no good songs, and his makeup and hair are too challenging.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

The lonely brave in internal entertainment is worthy of the name.

Even Zhou Xun's throat was inevitably hit by Venus's poisonous tongue.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

The most explosive thing is that in the dialogue of the Wuzhen Theater Festival, Jin Xing sharply pointed out that Huang Lei and other artistic directors were small and popular, and set up a stage to make wedding clothes for themselves.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Where to scold, who is arrested and scolded, and Jin Xing, who is outspoken about all kinds of chaos in the entertainment industry, has been banned in the circle many times.

Even though Venus is not spared, Venus will never lack strength to support her audience.

For no other reason, the real sense of life on Venus is much more vivid and real than that of the entertainment industry artists in a mold.

Perhaps the barrier between stars and audiences needs to be broken by internal entertainment people like Jin Xing who dare to speak and express.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Looking at the stars in the entertainment industry now, they seem to have become symbolic existences, and their personalities are homogeneous.

To create a character image that the public expects, questions need to be reviewed, interviews must first go through the outline...

As a platform for freely expressing opinions and sharing life, Weibo has now become a propaganda work, a tool to maintain relations within the circle, and it is boring and tight.

It is not difficult to understand why the remarks of previous celebrities have repeatedly set off a carnival of public opinion, and at that time, everyone did not hesitate to show their personality.

Or vanity, or irascibility, or coquettishness... They honestly expose their truth, kindness and down-to-earth.

When Maggie Cheung was asked on the show "No Defense Tonight" if she was greedy for vanity when she went to the beauty contest, she frankly admitted:

"Yes, it is definitely greed for vanity, this is a fact, not afraid to say it, and it is not an ugly thing."
Venus, this time, completely planted?

She has her own ideas and understands that human nature does not follow the black-and-white diode rule, which is why Ni Kuang agrees that "people have the right to covet vanity".

Na Ying, an outstanding representative in the entertainment industry whose brain can't catch up with his mouth, has also made a series of important speeches.

"XX, the person who is most annoying to pretend to be X" is just eight words, which speaks loudly about everyone's unified social mood and bottom line, which has aroused a high resonance of the whole network.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Different from those kind words between celebrities, Na Ying's biggest charm is that his thoughts will not be hidden, and he dares to express them directly and honestly.

As an actor, Zhang Ziyi crossed over to become a judge of music variety shows, and when Geng Zhi's sister was interviewed, she said unscrupulously in front of the Buddha-figure that she was a program vase:

"She can't bring out the champion, the line is like a mountain, I don't know why I looked for her, what is the effect, it may play a role in styling."
Venus, this time, completely planted?

And those big flowers and small flowers that were torn to death were much more active and cute than they are now.

In the early days, Yang Mi was also an emotional blogger in the circle, and often felt some broken thoughts at various stages of his life.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Such a sexy statement as "make a small commotion" is also unscrupulous.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Liu Shishi, who is as pale as a daisy, will record a delicious meal, even if it is not expensive.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

To discuss the "living" representatives among young artists, Liu Yuning is counted as one.

Liu Yuning once said bluntly in the live broadcast:

"The so-called costume, almost all costume dramas, as an actor actually your performance is not very useful, qualified is enough.

Why are costume dramas loved by everyone? The first is the face, the second is the character, these two as long as they pinch and eat, this play is almost the same. ”

As a vested interest in costume dramas, Liu Yuning came out of the circle with the role of Haodu in "Long Song Xing", and he knows the truth well.

Now think about it, throw away the plot, how many costume actors can the entertainment industry convince you by acting skills?

Some things do not exist without saying them, and only by facing the problem squarely can they solve the problem.

However, few people like Liu Yuning dared to say it after all.

Today, more and more artists dare not show their true emotions and dare not speak out under public issues.

They have become the most silent group of people, people can see and guess, just brainless handsome guys with skin bags, vase beauties, like puppets who are pinned down and have no thoughts.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Looking at such a boring entertainment industry today, we can't help but explore why domestic entertainment stars are so willing to pretend themselves.

Among them, I am afraid that it is inseparable from the power of network public opinion.

In an environment where cases are adjudicated at every turn, any minor matter of celebrities will be judged.

I still remember that Jiang Chao's crying 9 grid was ridiculed by the crowd, and "hypocrisy and attention" was his style comment.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

It's just the middle two behavior of being hurt and homesick, and can't help but cry when he takes a selfie, but for a while he became a black material and was on the cusp.

Time has passed, and the direction of public opinion has reversed.

Venus, this time, completely planted?
Venus, this time, completely planted?

It can be seen that people's thoughts will change with experience, and we don't have to over-interpret innocuous things.

In the long run, let alone live people in domestic entertainment, I am afraid that there will be very few living people on the Internet.

And the bottomless praise of fans is also the lead that makes stars shrink in the commercial packaging and dare not speak.

Fans are the foundation of lifting them to the clouds, and people who have no work and no strength, in the face of interests, are mostly walking on thin ice and dare not take risks.

You satisfy my quest for fame and fortune; I satisfy your fantasy of the perfect persona.

In the cooperation between the two sides, they gradually lose their "activity" as human beings.

That's why there will be fans tearing each other's heads, and artists pretending to be dead and blind in order to protect themselves.

When asked about his feelings that "there are no living people in internal entertainment", Cai Kangyong replied:

"When everyone gets along, in fact, as long as they treat each other as people, I think if you offer him, Ta will look like a god and Buddha, you treat Ta as an equal, Ta has a better chance to show his human side."
Venus, this time, completely planted?

In the management of any relationship, sincerity is always a nirvana, and the same is true between fans and stars.

As we all know, fans and star studios have never dealt with it.

The popular awakening saw that the itinerary problems raised by fans affected the studio, and awakening did not choose to escape, but explained with his heart and positively guided fans to respect the workers in the entertainment industry.

Venus, this time, completely planted?

This move made many people call Su Xing "internal entertainment living people".

Venus, this time, completely planted?

Therefore, do not try to deceive others with personalities that have nothing to do with you, and do not try to avoid the responsibilities you should bear with silence and provide cover for your dark purposes.

Being in the game, the intention is not pure, how can the whole body retreat.

As a star, you don't have to worry about saying too many mistakes, and your remarks will be dug up by netizens in the future and become black material.

If all expressions are based on sincerity, what is there to fear?

It is necessary to understand that only by facing the public honestly, the support received will be longer and firmer, and "being yourself" and "good reputation" can achieve a win-win situation.

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