
The leadership of 2 colleges and universities was adjusted

author:Web of Science

According to the news of Inner Mongolia University on July 6, the university held a meeting of cadres, and Li Yeqiao, deputy director of the fourth department of cadres of the Organization Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee, announced the decision of the regional party committee, and Qiao Biao was appointed deputy secretary of the party committee of Inner Mongolia University (department level).

The leadership of 2 colleges and universities was adjusted

Qiao Biao. Image source: Inner Mongolia University website

Qiao Biao, male, born in April 1966, university, associate researcher, member of the Communist Party of China, former director of the Party and Government Office of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, vice president of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia Medical University, and dean of Hohhot College for Nationalities.

Inner Mongolia University was approved as a key construction institution of the national "211 Project" in 1997, a "provincial-ministerial joint construction" university by the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the Ministry of Education in 2004, a university selected as a university in the national "Central and Western Universities Enhancement Comprehensive Strength Plan" in 2012 ("one province and one university"), a national first-class discipline construction university in 2017, and a national second-round "double first-class" construction university in 2022. Biology was selected as a national "double first-class" construction discipline and a "first-class top-notch discipline" in the autonomous region, ecology, ethnology, chemistry, computer science and technology, Chinese and Chinese literature, mathematics, physics, and Marxist theory were selected as the "first-class cultivation discipline" in the autonomous region, and applied economics was selected as a "first-class construction discipline" in the autonomous region. Four disciplines, chemistry, engineering, environment/ecology, and materials science, ranked in the top 1% of the global ESI ranking.

Recently, according to the website of Wuhan Institute of Technology, Yao Huai should be appointed vice president of Wuhan Institute of Technology after receiving the "Notice on the Appointment of Comrade Yao Huaiying" by the Hubei Provincial People's Government.

The leadership of 2 colleges and universities was adjusted
The leadership of 2 colleges and universities was adjusted

Yao Huaiying. Image source: Wuhan Institute of Technology website

Yao Huaiying, male, Han nationality, member of the Democratic Progressive Society, native of Taihu, Anhui, born in December 1972, began to work in April 2000, joined the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy in June 2013, postgraduate degree, doctoral degree in agriculture, professor, doctoral supervisor. Since June 2023, he has served as the vice president of Wuhan Institute of Technology.

Wuhan Institute of Technology is a multidisciplinary teaching and research university focusing on engineering, covering nine disciplines of engineering, science, management, economics, literature, law, art, medicine and education, and is a key construction university in Hubei Province and a "first-class discipline" construction university in Hubei Province. The school has 1 Hubei first-class discipline cultivation and construction discipline, 1 Hubei Province advantageous discipline, 5 Hubei Province characteristic disciplines, 4 Hubei Province key (cultivation) disciplines, and 6 provincial advantageous characteristic discipline groups. Three disciplines, chemistry, materials science and engineering, ranked in the top 1% of ESI globally.