
People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality

author:First psychological
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When getting along with strangers, we often notice each other's appearance and image,

It is often said that first impressions matter, so observing how others look and look becomes a natural act.

By observing the appearance of the other party, we can get some intuitive information facial features,

Such as the size, shape and distribution of facial features, as well as skin color and hairstyle, etc. can give us some clues about the other party's personality health and ethnic background.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality

For example, someone with bright eyes and a bright smile will give people a positive and cheerful feeling,

The other person's expression is very serious and his eyebrows are also thick, which can't help but remind people that his personality may have a firm and serious side.

In addition to facial features, the other party's clothing style and personal image can also impress,

Each person's dress and personal style reflects their tastes, cultural backgrounds and values.

Some people like fashion-forward clothing, which represents their pursuit of independence and personality,

And some people like the traditional conservative way of dressing, which shows that they care about tradition and have a more stable personality.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality

If we put aside these external factors and only look at each other's eyebrows, can we get useful information?

The answer is yes, whether it is moving or static, the eyebrows are located in the five senses of the person after all,

Any detail can reveal the true character of the other person, so be sure to carefully observe the small extent of the eyebrows.

This is not just a metaphysical theory, the medical field is also positive about it.

Medical experts say that the state of a person's eyebrows can reflect his physical health,

For example, the sparse shape of the eyebrows is related to the health of the liver, kidney system and endocrine system.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality

If a person's eyebrows are particularly thick and his hair is also thick, it means that he is full of qi and blood,

Physical health is manifested in character traits, cheerful and enthusiastic, like to try new things,

But if the hair is naturally sparse and grows more messy, it means that the person's qi and blood are very weak, not only the physical fitness is poor, but even the personality is more restrained.

To explore the connection between eyebrows and personality, Professor Mark of Columbia University spent years identifying more than 3,000 people's cases and accurately analyzing them based on their situation.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, people with light eyebrows have simple thoughts, and then analyze the relationship between eyebrow shape and personality from a psychological point of view.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality


People with thick eyebrows have an extraordinary aura, they naturally like to be enterprising, exploring, and have unlimited enthusiasm and passion,

They have high requirements for themselves, and their goals are extremely clear, as long as they make a plan, they will move forward and execute it bravely.

However, this type of person also has an obvious disadvantage, that is, the personality is somewhat flamboyant, and they do not know how to be modest,

Sometimes overconfidence leads to omissions or frequent setbacks in doing things.

And people with very light eyebrows usually have a gentle and kind personality, and their way of thinking is relatively simple,

Although they do not have as much energy as people with thick eyebrows, they are more concerned about reality and can move forward step by step.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality


People with thick eyebrows are more extroverted, and as long as they can achieve the desired goal, they will keep trying.

Bravely moving forward, while people with thinner eyebrows have a gentler personality,

Before making a decision, you must think carefully and repeatedly, because its inner emotions are more changeable and more complex,

So their self-motivation is not very obvious, but despite this, such people still want to realize their self-worth in the field they are passionate about.


The length of the eyebrows is related to the size of the eyes, if the eyebrows are longer than the eyes, it is considered a long eyebrow, if it is smaller than the eyes, it is a short eyebrow.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality

People with long eyebrows have a kind personality and rarely vent their anger at others, even if there are differences in the process of communicating with others.

They will not rush to contradict others, but will communicate and negotiate in a gentle and rational way, trying to find a consistent solution.

However, such people are easy to fall into emotions and sometimes torture themselves with negative emotions,

Therefore, they often spend a lot of energy on adjusting their mood.

People with short eyebrows are also very mild-tempered, but the personal principles of such people are more firm and self-aware.

If they do not achieve their goal, they will sometimes do whatever it takes, even if this method has hurt the interests of the people around them and affected the mood of the other party.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality

Such people are egoists who want to get the most out of their dealings, but at the same time they fall into the trap due to excessive ego.


Willow eyebrows. Most of the people who have such eyebrows are women, such people have a simple lifestyle, gentle personality, and serious work, but do not expect much from such things as getting married and starting a family.

Crescent eyebrows. This type of person is honest and decisive, and they are often good hands in their careers.

Broom eyebrows. It is divided into two situations, one is the eyebrow opening fan and the other is the eyebrow tail opening fan,

If it is the former, then this type of person is always slow to engage and not respond in time.

People with long eyebrows are more popular, and people with light eyebrows are simple-minded? Psychological analysis: eyebrow shape and personality

It is not until the end of the matter that they realize the urgency, and the latter belongs to doing things, always losing everything and ignoring details.

Messy eyebrows. This type of person has divergent attention and always acts impulsively, and is prone to omissions in important things.

All in all, if you want to know the true character of a person, you may wish to observe the shape of his eyebrows, any detail can reveal the information you want.

The End -

Author | Tomida

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Reference: Jean Piaget Biographie. (2020, January 29)