
Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

author:Lingnan fresh
Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

"This grapefruit is from Meizhou, Guangdong!" "The moisture is very sweet and sour" "I want to buy, where can I buy it?" "I just got off four boxes." ...... From September 9th to 10th, the special activities of Shandong Fengzhujiang Village Bank and China UnionPay Guangdong Branch were successfully carried out in the Guangdong Grapefruit Appraisal Activity. Nearly 200,000 high-quality community consumers such as Bank and UnionPay employees and citizens of surrounding high-quality communities have enabled consumers to further understand and recognize Guangdong grapefruit, boosted Guangdong grapefruit, grapefruit mooncake, grapefruit crisp and other products into high-end consumption channels, and led to the sales of nearly 1,000 boxes of "Cantonese brand" brand grapefruit packaging products during the event.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Guangdong grapefruit appraisal activities in Shandong Fengzhujiang Village Bank special scene group photo

Zhongshan Dongfeng Zhujiang Village Bank is a village and town bank jointly funded by Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, Zhongshan City, Dongfeng Town government and local private backbone enterprises, covering all districts and towns in Zhongshan, gathering local high-end customer groups. China UnionPay is a joint organization of China Bank Cards established with the consent of the State Council and approved by the Chinese Min min bank, which manages and operates the UnionPay logo, provides advanced electronic payment technology and professional services related to cross-bank information exchange of bank cards. China UnionPay Guangdong Branch is located in Jianzhong Road, Tianhe District, with more than 200 employees, surrounded by office buildings, and many enterprises gather here.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Guangdong grapefruit appraisal activity China UnionPay Guangdong Branch special scene

"I especially like to eat grapefruit, every year I will buy grapefruit from Fujian online, I did not expect that the grapefruit in Meizhou, Guangdong is also very delicious, I placed an order for my family to taste fresh."

"This yuzu crisp is delicious, how to buy it?"

"I want this rock sugar grapefruit honey, and it's just right to soak in water in autumn."

"The yuzu mooncake is still the first time to eat, I didn't expect it to be delicious, and I won't get tired of eating it."

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Guangdong grapefruit appraisal activities in Shandong Fengzhujiang Village Bank special scene

The Guangdong grapefruit tasting activity attracted a large number of employees, customer groups, surrounding enterprises or community consumers to taste and buy. As early as before the event, the Guangdong agricultural products promotion team released the event warm-up posters, media reports, in the WeChat public account, today's headlines, penguin number and other media release reports, and in the East Of The East Fengzhujiang Village Bank, China UnionPay Guangdong Branch with strong support, in the staff community internal WeChat group released warm-up posters, invite more consumers to participate in the activity, the event is expected to radiate nearly 200,000 high-quality community consumers.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Guangdong grapefruit tasting event warm-up poster

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

"How can there be bananas?"

"Guangdong banana is also one of the six fruits of the "Cantonese name" vigorously promoted by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, this banana is called Jiali banana, which is a new variety and is about to be listed in the near future, so it was brought to the scene to be promoted together. The Promotion Team of Cantonese Agricultural Products introduced to consumers, which is also the first time that Jiali Banana has been promoted to the community community group.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Guangdong grapefruit appraisal activities China UnionPay Guangdong Branch special appraisal product display

The Guangdong grapefruit appraisal activity has been unanimously recognized by consumers, who have placed orders to purchase Cantonese brand agricultural products to support rural revitalization with practical actions. The relevant person in charge of Zhongshan Dongfeng Zhujiang Village Bank and China UnionPay Guangdong Branch said that the appraisal activity was of great significance. Next, the Guangdong brand promotion team will join hands with Zhongshan Dongfeng Zhujiang Village Bank and China UnionPay Guangdong Branch to carry out more Cantonese brand agricultural products into the community experience activities in Guangzhou and Zhongshan to help rural revitalization.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Consumers are placing orders for the "Cantonese" brand Ofsa Grapefruit on the Cloud Flash Payment APP

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

The staff guided the staff of China UnionPay Guangdong Branch to place orders for the "Cantonese brand" brand of Pomelo

In the case of the bad market of grapefruit this year, in order to further enhance the influence of Guangdong grapefruit, grapefruit mooncake, grapefruit crisp and other products in the consumer market, the Promotion Team of Guangdong Agricultural Products combines offline tasting activities and online continuous promotion, etc., through teaching product knowledge and carrying out tasting activities, so that consumers can further recognize and recognize Guangdong grapefruit, and boost Guangdong grapefruit, grapefruit mooncake, grapefruit crisp and other products into high-end consumption channels.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Consumers praised the Cantonese brand "Lady Grapefruit"

Cantonese brand "Riding Lady Grapefruit" is the most recognizable Guangdong grapefruit brand created by the Cantonese agricultural products promotion team, through the team's meticulous brand building, so that the "Lady Grapefruit" brand continues to expand its spread, continue to enhance the heat and influence of the brand, and in the development of Meizhou grapefruit industry, driving farmers to increase income, and achieved good economic and social benefits.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Cantonese brand "Donkey Pomelo" four gift boxes Cantonese brand "Donkey Pomelo" four gift boxes

In recent years, under the impact of the NEW CROWN epidemic, it is particularly important to carry out digital marketing promotion activities. In the case of repeated covid-19 epidemics, the number of merchants who go to Meizhou to buy grapefruit has dropped sharply, and the sales channel of Meizhou grapefruit has been blocked, so through the implementation of digital marketing promotion activities, the online purchase of Guangdong grapefruit has become a good choice for consumers to buy grapefruit. At the same time, in order to better promote Guangdong good grapefruit, the Guangdong brand agricultural product promotion team and China UnionPay Guangdong Branch to carry out online Guangdong grapefruit marketing promotion activities, Guangdong UnionPay for the "Cantonese brand" brand grapefruit special subsidy of 140,000 yuan, in the form of 50% discount to attract consumers to order to taste Guangdong good grapefruit.

Grapefruit is listed in large quantities, how can it sell fast and well? Cantonese grapefruit does this

Now the peaceful grapefruit has also begun to be listed in large quantities, and the market price is as low as about 1 yuan / catty, which has an impact on the Grapefruit of Meizhou, Guangdong. And how to stabilize the sales channels of the high-priced brand Meizhou grapefruit? So far, agricultural products to achieve a premium, to create a new high-end, in addition to some high-end agricultural products supermarkets, the most important measure is to take gifts, monopoly, collection and other special channels. The Promotion Team of Cantonese Agricultural Products has carried out tasting activities to promote Guangdong good grapefruit gifts through direct supply to the Cantonese brand "Lady Grapefruit" to the enterprise community and strengthen the relationship with customers.

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