
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish

author:Happy old fairy

Eggplant stew with catfish is a delicious home-cooked dish that is not only delicious but also nutritious. Here's how to stew eggplant with catfish for your reference:

1. Prepare materials

1. Catfish: 1 strip, scaled and gutted, cut into small pieces of about 3 cm.

2. Eggplant: two, peeled and cut into good-sized pieces.

3. Ginger and garlic: Appropriate amount, sliced and set aside.

4. Green and red peppers: 1 each, remove the seeds and cut into sections, use to color and taste.

5. Coriander: appropriate amount, chopped, used to enhance flavor.

6. Cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, sugar, bean paste and other seasonings: appropriate amount, mix according to needs.

Second, the step process

1. Boil a pot of hot water, blanch the catfish pieces to remove the fishiness, and remove for later use.

2. Add oil to a pot and stir-fry the slices of ginger and garlic until it is 60% hot.

3. Add the bean paste and continue to stir-fry the red oil.

4. Add the catfish chunks and fry until slightly yellow on both sides.

5. Add the eggplant cubes and fry until the eggplant is tender.

6. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, sugar and other seasonings, and cook for a few minutes to make the taste even.

7. Add the green and red peppers and continue to cook for 2 minutes.

8. Finally, sprinkle with chopped coriander, stir-fry well and come out of the pan.

Third, taste adjustment

1. Catfish stewed eggplant is delicious and rich in taste. The taste can be adjusted according to the amount of seasoning used according to personal taste.

2. If you like sweet and sour, you can add tomato sauce or vinegar to taste.

3. If you like spicy ones, you can increase the amount of green and red peppers in moderation.

4. Nutritional analysis

1. Catfish is rich in protein, fat, minerals and vitamins, which has a good tonic effect on people who are weak and malnourished.

2. Eggplant is rich in dietary fiber, potassium, vitamins and other nutrients, which is a good help for lowering blood pressure and protecting cardiovascular health.

3. Green and red peppers are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can improve the body's immunity and have a good effect on anti-oxidation and anti-aging.

4. The various ingredients in this dish are matched with each other, which is rich in nutrition and suitable for all kinds of people.

V. Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to deal with the pairing of catfish and eggplant?

A: When choosing catfish and eggplant, choose fresh, undamaged ingredients. The catfish is scaled and gutted and cut into small pieces, and the eggplant is peeled and cut into pieces. When cooking, first sauté the catfish chunks until slightly yellow, then add the eggplant and simmer together, so that the catfish and eggplant flavors are more integrated.

2. How to master the heat during firing?

Answer: When cooking, first stir-fry the ginger and garlic and bean paste over medium heat, then add the catfish pieces and fry until slightly yellow on both sides, then add the eggplant and simmer together. During the simmering process, it is necessary to adjust the heat appropriately according to the doneness of the ingredients and the amount of soup to ensure that the ingredients are cooked thoroughly and the soup is not dry or mushy.

3. How to deal with the seasoning of ingredients?

A: Choose the type and amount of seasoning according to personal taste and matching needs. In this dish, cooking wine can be used to remove fishy, light soy sauce to increase salty umami, salt to adjust the overall taste, sugar to increase the taste and adjust the taste, green and red pepper to increase the taste and color change. If you like sweet and sour taste or a spicier texture, you can increase or decrease the amount of seasoning.

4. Who should eat in moderation?

A: Since this dish contains fish and spicy ingredients, the following points need to be noted: 1) People who are allergic to fish should avoid it; 2) Since eggplant is a cold food, people with cold constitution should eat it in moderation; 3) Green and red peppers are spicy ingredients, and people with diseases such as hemorrhoids should avoid eating or control the dosage; 4) This dish contains more sodium and fatty acids, and patients with high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia need to eat in moderation.

To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish
To prepare the eggplant stew with catfish

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