
The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

author:Ancient and modern history
The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

According to media reports, the United States issued a directive last month to demand that candidates obey U.S. commands for Taiwan's leadership election.

This attempt to directly interfere in China's internal affairs in Taiwan has aroused widespread heated discussions and exacerbated the level of tension in China's cross-strait relations.

Not long ago, US Representative Rosenberg met with Taiwan's election candidates.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

You know, Laura Rosenberg is the president of the American Institute in Taiwan, and at this time it is the sprint stage of Taiwan's general election, and the US representative met with the Taiwan candidate and revealed intriguing information.

Although Rosenberg said that the United States will not choose a "neutral" position, in fact, her high-profile meeting with candidates at this point in time is obviously an "interview" on behalf of the American team candidates. Only candidates who satisfy the U.S. side she represents will have U.S. support.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

The United States interferes in the situation in Taiwan

In recent years, the Taiwan authorities in the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have maintained close ties with the United States, and while expressing gratitude for the United States' support and intervention, relations with the Chinese mainland have become increasingly tense.

The United States looks forward to supporting a candidate who expresses "loyalty" to the United States like Tsai Ing-wen, so that the United States can better "control China with Taiwan."

The United States hopes to use this to plunge China into internal friction and curb the development of Chinese mainland, thereby maintaining its hegemonic position in global political and economic terms.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

In this regard, China strongly warned the US side that its intervention not only violated the bottom line of the one-China principle, but also reneged on the commitments made by the United States in the three Sino-US joint communiques.

China's Foreign Ministry has repeatedly stressed that any interference in the Taiwan issue will be severely countered by China.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

The Taiwan issue and the development of cross-strait relations

In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and after the defeat of the Kuomintang, it retreated to Taiwan and remained hostile to the mainland for a long time, even hoping to counterattack the mainland.

From then until 1979, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait remained isolated. In 1979, the mainland shouted to the Taiwan compatriots, expressing the mainland's wish for peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, and announced relevant policies and guidelines.

In the 80s of the 19th century, the basic national policy of one country, two systems was put forward, which provided a political and ideological foundation and guidance for the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait. In 1997, Hong Kong returned to the motherland; In 1999, Macau returned to the motherland. One country, two systems has been practiced in the two places for many years, providing a case for Taiwan's peaceful reunification.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

In 1987, the Taiwan authorities began to allow some residents to visit relatives on the mainland, and cross-strait relations finally broke the ice, and many relatives who had been separated by the separation of the two sides of the strait were finally reunited. Since then, the scale of people-to-people exchanges and commercial exchanges between the two sides of the strait has continued to increase.

In 1992, the two associations reached the familiar "consensus of '92." The "consensus of '92" is a consensus reached by the mainland and the Taiwan authorities, and both sides recognize the one-China principle, which is also the common aspiration of the people on both sides of the strait.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

In 2000, the DPP came to power. However, the DPP authorities are supporters of "Taiwan independence" and not only do not recognize the consensus of '92, but even evade the one-China principle on many occasions.

The DPP's turmoil has led to the interruption of cross-strait talks, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has become tense and unstable, and cross-strait relations have withstood severe tests in the process of development.

After the 16th CPC National Congress, in order to further promote cross-strait exchanges, the mainland made every effort to promote various exchange activities and provide convenience for compatriots on both sides of the strait, including business, employment, schooling and many other affairs.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

Although there have been 20 years of cross-strait nongovernmental exchanges during this period, cross-strait relations are still difficult due to the obstruction of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party authorities.

In 2008, the Kuomintang returned to power in Taiwan, and cross-strait relations began to move from long-term tension to peaceful development.

While the mainland side made a series of policy decisions and arrangements based on the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the Kuomintang authorities were also working hard to improve cross-strait relations, and cross-strait exchanges began to flourish in a real sense.

During this period, the two associations issued relevant agreements to promote mainland residents to travel and do business in Taiwan, and people on both sides of the strait began frequent two-way exchanges.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

In May 2016, Tsai Ing-wen, who represents the Democratic Progressive Party, became Taiwan's leader, and she is a party speaker who adheres to the "Taiwan independence" stance, which has strained cross-strait relations again.

After coming to power, Tsai Ing-wen not only refused to recognize the "consensus of '92," which is the common aspiration of the people on both sides of the strait, but also attempted to gain Taiwan independence in various ways, seriously affecting cross-strait cooperation and exchanges, causing cross-strait relations to begin confrontation in many fields, increasing tensions and intensifying the smell of gunpowder.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

The United States is contributing to the Taiwan issue

As the most economically powerful country in the world today, the United States has always been committed to maintaining its hegemonic position and has long been hostile to China with the socialist system.

For a long time, the United States has often sanctioned China in economic and trade matters, suppressed China politically, and interfered in the Taiwan issue, which can be called the "-stirring stick" of cross-strait relations.

As early as June 1950, the United States sent the Seventh Fleet to invade the Taiwan Strait on the grounds that the CCP's occupation of Taiwan would threaten the security of the United States, conducting so-called "neutral patrols" and even setting up naval and air force bases.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

The United States intends to prevent the Chinese Communist Party from recovering Taiwan and to strengthen American control over Taiwan. In addition, the United States also gave huge amounts of economic aid, especially military aid, to the Kuomintang troops who had retreated to Taiwan, encouraging the Kuomintang troops to launch counterattacks on the mainland.

For the United States, the ideology of the Kuomintang is similar to it, and the cooperation between the two sides is close, which means that the United States has a considerable degree of control over it.

Supporting the Kuomintang to counterattack the mainland, if successful, will have another little brother with good strength, even if it fails, it can curb the development of the Chinese Communist Party, curb the development of socialism and maintain the rule of Western capitalism.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

For the Kuomintang, the Chiang Kai-shek clique was not willing to shrink into Taiwan and was eager to counterattack the mainland, but its strength was insufficient, so American military strength was necessary for them.

1954 year. The US Seventh Fleet conducted large-scale military exercises in the waters off Taiwan and showed off force to the Chinese mainland and Taiwan authorities, making it impossible for Chinese mainland, which had just experienced the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and lacked equipment and manpower, to liberate Taiwan, and at the same time show its muscles to Taiwan, so that Taiwan obediently became the younger brother of the United States.

With the assistance of the United States, the Kuomintang troops clamoured for a counterattack on the mainland.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

In 1954 and 1955, it frequently harassed the southeast coastal areas of the mainland and bombed Fujian and other places, and the Kuomintang air force even entered Hebei, Sichuan, and other mainland hinterlands to conduct reconnaissance and harassment.

In addition, the United States has repeatedly obstructed international affairs such as the mainland's return to the United Nations.

For a long time after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States and other Western capitalist camps were very hostile to China, and the Kuomintang authorities in Taiwan constantly challenged that the Republic of China under their leadership was the representative of China, and China was unable to return to the United Nations for more than 20 years.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

As China's power continues to grow, the United Nations can no longer ignore this great power, and China's representation in the United Nations continues to be discussed.

In this regard, the United States ostensibly said that it agreed to the participation of the People's Republic of China led by the CCP in the United Nations, but demanded that the "Republic of China" not be ruled out.

This act is obviously an attempt to divide China into two countries led by the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang, which can be described as sinister and of course met with strong opposition from China.

In 1966, the representatives of New Zealand and the Soviet Union proposed that the restoration of the People's Republic of China's representation in the United Nations be included in the agenda of the General Assembly, and with the active support of the vast number of third world countries and countries wishing to contain the United States, the proposal was adopted by the United Nations.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

Seeing this, the United States immediately proposed that it needed more than two-thirds of the votes to agree to China's return to the United Nations, intending to control the votes with Western allies, so as to continue to prevent China's return to the United Nations.

In fact, at the 25th session of the United Nations General Assembly, China did not pass it without enough votes.

However, as China's power grows and countries around the world are dissatisfied with US hegemonism, more and more countries support China. Compared with the hegemonic United States, China has helped each other with many third world countries in line with the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences, and has received widespread goodwill and support.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

China shares the same history of backwardness and aggression as many third world countries, and third world countries are eager to see a strong China to show them the direction of development. At the Third World "Non-Aligned Heads of State Meeting", many countries issued a joint statement supporting China's return to the United Nations.

In addition, China has also established diplomatic relations with France and other Western countries, and the Western world is not monolithic.

The United States also knew that China's return to the United Nations was the trend of the times and could not be stopped, so US President Nixon sent a special envoy to visit China secretly, intending to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China led by the CCP in the future.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

With the support of many countries around the world, on October 25, 1971, at the 26th session of the United Nations, the resolution "On the question of restoring the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations Organization" was adopted by an overwhelming majority of 76 votes in favour, 35 against and 17 abstentions.

The return of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations and the Government of the People's Republic of China led by the Communist Party of China as the sole legitimate representative of China to the United Nations have denied the international legitimacy of the Republic of China by the Taiwan authorities.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

This has completely determined the primary and secondary status of the governments on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, supported the "one China" assistance advocated by the People's Republic of China, and dealt a heavy blow to the attempt to split Taiwan.

Chinese representative Qiao Guanhua couldn't contain his excitement and laughed heartily, and "Qiao's laughter" became a classic shot and made the headlines of the New York Times. We can now open our history textbooks and see this picture. As a diplomat, what a joy and pride it is to successfully fight for the rights of the motherland!

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

In recent years, after Biden took office, cross-strait relations have become increasingly tense.

Pelosi visited Taiwan, and the mainland encircled Taiwan for military exercises. US President Biden has verbally promised to "defend Taiwan" four times, not only giving Taiwan multiple batches of missiles, but also allocating $500 million in military equipment to "assist" Taiwan, bluntly saying that if the mainland sanctions Taiwan, the United States will respond to Chinese mainland.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

This is not only a breach of contract and interference in China's internal affairs, but also a provocation and threat to China.

In fact, Biden's "defense of Taiwan" will always be just empty words.

Even Ukraine, as an internationally sovereign state, is only receiving equipment and financial assistance from the United States. Taiwan is only a province of China and not a sovereign state, and US interference in it is inherently inconsistent with international law and morality. Therefore, the United States' willingness to provide wartime assistance to Taiwan must be lower.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

Moreover, in the face of Chinese mainland, the United States does not have absolute military superiority in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States will not and does not dare to directly engage the Chinese military over the Taiwan issue, but will only agitate the Taiwan authorities behind its back.

In fact, when the mainland army conducts large-scale military exercises around Taiwan, the United States does not dare to send military support, but will only stay and watch from afar. And the Taiwan authorities themselves obviously do not have any means to counter the mainland.

As far as the United States is concerned, using Taiwan to contain China is the goal, and it will continue to interfere in cross-strait relations and harass Chinese mainland, but it is impossible to fight to the death for Taiwan and Chinese mainland. In contrast, the mainland's will is much more resolute and is bound to recover Taiwan.

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

The same is true for other U.S. allies. Most of America's Asia-Pacific allies need U.S. economic and military cooperation and will show a sense of "obedience" and "loyalty" in various aspects.

But the leaders of various countries are fools, the United States is difficult to deal with, and China is even more difficult to mess with. If the United States requires countries to confront China directly for the sake of its strategic plan, they are unlikely to accept such cannon fodder-like proposals.

Chinese mainland's firm position

In the face of complicated cross-strait relations, Chinese mainland has always adhered to the one-China stand and made constant efforts for the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait.

In the face of the aggressiveness of the United States, Hua Chunying, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, responded domineeringly: "Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and it is not the turn of the United States to make irresponsible remarks."

The United States has issued a directive to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region: candidates of all parties must follow the command

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: No one cherishes peace in the Taiwan Strait region more than we do, and we will do our best to strive for peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, but we will never accept any person or force interfering in China's internal affairs under the guise of safeguarding peace in the Taiwan Strait in a vain attempt to split Taiwan. We reserve the option of using force to resolve the Taiwan issue, and when hopes for peaceful reunification are completely dashed, the PLA will sound the trumpet in the strait.

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