
In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

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With the rapid development of China's film industry and the increasing attention of domestic audiences to local culture, new Chinese style animated films have gradually emerged as a special form of expression.

Based on traditional Chinese culture, this type of film incorporates modern technology and artistic innovation, which not only inherits the essence of national culture, but also shows unique visual aesthetics and narrative style. The new national style animated film shows the audience the unique charm of national culture through the carefully constructed image world, as well as the connotative storyline and character shaping.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

These films are inspired by a variety of national cultural elements, such as ancient costumes, traditional architecture, traditional music, etc., and present a variety of ethnic customs through exquisite picture design and visual effects.

At the same time, the new national style animation film pays attention to the value appeal of traditional Chinese culture, and conveys deep thinking and thoughts such as national spirit, moral concepts, and life philosophy through narrative techniques and theme discussions.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

In this emerging field of film, the fusion of art and aesthetics has become a key element. Through fine picture design, unique color use, delicate light and shadow effects and other visual construction techniques, the new Chinese style animation film has created a unique image world.

At the same time, the use of music and sound effects has also become an indispensable part of the film, adding unique emotions and atmosphere to the film through musical works with strong national characteristics.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

The value and charm of national culture

National culture is the precious wealth of a country and a nation, which represents the traditions, history, values and spiritual outlook of a nation. In the new national style animation film, national culture plays an important role, showing unique value and charm.

National culture has the function of inheriting history and remembering. Through the new Chinese style animation film, the audience can deeply understand and experience the essence and wisdom of traditional Chinese culture.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

These films take ancient myths and traditional stories as the theme, and through carefully constructed image worlds and wonderful narratives, they deliver traditional cultural elements to the audience, allowing them to feel the continuation of history and the power of tradition.

National culture shows a unique aesthetic and artistic charm. Traditional Chinese culture has had a profound impact on a global scale with its unique artistic style and aesthetic concepts.

Through careful visual design and artistic expression, the new Chinese style animation film combines traditional culture with modern technology to create a unique and charming image world. Visitors can appreciate the unique colors, shapes and patterns of traditional culture and feel the aesthetic value contained therein.

National culture represents the values and spiritual outlook of the nation. Through the shaping of storylines and characters, the new Guofeng animated film shows the moral concepts, life philosophy and human feelings in traditional Chinese culture.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Based on traditional stories, these films combine traditional culture with contemporary values through modern narrative methods and concepts, and convey the thinking and exploration of human themes such as good and evil, courage, and friendship.

National culture highlights cultural diversity and national identity. As a multi-ethnic country, China has a rich and diverse ethnic culture. By showing the cultural characteristics of different regions and ethnic groups, the new national style animated film allows the audience to understand and respect the traditions and lifestyles of different ethnic groups.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

At the same time, these films also strengthen Chinese audiences' identification and pride in their own cultural identity, and promote national cohesion and cultural self-confidence.

National culture has shown rich value and charm in the new national style animation film. It not only represents the inheritance and innovation of Chinese traditional culture, but also shows the love and pursuit of Chinese people's own culture.

Through these films, the audience can feel the breadth and depth of national culture, experience the beauty of the integration of tradition and modernity, and further deepen the understanding and recognition of Chinese traditional culture.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Visual construction: a fusion of art and aesthetics

Visual construction plays an important role in the new Chinese style animated film, which is the fusion of art and aesthetics, presenting the audience with a unique and beautiful image world.

Through careful visual design and expression, these films convey deep emotions and meaning. The visual construction shows a unique artistic style and aesthetic pursuit in the new Chinese style animated film. These films draw on elements of traditional Chinese art forms such as painting, paper cutting, calligraphy, etc., focusing on the smoothness of lines and the change of shapes.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Through fine patterns and unique use of color, visual enjoyment and beauty are created. The audience can appreciate the unique style of landscape painting, the elegance of traditional flower and bird paintings, and the rhythm of ancient calligraphy, and feel the artistic aesthetics contained therein.

Visual construction creates a rich atmosphere and mood through the design of scenes and backgrounds. These films transport the audience into a unique world through delicate pictures and exquisite composition.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Whether it's landscapes, villages, palaces or battlefields, each setting has been carefully designed to present a unique style and atmosphere. Through the use of color changes, the use of light and shadow and the depiction of details, every detail in the scene is full of life and power, immersing the audience.

Visual construction plays an important role in the shaping of the persona. Characters are important characters in the new national style animated films, and they show their personality and charm through elaborate costumes, specific hairstyles and facial features.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

These films focus on shaping the unique character and emotions of each character, and make the character more vivid and three-dimensional through meticulous animation performance and expression portrayal. The audience can feel the emotions and inner world of the characters through their images and performances.

The visual construction also creates the rhythm and tension of the film through the mastery of dynamic movement and rhythm. Through careful use of lenses, quick switching and the use of visual effects, the sense of dynamism and rhythm of the film is enhanced. The audience can feel the change of picture, the smoothness of the shots and the tightness of the rhythm, so that they can be more engaged in the story.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Visual construction plays an important role in the new Chinese style animated film, which integrates art and aesthetics, creating a world full of charm and beauty through unique artistic style, detailed picture design and dynamic movement expression.

By appreciating these exquisite pictures and delicate expressions, the audience can feel the emotions and meanings contained in them, and further understand and appreciate the unique charm of the new Chinese style animated film.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Storytelling: A dialogue between tradition and modernity

Storytelling plays an important role in the new Chinese style animated film, which creates a rich and colorful narrative experience through the dialogue between tradition and modernity. This dialogue not only shows the charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also combines it with modern society, bringing new feelings and reflections to the audience.

The dialogue between tradition and modernity is reflected in the choice of subject matter of the story. These films are often set in Chinese history, mythology and traditional stories, and through traditional storylines and character shaping, the audience can feel the profound cultural heritage.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

At the same time, the story also incorporates elements and themes of modern society, such as modern science and technology, social issues, etc., making the story closer to the life and thinking of contemporary audiences. The dialogue between tradition and modernity makes the story have a broader resonance of the times while maintaining traditional characteristics.

The dialogue between tradition and modernity is reflected in the narrative structure of the story. These films often interweave traditional and modern plots through double-line narratives or staggered narratives, presenting rich and diverse narrative layers.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Traditional storylines echo and contrast with modern plots, creating very different atmospheres and conflicts, making the story more tense and engaging. The audience can feel the collision and dialogue between tradition and modernity in the story, and further think about the meaning and value of traditional culture in contemporary society.

The dialogue between tradition and modernity is also revealed in the shaping of characters. The characters in the film often represent different positions and values between tradition and modernity. Through the shaping of the character image and the development of the character, the audience can feel the collision, transformation and contradiction between traditional culture and modern life.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Through their behavior and thinking, these characters show the adherence to traditional values or the questioning of tradition, triggering the audience's thinking and ideological collision of traditional culture.

Character Building: Revival and Innovation

Character creation is a key aspect of the new Chinese style animated film, which shows a rich variety of characters by reviving traditional images and innovating new characters, adding charm and depth to the story.

Characterization shows the inheritance and revival of culture through the revival of traditional images. In the new Chinese style animated films, classic traditional characters are often reinterpreted and interpreted.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

These characters carry deep historical and cultural connotations, such as traditional heroes, mythological figures, ancient literati, etc. Through careful character shaping, the film shows the majesty, integrity and wisdom of these traditional images, allowing the audience to feel the charm and power of traditional Chinese culture.

Character Shaping shows the changing and innovative spirit of the times through innovative new characters. In addition to reviving the traditional image, the new Chinese style animated film has also created many new characters.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

These characters often have modern elements and fashion features, representing the thoughts, emotions and pursuits of a new generation. Through the shaping of these new characters, the film presents the changes of the times and the vitality of the young generation, inspiring the audience's imagination and hope for the future.

Characterization also focuses on revealing the complexity and inherent conflict of the character. The character is no longer a single hero or villain, but an individual with rich character and complex psychology.

They may face issues such as self-exploration, moral choices, inner struggles, etc., allowing the audience to understand and focus more deeply on the inner world of the characters. The complexity and inherent conflict of this character makes the character more human, and the audience can find empathy and thinking from it.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture


In the new national style animated films, character creation plays a crucial role. Through the revival of traditional images and innovative new characters, the film shows the value and charm of national culture, as well as the inheritance and innovation of culture. Characterization injects unique artistic and aesthetic elements into the film through visual construction, storytelling, and revival and innovation.

Characterization focuses on showing the complexity and internal conflict of the character, making the character more human, and the audience can find empathy and thinking from it. The presentation of gender equality and diversity demonstrates concern and respect for diversity in society.

In the new national style animated film, the image construction of national culture

Through the shaping of these characters, the new national style animated film has built a rich and diverse and unique national cultural image. In the process of watching the movie, the audience can not only feel the charm and emotional resonance of traditional culture, but also connect with modern society and the changes of the times, and get inspiration and thinking from it.

With the development and progress of new national style animated films, we can expect more wonderful character shaping and image construction of national culture. Through continuous innovation and exploration, the new Chinese style animated film will continue to play an important role in cross-cultural exchange, showing the world China's cultural heritage and artistic charm.


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