
In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

author:Minimak mud boom

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In the years after Ma Yun promised to plant the trees, many tourists would stop to see the recent situation of the "forest" in the ant forest when passing by Alxa. It turned out that not only did the trees planted not only not have 100 million, but even the saplings that had been planted were low and low, not 40 centimeters tall at first glance, as if they had been planted and thrown aside, without careful care.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

For a while, it caused many netizens to wonder, what about the tree I planted? Is it only so little tree to use Alipay every day? Or is Jack Ma just doing this to promote the use of Alipay?

Desert status

According to the promise given by Ma Yun in 2018, by this year you should be able to see a whole green vegetation in the Alxa Desert, and according to statistics, 100 million saplings will be planted in this uninhabited desert. So why did Jack Ma choose this desert?

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

This is because the Alashan Desert has sparse vegetation, and since 1993, there have been frequent sandstorms, and so far there have been 23 sandstorms, and these strong winds swept several tons of sand to the city, bringing great harm to people's lives. Ma soon discovered this, and he felt that he could combine environmental protection with his own industry.

As we all know, Alipay is an industrial project developed by Jack Ma, it used to be just an ordinary payment software, the function is only simple online payment, but under the leadership of Jack Ma, Alipay has developed more and more functions, including water and electricity payment, transportation, ant huabei, online medical insurance, ant forest, etc.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

Among them, ant forest is its developed environmental protection function project, the use of these functions is also very simple, people only need to carry out some low-carbon behavior every day to accumulate green energy, when a certain amount can apply to plant a seed in those places that need to plant trees in their own name, and then need to collect water droplets for watering, in the planting place will also have special people watering and aquaculture.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

It does not require a lot of effort from everyone, as long as you walk to give a love, this way can not only contribute to the environmental protection cause of the motherland, but also let your body participate in sports, which is very conducive to good health.

Sure enough, after the launch of the project, a large number of users participated, and the Ant Forest project was updated with the use of the public, and a new method was launched in the follow-up, if the user donated the planted trees, they would get a donation letter.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

In short, the launch of Ant Forest attracted a wave of national enthusiasm and won praise, and Ma Yun saw the opportunity to speak again, claiming that "according to this momentum, in a few years, 100 million trees will be planted in the desert."

Because the success of Ant Forest has also made the public trust Ma Yun more, so everyone is looking forward to whether they can really see so much vegetation in the desert in a few years, but the real situation makes the public as a whole begin to wonder if Ma Yun is lying.

Because not long ago, there was a photo on the Internet, the desert land planted by the ant forest was desolate and barren, there were few vegetation, let alone 100 million, and there were a few big words on the board next to it - Ant Forest No. 102.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

Many people have come forward to say that Ant Forest is all about show, just to attract users! So what are the facts? Did Jack Ma really lie?

The difficulty of growing in the desert

In fact, Ma Yun did not deceive everyone, and he specially chose the Alxa Desert, which has a relatively harsh environment, after many selections. The ecological environment of the Alxa Desert is fragile, the land is seriously desertified, there is a shortage of water, there is a lack of oases, and the vegetation has also deteriorated very seriously, which leads to the fact that trees that can be planted alive in other deserts may not be able to survive here.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

Jack Ma chose this desert in order to improve the environment here and to prove his determination to join the environmental protection.

After receiving feedback from users of Ant Forest, Ant Forest also began to prepare plans to enter Alxa, and they learned from professionals in advance that only one or two species could survive to grow plants in such a harsh environment. One of them is the shuttle tree, and after internal discussions, Ant Forest decided to choose this species.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

The reason why it can be selected is because the shuttle tree is simple to plant, and the survival rate is high, the rhizome can be used in medicine, it can help combustion after drying, and the effect of improving the desert environment is also the largest, and it has the title of the shuttlecock desert guard. So Ant Forest took nearly 600 million users to change the environment and planted one shuttle tree after another in the Alashan Desert.

As time passed, some users began to wonder what happened to the trees they planted? So some people spontaneously went to the planting place to "check", who thought that the seeds that were planted back then, now there is no trunk at all, all buried in the yellow sand, he feels that he has been deceived, so he uploaded the photo to the Internet.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

For a while, Ma Yun was pushed to the cusp, and users asked him to come out and give an explanation. At this time, the official personnel of the ant forest came forward to explain this matter to everyone.

It turns out that the shuttle tree can only grow this height, especially the seedlings can only reach about 20 centimeters, and the saplings can only reach a height of 1-9 meters after they grow up, and it is normal to not see clearly in the environment of yellow sand.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

However, this statement does not convince those who are extremely concerned about this matter, they still suspect that this is a gimmick of Alipay, the so-called ant forest is only ostensibly in line with the development of the country, which is only a means to earn traffic for themselves. In fact, they did not implement the matter of planting trees at all! It's just casually deceiving customers.

For these doubts, although how much evidence Ant Forest has come up with, they have vetoed it, and the ugly face of the bourgeoisie has been fixed in their minds, but any mistake in Alipay will fall to the bottom. Alipay officials dare not take any action in this regard, and only explain when the topic is re-fried to the public.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

But some netizens feel that maybe it is indeed as Alipay official said, the user himself did not see it? With this idea, another group of people personally came to the Alxa Desert to check, this time they were fully armed, no longer like the previous user only stood at a distance to watch, but walked to the field where it was planted.

When I first entered the plantation site, I first saw the plaque of "Ant Forest No. 102". And the planting land behind the sign seems to be indeed the same as in the photo, it is desolate, and from time to time there is a huge wind and sand blowing on everyone's faces. Just when everyone was disappointed, a strong wind suddenly blew away the sand on a piece of vegetation in front of them, leaking more green vegetation.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

Everyone hurriedly stepped forward to take a closer look, and found rows of shuttle trees buried under the sand, the ant forest did not lie to themselves, those shuttle trees grew very well, very healthy, and grew firmly under the yellow sand, everyone was very happy to see this scene!

The trees were not seen before because the person who took the picture was too far from the planting site, and the yellow sand was flying everywhere, and the clarity was so low that neither the human eye nor the camera could see the buried vegetation.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

So far, Ant Forest has carried out such environmental protection activities in 11 provinces in the mainland, planting a total of 320 million trees, especially in those areas such as Gansu and Inner Mongolia where desertification and sandstorms are more serious, the number of plantings is the largest, Ant Forest not only allows users to participate in the national public welfare construction team, but also allows those who are deeply affected by natural disasters to get a lot of help.

Jack Ma has really contributed a lot to the construction of environmental protection in the mainland, and he has used his genius to combine environmental protection with his own industry, and has achieved great success. He did not seek profit like other businessmen, destroying the environment in order to make money, but united making money and environmental protection to a win-win situation! So what was the reason behind him being able to figure out this step?

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

Why did Jack Ma come up with such a good way?

The first is the environmental protection of the mainland. In 1973, the first national environmental protection conference on the mainland was held, and the meeting put forward a 32-character environmental protection work policy. It is clearly pointed out that the mainland has been seriously damaged by natural disasters, resulting in many wild animals, forests, and desert ecology being implicated, and if it is not controlled, it will endanger our lives.

The process of environmental protection became more severe over time, and by 2015, the mainland had published a special revision to the Environmental Protection Law, which is also known as the most stringent environmental protection law in history. From this point of view, the country is determined to protect the environment, and must develop a green ecology and return the environment we live to nature.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

Ma Yun is clearly following in the footsteps of the country, and after the enactment of this law, as the richest man in the country, he had to set some examples, after all, public figures are the most capable of taking the lead, so the media is paying close attention to his movements, which is one of the reasons he did so.

In addition, the pollution around the world is so serious, many parts of the mainland have suffered a lot of natural disasters due to environmental pollution, and many people have been displaced, which is not what Ma Yun wants to see.

As a high-status entrepreneur, his social responsibility is also relatively large, in order to make people in poor areas have a good life, but also to encourage other people's movements, this is also a good way, and all this can be linked to the project on Alipay, the best of both worlds Ma Yun naturally will not give up.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

So after internal discussions within Alipay, soon the project called Ant Forest was pushed out, and his way of involving the public in contributing to the protection of the natural environment immediately attracted media attention. Because while contributing, the public can also participate in the movement to reduce the emission of environmental pollution elements.

In general, Ma Yun has never deceived us in planting trees, and he did not say empty words, which really confirmed his promise back then.

In 2018, Ma Yun promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters.

Now that the environmental situation on the mainland is so serious, his approach has not only increased the enthusiasm of our people for movement, but also protected the environment, he is a successful businessman and an example worth learning.

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