
From a small workshop to a "zongzi brother", Wufangzhai sells 400 million yuan a year

author:China Business Strategy
From a small workshop to a "zongzi brother", Wufangzhai sells 400 million yuan a year

Text | Huashang Tao strategy flying

Brand is difficult to have evergreen, even if the history is long, such as Quanjude, consecutive years of losses, reform failures, dogs ignore the bun is difficult to get out of the dilemma of relying on the old and selling the old, facing the multiple collapse of word of mouth, performance, and capital.

The century-old signboard seems to be fading under the impact of the new era, but the "Zongzi Brother" Wufangzhai stands out from the siege and joins hands to create a sales myth of 400 million Zongzi sold a year.

Wufangzhai started from a small workshop, swept the Shanghai-Hangzhou area in the early years, in 1956 merged "Rongji", "Heji", "Qingji" three Wufangzhai and "Xiangxiangzhai", in 1988 registered trademarks, and then carried out the transfer of state-owned shares, gradually from state-owned enterprises to private enterprises.

In 2002, Li Jianping, who was born as the deputy director of the Jiaxing Public Security Bureau, joined Wufangzhai and invested 60% of the shares, committed to changing the identity of Wufangzhai's traditional long-established workshop with a modern management system and business philosophy.

From a small workshop to a "zongzi brother", Wufangzhai sells 400 million yuan a year

The long-established Wufangzhai has caught up with a good era.

Data show that in 2019, China's Zongzi market size of 7.337 billion yuan, an annual compound growth rate of 10.53%, is expected to increase to 10.291 billion yuan by 2024, 2020 to 2024 compound annual growth rate of 7%, in 2020, Zongzi series product revenue of 1.644 billion yuan, accounting for 71% of the total revenue of Wufangzhai.

However, the single product and seasonal food also made Wufangzhai encounter a certain bottleneck. How to make zongzi often eat new, and not only appear in the Dragon Boat Festival, is a problem that needs to be solved.

From a small workshop to a "zongzi brother", Wufangzhai sells 400 million yuan a year

In 2009, Wufangzhai laid out the beginning of e-commerce, cooperated with live broadcasts with goods, made good use of creativity for scenario-based marketing, attracted the traffic of young consumer groups, clearly positioned and improved its own brand awareness, and increased the audience base.

This year' Juhuasuan, known as the "explosive product incubator", can be regarded as the most successful e-commerce marketing of Wufangzhai. Playing cross-border along the trend, Wufangzhai with the help of Juhuasuan's complete live broadcast ecology and huge traffic, after the category day activities, the official flagship achieved a more than 10-fold outbreak, and was also rated by netizens as the oldest brand that can play the most.

Relying on playing, Wufangzhai is also firmly ranked as the first zongzi brand recognized by the people.

From a small workshop to a "zongzi brother", Wufangzhai sells 400 million yuan a year

Juhuasuan activities not only bring huge traffic and marketing to Wufangzhai, stimulate consumption, stimulate growth, achieve a win-win situation for consumers, platforms and enterprises, build a consumer environment and an ideal platform that adapts to young consumers, help traditional innovation and development, and provide assistance for strong exposure to narrow the distance between consumers and enterprises, so as to provide assistance for enterprises to grasp the trend of the consumer market and create products that truly adapt to the trend of today's times.

At present, Wufangzhai has formed a product chain group centered on zongzi, including most rice products and egg products such as moon cakes and pastries, and established a marketing network covering the whole country from Jiaxing and Chengdu production bases, actively accepting market signals, conforming to the trend of the times, and creating diversified products and profit models that not only marketing and channel innovation.

Century-old classics have crossed the river of history, but in today's society, they still have not fully adapted to the changes in new consumption trends.

Break the pain points, create diversified income generation, think about adapting to the consumption trend, and gradually expand the consumer audience, this is not to participate in a cost-effective activity can be achieved overnight, only by continuously launching diversified products that adapt to the times and mainstream consumer groups, can we make the century-old brand usher in the next hundred years, standing in the torrent of the times without fading.


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