
Autumn supplement is good Winter disease does not come to find a tonic secret recipe According to eating accurately, it is not wrong

author:Bright Net

Autumn makes up well Winter sickness does not come to look

Tonic Secret Recipes Are right to eat

As the saying goes, "a summer without disease and three points of deficiency", the summer body sweats a lot and consumes a lot of internal energy, so after the autumn, many people will feel tired and their resistance will decline. Therefore, the most important thing in autumn is to make up, make up for it correctly, and all kinds of annoying little problems after autumn will naturally disappear. After entering the autumn, the temperature difference between morning and evening becomes larger, whether it is a weak body or a rare illness, you can try.

Yam is the dried rhizome of the diospyrifos plant Diospyrifos. The ancients promised it beautiful names such as "potato" and "yuyan". The Shennong Materia Medica records: "Yam can tonify, strengthen qi, and grow muscles." Long service ears and eyes are smart, light body does not hunger prolong life. Li Shizhen also said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that it can "benefit the kidneys, strengthen the spleen and stomach, stop diarrhea, dissolve phlegm and saliva, and moisten the skin and hair." "Yam taste sweet, flat sex, belongs to the lungs, spleen, kidney meridians." Its role is moderate, not cold and dry, replenishing qi without stagnation, nourishing yin without greasy, and flat supplementing three scorched qi yin. Yam is often eaten in autumn, which can play a better role in improving the gastrointestinal tract for people who are often prone to ulcers and have poor gastrointestinal function. In addition, it is rich in choline and lecithin, which helps to improve the memory of the human brain; and it is also one of the ideal foods for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Beef is high in protein and low in fat, and it is delicious and loved. Eating beef can play a role in nourishing the spleen and stomach, improving qi and blood, and strengthening muscles and bones. The "Qianjin Fang" believes that beef "an five viscera, flat stomach qi, through the twelve meridians, rational three jiao, warm bone marrow, tonic, continue to injury, beneficial qi force." "The beef we eat is mainly divided into yellow beef and buffalo beef. Among them, the role of yellow beef in replenishing qi and blood and strengthening muscles and bones is stronger, and the "Han's Medical Pass" records: "Yellow beef, tonify qi, works with astragalus." "Suitable for people who have sagging in the middle of the air, shortness of breath, weakness, and sore bones and bones." Buffalo beef is cool, does not cause fever, fire, and is particularly suitable for eczema, allergies and other hot and humid constitutions. Modern nutrition research believes that beef is rich in protein, and its amino acid composition is closer to the needs of the human body than pork. Moreover, beef is rich in a lot of iron, and eating more beef helps in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. It should be reminded that the muscle fibers of beef are rough and difficult to digest, so the elderly, young children and people with weak digestion should not eat more, once a week.

As a delicious food, mushrooms have long been known, and many countries regard fungi as the "king of dishes". Mushrooms not only taste good, but also rich in nutrients, can be called high protein and low fat products, known as "plant meat". Among all the mushrooms, the more well-known is the "Lion's Head Mushroom". Lion's head mushroom is both a delicious dish and a medicinal herb, and as early as the Yuan Dynasty's "Drinking and Eating", the medicinal value of Lion's Head Mushroom has been clearly recorded. In the "Qianlong Forty-fourth Year may festival as usual meal bottom file" records that Qianlong must have a monkey head dish in his daily diet.

According to historical records, Qianlong once praised the lion's head mushroom: "The monkey's head is particularly delicious, the bird's nest bear paw is ten thousand, and the long food is light and prolonged." "Since the 1970s, modern research has proved that Herinaceus has good medicinal value and can treat indigestion, gastric ulcers, angusitis, stomach pain, bloating and neurasthenia. Therefore, proper consumption of lion's head mushroom in autumn can not only nourish the spleen and stomach, but also strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Huaishan monkey mushroom goulash

Ingredients: 500 grams of beef loin nest meat, 250 grams of Huai yam, 100 grams of lion's head mushroom

Ingredients: 2 chives, 3 slices of ginger, 3 grams of salt, 1 gram of peppercorns, 3 grams of rice wine, goji berries to taste, 1 gram of white pepper

Directions: Wash and cut beef into cubes, peel yam, wash and cut lion's mane mushrooms, wash and chop ginger and green onion and set aside. Bring water to a boil, blanch the beef nuggets in boiling water for 5 minutes, skim off the blood foam and drain.

Blanch the lion's head mushroom and The Huai yam in water, put the drained beef pieces into a casserole, add ginger and green onion in turn, and add an appropriate amount of warm water to simmer for one hour. Add blanched yam and lion's head mushrooms in a stewed beef pot, continue to simmer for half an hour, and when the pot is fragrant, add an appropriate amount of salt, white pepper and goji berries to taste, and then eat.

According to China Traditional Chinese Medicine News

Source: Zhejiang Old YearLy