
Is it really impossible to feed the inch golden turtle food?

author:Qualified turtle keepers

Inch gold this brand is relatively early to enter the market, for all turtle friends is also a relatively common turtle food, I believe most turtle friends have used inch turtle food. The low price is the most obvious feature of the inch golden turtle food, because it is too cheap, but in the major forums derived from the "inch gold can not be fed" thesis.

In fact, a large part of the reason why the inch turtle food is so low is because it uses plant protein instead of animal protein. What does that mean? In layman's terms, it is the difference between turtles eating meat and eating vegetarian food.

Is it really impossible to feed the inch golden turtle food?

Many turtle friends and Xiaobian have exchanged the problem of turtle food, saying that after feeding the inch gold, I feel that the turtle does not grow. This point xiaobian has also personally fed inch gold for a long time, how to say it, it varies from turtle to turtle. First of all, the turtle itself belongs to the species with a long reflex arc and slow metabolism, unlike cats and dogs, which have fast physical function.

Simply put, cats and dogs will have obvious symptoms after eating foods that are not suitable for the body, such as refusal to eat, vomiting and so on. However, for turtles, this change is not very obvious, and when it is found, it is generally sick for a long time. If you really want to verify that the turtle that eats inches of gold is basically not long, it is necessary to find several species of turtles of the same carapace length, some of which are only fed with turtle food, and the other part is fed to other brands of turtle food and kept separately. After a longer period of time, the length of the dorsal nail is measured separately before a conclusion can be drawn.

How to say it after the editor fed it, it is indeed long and slow, but it is not not long. After feeding the lifeblood for just two months, the back armor grew 2cm, and the feeding was suspended in fright.

Speaking of the fundamental problem of plant protein instead of animal protein, take people, people who eat more meat are not necessarily tall and strong, and people who eat vegetarians are not necessarily thin and weak.

Is it really impossible to feed the inch golden turtle food?

Some turtle friends asked the editor, is the inch golden turtle food really good for the turtle? Is it healthy? I asked him, how did he suddenly ask such a general question? This kind of question is the same as when we ask the teacher when we are young, the teacher, how to learn mathematics well, so that people cannot answer. I asked him, do you have any specific findings? He said, yes, inch golden turtle food, some words have obvious errors, the taste is sometimes more rushed, is it broken or expired and then repackaged? I said that shouldn't happen.

First, although the price of inch gold feed is low, you can find specific manufacturer information and factory address on the packaging bag, and you can also log on to the official website of inch gold feed, according to the theory, there will be no such problem. However, not necessarily, because we are ordinary players, have not been exposed to the industry, and do not know what the inside story is. Another low price of golden turtle food is that it hardly does branding.

Is it really impossible to feed the inch golden turtle food?

First of all, a definition, what is a brand? Xiaobian believes that the most understandable definition of brand is to mention a thing, and we will be the most direct when the brand that comes to mind can be called a brand. For example, when it comes to milk, we will think of Yili, Mengniu, Wahaha; when it comes to instant noodles, we will think of Master Kong and Unification, and when we mention mobile phones, we will think of Huawei, Xiaomi, Apple, etc. Similar to such brands can be called brands.

But why are these brands household names? Because in addition to the excellent quality of the thing itself, the promotion of the brand is also very good. What is promotion? Promotion is trying to make every effort to let others know that your stuff is very good. Advertising, events, etc. are all better ways. But what about inch turtle food? Inch gold has always been boring to make turtle food, rarely see activities or advertising, but it still occupies a certain position in the hearts of turtle friends, which is its strength.

Is it really impossible to feed the inch golden turtle food?

This part of the promotion cost can be saved, so the price of the product will be reduced accordingly, because the wool is out of the sheep. How is that inch of golden turtle food so familiar?

Most likely because of its low price. In fact, if you think about it carefully, excellent quality and reputation are the key. There are almost no bad reviews in the evaluation of a treasure selling inches of golden turtle food, which also explains some problems.

Let's analyze it from the nature and quality of turtle food itself. What is Good Turtle Food? The most superficial thing to see is that there is no muddy water and less waste.

The representative turtle food of muddy water is Decai turtle food, but why is Decai turtle food still sold as high-end turtle food? First, Decai turtle food is an imported high-end brand, and many turtle friends believe that imported turtle food is better than domestic turtle food; second, the hair color level of this turtle food is indeed unparalleled.

Is it really impossible to feed the inch golden turtle food?

Some people asked, decai turtle food hair color is good, but so muddy water, why use it? Always changing the water is too troublesome, Xiaobian told him that this is similar to us people taking medicine. Everyone knows that it is a three-point poison of medicine, but why do we still eat it? Because we value its seven-point efficacy, not its three-point toxicity.

Recently, I have seen that Dolphin Turtle Food is also slowly launching the Kama series of hair color turtle food, and the price is cheaper than Decai, which may be a good substitute for Decai turtle food.

Well, far from it, let's get back to the point. The problem of muddy water and waste is not serious, and there is no big problem to be precise. After all, all turtle friends have used it, and I will not explain them all. From the analysis of nutrient composition, although there is no animal protein, the inch gold uses the protein of the legume, and the stomach of the turtle does not distinguish between animal protein and plant protein. Anyway, it's all protein, and for the stomach, it's the same digestion.

Is it really impossible to feed the inch golden turtle food?

Finally, let's talk about the classification of inch golden turtle food. The classification of inch golden turtle food is relatively small, and the more common ones on the market are inch golden turtle food and inch gold three-color turtle food. What is the composition of the color in the three-color turtle food has always been a topic of debate among our turtle friends. Its high probability is mostly the component of the pigment. Why? Because when feeding the turtles, the turtles did not show a clear preference for the three colors of the turtle food.

In layman's terms, turtles will eat the same thing and will not show that they like to eat this color or hate that color. Relatively speaking, there is a small difference between high-strength tricolor turtle food and turtles. The Brazilian turtle raised by the editor prefers red, and has less interest in green turtle food. This at least proves that the three colors of the high-power tricolor turtle food are not composed of the same ingredient. But there is also a certain degree of contingency.

In fact, how to say it, on the whole, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits, and the inch gold is still the most basic and hottest turtle food, there is no one!

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