
What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?

author:Twin Cities Living SAM

Remember to pay attention

The vast majority of garnet jewelry on the market is affordable to the people, but in addition to the common red garnet, orange, green, mint... They are not only good-looking, but also expensive. Garnet comes in a variety of colors, but have you never heard of "mint green" garnet?

In the garnet family, there is an important branch - grossular garnet, to which "Tsavorite" belongs. Recently, a fresh, mint-green "peppermint garnet" has triggered a foreign boom, which can be described as a fairy immortal, this fairy gemstone is also a member of the grossular garnet family.

What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?

Source: Little Red Book @ Han Meimei

Domestically, this mint-green grossular garnet is called "menthol garnet" and abroad as "Merelani mint", and is only produced in Tanzania, and grossular garnet from other regions will hardly have such a color.

Like Rubilla and Paraiba in tourmaline, menthol garnet was singled out as a commercial variety because of its characteristic color, but in gemology, menthol garnet is essentially a vanadium-containing grossular garnet.

What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?

Source: Little Red Book @ Han Meimei

How is it distinguished from Tsavory?

The Tsavorite System-wide Qualification Standard was officially launched globally in March, with the introduction of two new color commercial names, Kazzani Green and Mint Green.

What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?

Source: GUILD

Color-causing elements

The relationship between tsavorite and menthol garnet is analogous to emerald to green beryl, the green beryl color element is V, and the color element of emerald is mainly Cr.

Peppermint-colored garnet and containing V can be called menthol garnet. When menthol garnet contains a certain amount of Cr, it can also be classified as a type of tsavory.


Compared to tsavory, garnet is lighter in color, a green with a blue tinge, and looks more like mints, but the fire is much stronger than tsavorite.

Also due to the color of vanadium is vanadium chrysoberyl, which has a fresh apple green color; The popular Paraiba tourmaline is blue-green because it contains copper and manganese.

What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?
What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?

The picture above is vanadium chrysoberyl Source: Little Red Book @JX Gem

The picture below is Paraiba tourmaline Source: Little Red Book @ Enigma Deer

Ultraviolet fluorescence

The simplest way to distinguish between tsavorite and menthol garnet is ultraviolet fluorescence, tsavorite under the purple light basically has no reaction, but menthol garnet in the purple light shows a very beautiful orange-yellow color, because of such a high value, the value of menthol garnet over the years has also climbed all the way, and the potential for appreciation is very large.

What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?

Source: Treasure Gems

At present, the recognition of garnet garnet in China is not very high, and the certificate can now be given "Mint green'" mint color, but it is still named after Tsavory. International EGLAGTLNGL and others can be given another name grossulargarnet.

However, no matter which testing institution menthol garnet needs to have strong fluorescence, so everyone buying menthol garnet to look for strong fluorescence generally will not have any problems.

What is the upstart in the gemstone world, menthol garnet?


Menthol garnet is a mess of fire abroad. After the epidemic, the price of precious colored treasures has soared, and of course, mint garnet is no exception, and the price has gradually climbed.

Although garnet is still a relatively niche gemstone in China, Gem Jun believes that it will soon set off a mint frenzy in China!

The pictures in this article are collected on the Internet (source noted)

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Editor: Zhang Wenxi

Reviewed: Cao Fufang, Pei Jingcheng, Wang Bingli, Ye Hongbo

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