
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

author:College senior

At present, 31 provinces and cities across the country have announced the 2023 college entrance examination score line, and announced the volunteer filling time, are candidates ready to volunteer to fill in the report? What colleges and universities can I go to with my grades? How to fill in the report so that it will not slip? After the college entrance examination results are announced, filling in the volunteer is an important task for candidates and parents. For everyone, the estimated admission score lines of colleges and universities in Henan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong and other provinces have been sorted out for your reference! The final admission line is subject to the information released by the university.


1. Fudan University

Science: The top 800 in the province can be considered for the exam

Liberal arts: The top 200 in the province can be considered for the exam

2. Zhejiang University

Science: The province ranks within 1,000 and rushes

Liberal arts: The province ranks within 500 and rushes

Medicine: Within 2,000 people in the province

3. University of Science and Technology of China

Science: About 900 in the province can be considered for the exam

Liberal Arts: No enrollment plan

4. Harbin Institute of Technology

Science: About 652 points is more certain

Liberal arts: about 615 points are more certain

5. Xi'an Jiaotong University

Science: It is relatively safe to rank in the top 3,000 or so in the province

Liberal arts: It is relatively safe to rank in the top 900 or so in the province

6. Hong Kong Chinese University (Shenzhen)

Science: The top 5,000 applicants in the province are promising

Liberal arts: The top 1,000 applicants in the province are promising

7. Beijing Forestry University

Science: The top 28,000 in the province have great hopes

Liberal arts: The province ranks in the top 2800 with great hope

8. Zhengzhou University

Science: The top 29,000 in the province rushed

Liberal arts: The top 4,000 in the province rushed ahead

9. Henan Normal University

Science: An estimated score of 548

Liberal Arts: An estimated score of 569 in one book

The second book has not yet been estimated

10. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Science: The province ranks in the top 9625, and the score of about 625 is relatively stable

Liberal arts: The province ranks in the top 2500 with a score of 615 and is relatively stable

11. China University of Political Science and Law

Science: The top 10,000 or so in the province can be considered

Liberal arts: The top 1500 or so in the province can be considered

12. China University of International Business and Economics

Science: 628 points rushed, 629 points are relatively stable

Liberal arts: 625 points rushed, 632 points are relatively stable

13. Communication University of China

Science: There is a large gap between different majors, you can refer to previous years

Liberal arts: The top 1,000 in the province can apply

14. Hong Kong Chinese University

Science: The top 5,000 in the province are relatively stable

Liberal arts: The province ranks 1,500 relatively stable

15. Hunan University

Science: The top 1300 in the province can be considered

Liberal arts: The top 8400 in the province can be considered

(According to last year's score, it depends on this year's situation)

16. Beijing University of Foreign Chinese

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

17. Southeast University

Science: The top 1,000 in the province can be considered

Liberal Arts: Estimated score of 645 points

18. Sun Yat-sen University

Science: The top 4848 in the province can be reported

Liberal arts: The top 759 in the province can be reported

19. Tianjin University

Science: 636 points or above can apply

Liberal arts: 633 points or more

New medical subjects with a score of 633 or more can apply

20. Wuhan University

Science: The top 4,000 in the province can be reported

Liberal arts: The top 600 in the province can be reported

21. Chinese Minmin University

Science: The top 1300 or so in the province can be reported

Liberal arts: The top 300 to 400 in the province can be reported

22. Jilin University

Science: The top 11,700 in the province can be reported

Liberal arts: The top 1700 in the province can be reported

23. Nankai University

Science: The province ranks in the top 4,000 hopes

Liberal arts: The province ranks in the top 600 hopefully

24. Tongji University

Science: The top 3,000 in the province are encouraged to apply

Liberal arts: The top 1,000 in the province are encouraged to apply

25. Beihang University

Science: The top 1500 in the province can be reported

Liberal arts: The top 800 to 1,000 in the province can be reported

26. Beijing Institute of Technology

Science: 645 to 659 points can be mainly reported separately

659 to 663 points can be reported for general majors and separate lists

664 points to 668 points can be applied to Xu Teli elite class

Liberal arts: 631 points can be tried, 632 points have a high probability

27. China Agricultural University

Science: The top 12,000 to 13,000 in the province can apply

Liberal arts: The top 2,000 in the province can apply

Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools: the top 25,000 students in the province can apply, and the top 2,500 in the province in liberal arts can apply

28. Beijing Normal University

Science in Beijing Campus: The top 5,500 in the province can be reported

Liberal arts in Beijing campus: the top 500 in the province can be reported

Science Department of Zhuhai Campus: 8800 in the province can be reported

Liberal arts on Zhuhai campus: the top 1180 in the province can be reported

The above is a batch of ordinary categories, which are estimated according to the situation in previous years, depending on the actual situation this year

29. East China Normal University

Science: The top 6,000 to the top 7,000 in the province need to rush

Liberal arts: The province ranks in the top 600 to the top 800, and about 800 need to rush

30. Xiamen University

Science: The province ranks within 6500 can be considered

Liberal arts: within 1,000 in the province can be considered

31. Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Only science courses are accepted, and the province ranks within 11,000 to encourage application

32. Hohai University

Science: The province ranks within 17,500 to rush, and 15,000 is relatively stable

Liberal arts: The province ranks within 3,100, and 2,900 is relatively stable

33. China Pharmaceutical University

Science: 595 points can be rushed, 597 points have a high relative probability, and the province ranks about 23,000 can be considered for the exam

Liberal Arts: No reference

34. Southwest Jiaotong University

Science: The province ranks about 16,000 to 17,000 people who can be considered

Liberal arts: within 3,000 in the province can be considered

35. Xidian University

Science: The province ranks within 8,000 can be considered

Liberal arts: The province ranks within 4,000 can be considered

36. Chang'an University

Science: The province ranks within 16,000 to 25,000 people who can consider applying

Liberal arts: Within 3,500 in the province, you can consider applying

37. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Science: The province ranks about 17,000 to consider

Liberal arts: The province ranks about 2600 to consider

38. Central China Normal University

Science: Applicants are encouraged to apply within 1500 in the province

Liberal arts: within 2,000 in the province, applicants are encouraged to apply

39. China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Science: The province ranks 14,000 to 26,000 to encourage application

Liberal arts: about 2,900 in the province are encouraged to apply

40. North China Electric Power University

Science Department of Beijing University: Ranked within 13,000 in the province is encouraged to apply

Liberal Arts in Beijing: Applicants are encouraged to apply within the province's 5,000 rankings

Science Department of Baoding Campus: Provincial ranking within 20,000 is encouraged to apply

Liberal arts of Baoding Campus: Applicants are encouraged to apply within the provincial ranking within 5,000

41. Northeast Forestry University:

Science: The province ranks within 35,000 and encourages application

Liberal arts: Applicants are encouraged to apply within 5,000 in the province

42. Northeast Agricultural University

Science: Ranked within 40,000 in the province is encouraged to apply

Liberal arts: Ranked within 6,000 in the province is encouraged to apply

43. Dalian Maritime University

Science: The province ranks about 23,000 and encourages application

Liberal arts: The province ranks about 4,000 and encourages application

44. Yanshan University

Science: The province ranks about 35,000 to 40,000 people to encourage application

Liberal arts: The province ranks within 8300 and is encouraged to apply

45. Hebei University of Chinese Medicine

Science: Ranked within 120,000 in the province, applicants are encouraged to apply

Liberal arts: Applicants are encouraged to apply within the province's ranking of 22,000

46. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Science: 25 to 30 points above the first line before considering

Liberal Arts: 15 to 20 points above the first line before considering

47. Henan Agricultural University

A batch of science subjects: the province ranks 50,000 to 100,000 and encourages application

A batch of liberal arts: the province ranks 10,000 to 20,000 and encourages application

The second batch of science subjects: the province ranks about 150,000 and encourages application

The second batch of liberal arts: the province ranks about 30,000 and encourages application

48. Henan University of Science and Technology

Science: 30 points higher than the first line encourages application, which is more secure

Liberal arts: 20 points higher than the first line encourages application, which is more secure

49. Henan Polytechnic University

Science: 16 points above the first line is relatively safe

Liberal arts: Six or seven points above the first line is more secure

The above is the application for last year, and the actual situation this year shall prevail.

50. Henan University of Economics and Law

Science is about 37 points higher than a provincial control line, that is, about 551 points (up and down 3 points), and the rank can be reported at about 69,000;

The liberal arts are about 23 points higher than the provincial control line, that is, about 570 points (3 points up and down), and the rank can be reported at about 13,000.

51. North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power

Science 1: Within 76,000 in the province, you can consider applying

Liberal arts: within the province's ranking of 20,000, you can consider applying

Science 2: Seventy or eighty points above the score line, you can consider applying

Liberal arts two books: 60 or 70 points above the score line can be considered for the exam

52. Henan University of Chinese Medicine

Science 1: You can consider applying for the exam before ranking 100,000 in the province

Liberal arts: Before the province ranks 20,000, you can consider applying

53. Xinyang Normal University

Science 1: Estimated score line 539 points, 540 points

Liberal Arts 1: The estimated score is above 550 points

Science 2: The estimated score is 505 points or more

Liberal Arts 2: The estimated score is above 540 points

The above is for reference only, subject to the actual admission situation.

54. Zhongyuan Institute of Technology

Science 1: Estimated score line 519 points

Liberal Arts 1: Estimated score of 550 points

Science 2: Estimated score of 508 points

Liberal Arts II: Estimated score of 544 points

The above is for reference only, subject to the actual admission situation

55. Henan Institute of Science and Technology

Science: 484 points or more is relatively safe

Liberal arts: 527 points or more is more secure

56. Xinxiang Medical College

Science 1: Ranked within 80,000 in the province and encouraged to apply. The province ranks within 30,000 in dentistry and within 40,000 in clinical.

Liberal arts one: It is safer to cross a line.

57. Zhoukou Normal University

Science 1: It is relatively safe to rank within 120,000 in the province

Liberal arts: It is relatively safe to rank within 22,000 in the province

The second batch of science: it is relatively safe to rank within 169,000 in the province

Two books of liberal arts: It is relatively safe to rank within 38,000 in the province

The above is for reference only, subject to the actual admission situation.

58. Shangqiu Normal University (pictured)

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!


Undergraduate universities outside the province

(in no particular order)

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Undergraduate universities in the province

(in no particular order)

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Higher vocational colleges in the province

(in no particular order)

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!


University of Science and Technology of China: There is hope before the science ranking of 8900. This year, the enrollment plan of USTC in Anhui Province is 160 students, and the national special program has 16 students. According to the admission situation in the past two years, there is hope before the province's science ranking of eight or nine hundred, and it is recommended that the top 900 can go to the site for consultation.

Hefei University of Technology: Hefei Campus Science and Engineering is estimated to score 605 points. Hefei University of Technology is divided into Hefei Campus and Xuancheng Campus, and the enrollment scores of the two campuses are different. Hefei Campus: Science and engineering is estimated to be about 605 points, liberal arts is estimated to be about 569 points, and Sino-foreign cooperation is estimated to be about 573 points; Xuancheng Campus: Science and engineering is estimated to score about 595 points, and liberal arts is estimated to be about 565 points. In addition, candidates with slightly lower scores can also choose the first choice to rush.

Anhui University: about 580 points in science, about 564 points in liberal arts. According to the admission situation in the past two years and this year's enrollment plan, the minimum entry line of science is about 580 points, the lowest ranking is about 25,000, and candidates ranked within 27,000 can rush. The minimum entry line in liberal arts is about 564 points, ranking around 4800, and candidates ranked within 5500 can also rush. For Sino-foreign cooperative schools, the minimum investment line for science is estimated to be about 560 points, ranking 36,000. In addition, candidates ranked within 40,000 can choose to rush.

Anhui Normal University: 546 points in literature and history, 553 points in science and engineering. In 2023, Anhui undergraduate batch of applications: 546 points in literature and history are welcome to fill in, and the position is within 8,000 to fill in the greater certainty; Science and engineering 553 points welcome to fill in, the position within 40,000 to fill in the certainty is large, the above prediction is for reference only. For more information, please refer carefully to the "Application Guide" issued by the Anhui Provincial Education Admission Examination Institute.

Anhui Medical University: within 70,000 in science and 16,000 in liberal arts. Anhui Medical University's enrollment plan in Anhui Province this year is 3,980, which is little changed compared to 2022. Therefore, the ranking of clinical medicine, medical technology, stomatology and other majors is expected to remain relatively stable compared with previous years. The school has 46 undergraduate enrollment majors, medicine and related disciplines are complete, and at the same time 5 new majors enrolled in a batch are newly added, all of which are the first enrollment this year, considering the above factors, welcome candidates within 70,000 science and 16,000 liberal arts to pay attention to the school's enrollment majors and fill in, but it is recommended that candidates must choose a major to obey when filling in.

Anhui Agricultural University: about 526 points in science, about 536 points in liberal arts. According to the estimated score line in previous years, the lowest pitch line of Anhui Agricultural University is about 60,000 science subjects, with about 526 points; The liberal arts are about 10,500, with about 536 points.

China University of Mining and Technology: This year's enrollment in Anhui Province is expected to be about 19,500 students in science and 3,000 or 4,000 in liberal arts.

Chang'an University: Referring to last year's admission results, this year's enrollment position of Sino-foreign cooperative schools is about 33,000 students, science and engineering is expected to have a minimum admission ranking of more than 24,000, colleges and universities need to apply before, literature and history this year in Anhui has 7 majors enrolled, 13 enrollment places, in previous years the minimum admission position is about 4,400.

Soochow University: The estimated ranking of admitted candidates is within 1,500 in liberal arts and 10,000 in science. This year, Soochow University has a new major enrolled in Anhui for the first time, the minimum admission ranking may be lower than last year, and the chances of candidates ranked around last year's minimum admission ranking may increase.

China Pharmaceutical University: It is estimated that the admission rank of candidates in Anhui is 3,000~16,000 in science and about 3,000 in liberal arts.

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics: It is estimated that the top 5,000 in liberal arts and 30,000 in science are more likely to be admitted, and candidates within 7,000 in liberal arts and 40,000 in science can rush.

Northwestern Polytechnical University: It is estimated that the minimum admission ranking is about 1,800 for liberal arts and 4,000 for science.

Xidian University: According to the situation of the previous three years, it is estimated that this year's science ranking is more than 6,000, and about 3,000 liberal arts students are expected to be admitted.

XJTLU University: Candidates with a science ranking of less than 50,000 are more hopeful, and the lowest ranking in liberal arts is estimated to be around 11,000.

Xi'an Jiaotong University: The normal batch of science is expected to be within 2,000, Sino-foreign cooperative education is expected to be within 8,000, medical science is expected to be within 4,000, and liberal arts is expected to be within 1,000.

Wuhan University: Candidates ranked within 2,500 in science and 320 in liberal arts are encouraged to apply for Wuhan University.

Sichuan University: encourage science within 7,000 to fill in boldly, candidates within 5,000 may be admitted relatively stable, high-scoring professional clinical medicine, stomatology and other estimated admission rankings within 2,000, this year Sichuan University liberal arts major expanded more than a dozen places, in previous years the minimum admission position was more than 800, this year welcome less than 1,500 candidates to fill in boldly.

Sun Yat-sen University: In previous years, the admission rank of science was about 3,000 or 4,000, and the minimum admission rank of liberal arts in previous years was about 700, and this year there is an expansion of enrollment in Anhui Province, and it is expected that the minimum admission rank will decline.

Harbin Institute of Technology: According to the forecast of previous years, the main department: science about 653 points, liberal arts about 592 points. Weihai Campus: Science score is about 639, ranking more than 4,000, and the first year of liberal arts enrollment in Anhui, there is no predicted score line.

Beijing Jiaotong University: According to the situation in previous years, within 9,000 students in science and about 1500~1800 in liberal arts may be admitted. The minimum admission position for science in Weihai campus is expected to be between 20,000 and 25,000.

Beihang University: The top 1,500 science candidates and the top 1,000 liberal arts candidates in the province are encouraged to apply for Beihang University.

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications: Science is estimated to be within 4,500, liberal arts is estimated to be within 1,600, Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools are expected to be within 9,500, and Hainan campus is expected to be within 15,000.

Southeast University: Encourage up to 800 students in liberal arts and 2,800 students in science to apply for Southeast University.

Nanjing Agricultural University: Candidates with a liberal arts ranking of less than 4,000 can rush, and candidates with a science ranking of less than 30,000 can rush.


Nanjing University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1101

There are 191 students in the general batch history and other subject plans, an increase of 11 over last year, and this year's estimated 640 points are encouraged, and 638-639 points are encouraged to apply for the exam. According to last year's situation, the experimental class of German grammar, Chinese language and literature, and economic management was more popular.

There are 707 students in the general batch physics and other subjects, an increase of 20 over last year, and the corresponding rank will be reduced. 663 points are estimated and 662 points are encouraged.

This year, the Earth Science and Resources Environment, Environment and Health Experimental Classes will continue to be set up separately in professional groups, so the 10 professional groups and the 11 medical professional groups will be 1 point lower than the above estimates, that is, about 662 points.

The popular professional group 09 includes major science classes, artificial intelligence, computer, software engineering, technical science experimental classes and other majors, and the scores will be higher, and candidates with 668 points and above are encouraged to apply.

The 08 professional group is a new Sino-foreign cooperative education major set up this year, due to the first year of enrollment, the score is not very certain, we encourage candidates, especially those with good foundation in mathematics and science and English, to actively apply for the exam. We will also make additional enrollment plans depending on the final application situation.

Southeast University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1102

110202 Professional Group (History + Unlimited) estimated 628 points. Plan 76, an increase of 7 over last year, and at the same time, there is only one liberal arts experimental class major in this professional group, which improves the probability of admission of candidates and guarantees candidates' professional aspirations.

110205 professional group (physics + unlimited) is estimated to score 658 points, 656 and 657 points are actively encouraged to apply. The professional group includes popular majors such as Wu Jianxiong's class, electronic information, and computer, and this year the group has 5 double bachelor's degree majors such as "cyberspace security + law", and the carbon neutrality and intelligent manufacturing experimental class is also frequently highlighted: 2 new engineering majors will be added in 2023 Intelligent Vehicle Engineering and Electric Transportation Engineering, and only all freshmen in this category have the opportunity to participate in the selection of the school's Future Technology College to enter the future robotics major newly established this year.

110206 professional group (physics + chemistry or biology) is estimated to be 644 points, this professional group is mainly medical related majors, the score is slightly lower than the 05 professional group, the cost performance is very high, is an excellent opportunity for candidates to enter 985 universities. After entering the school, candidates majoring in clinical medicine (5+3) can choose to enter the pilot class of top-notch innovative medical talents, and implement the "Ben-Master-PhD" (5+3+N) consistent training.

In addition, all candidates can enjoy opportunities such as the selection of top-notch classes in basic disciplines and multiple major selections after entering the school to fully meet their professional interests. Welcome everyone to actively apply for Southeast University!

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronaut

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1103

Physics: about 8,500 students in the province are encouraged to apply;

History: About 4,000 students in the province are encouraged to apply.

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1104

Nanjing Campus: 01-02 Professional Group (History) About 3,500 students in the province are encouraged to apply.

Nanjing Campus: About 7,000 students in the 05 professional group (physics) in the province are encouraged to apply.

Jiangyin Campus: About 12,000 students in the province of 07 professional group (physics) are encouraged to apply.

Hohai University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1105

Nanjing Campus: There is greater hope before 13,000 students in physics and 5,000 students in history

Changzhou Campus: There is greater hope before 23,000 students in physics and 6,000 students in history

Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools: There is great hope for 40,000 students in physics

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1106

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Nanjing Agricultural University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1107

Candidates within 5,000 (about 596 points) in the general batch of history and 22,000 (about 615 points) in physics apply for the school, and the admission hope is very large, and the major can be preferred;

Candidates within 6,500 (about 588 points) in history and 26,000 (about 609 points) in physics apply for the school, and the admission hope is very large;

Candidates within 7,000 (about 586 points) in history and 30,000 (about 603 points) in physics apply for the school and are expected to be admitted.

It is recommended that physics candidates fill in the three professional groups of the school at the same time 110703 economic management and social science, 110704 information engineering, and 110705 strong agriculture.

Nanjing Normal University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1108

The general batch of history subjects is planned to increase by about 120 students again this year on the basis of last year's substantial increase, and candidates below last year's minimum admission position are welcome to apply. For candidates with a score of 599 points, the first 5 volunteers fill the professional groups of Southern Normal University, and they have greater admission hopes. Candidates with high scores are welcome to apply for the double master's class, double bachelor's degree class, and innovative experimental class. Candidates with a score of 596 are encouraged to rush.

The general batch of physics subjects is planned to increase by about 260 students again this year on the basis of last year's substantial increase, and candidates below last year's minimum admission position are welcome to apply. Candidates with a score of 602 points, the first 6 volunteers fill the professional groups of Southern Normal University, and the admission hope is greater. Candidates with high scores are welcome to apply for the double master's class, double bachelor's degree class, top-notch talent base class, and innovative experimental class. Candidates with a score of 598 are encouraged to rush.

China Pharmaceutical University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1109

110903 professional group (physics + chemistry) and pharmacy (this Ph.D. through the strong base top-notch experimental class) candidates with 646 points and above are encouraged to apply.

110902 professional group (physics + chemistry), candidates with 620 points and above are encouraged to apply; Candidates with 637 points and above are expected to apply for the clinical pharmacy master's class and pharmacy top-notch class.

110904 professional group (physics + chemistry or biology), candidates with 613 points and above are encouraged to apply; Candidates with a score of 631 and above have great hopes to apply for the top class of biopharmacy and the top class of Chinese medicine.

110905 professional group (physics + chemistry or biology), Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools professional group, candidates with 600 points or above are encouraged to apply.

110901 professional group (history + unlimited), candidates with 588 points and above are encouraged to apply.

Candidates with high scores who meet the requirements can first apply for a major with a high insurance research rate. The physical examination meets the requirements, and the application for the 110902 professional group will meet the first 5 professional volunteers that are not repeated; The professional group of the applicant 110904 fill in 6 non-duplicate professional volunteers, and the entry file meets 100% of the candidate's filling in one of the majors, and there is no adjustment.

Nanjing University of Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1110

This year, Nanjing University of Technology plans to enroll more than 6,800 people nationwide, including more than 3,600 students in Jiangsu Province, with more than 100 enrollment majors to meet the diverse needs of candidates.

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Nanjing University of Technology

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1111

1. Physics: There are 3 professional groups in the ordinary batch, all of which are physics + unlimited, excellent majors, sufficient planning, and the number of planned people reaches 2203.

1. 111107 professional group (elective: physics + unlimited, enrollment plan 1893 people. Preferred 25 popular advantageous majors, electronic information, computer, automation and other majors are all national first-class majors)

Within 20,000 students, 618+ majors can be preferred, and it is recommended that a volunteer rush to apply for 111106 professional group; Within 24,000, 612+ hopes are very large;

Within 26,000, 609+ have great hopes;

Within 28,000, 606+ are promising;

Within 30,000, 603+ students are encouraged to apply.

2. 111106 professional group (elective: physics + unlimited, enrollment plan 70 people. Selected communication engineering, electronic science and technology, computer science and technology, artificial intelligence 4 ace advantage majors, jointly trained with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Within 14,000, 629+ hopes are very large;

Within 16,000, 625+ have great hopes;

Within 20,000, 618+ are encouraged to fill in.

It is recommended that the above candidates fill in the 111107 professional group at the same time.

3. 111108 Professional Group (Sino-foreign Cooperative School) (Elective subject: physics + unlimited, enrollment plan 240 students. Communication Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology 2 ace majors, cultivate professionals with international vision)

Within 45,000, 584+ hopes are very large;

Within 55,000, 573+ have great hopes;

Up to 65,000, 562+ are encouraged to apply.

Apply for 111107 professional group, rush 111106 professional group, guarantee 111108 professional group, triple guarantee, a variety of choices.

2. History: The ordinary batch has 1 professional group, the selection of subjects is history + unlimited, the planned number of 405 people, 12 "information and liberal arts" majors (classes), first-class majors account for more than 90%. 、

1. 111102 professional group (elective: history + unlimited, enrollment plan 405 people)

Within 10,000, 574+ hopes are very large;

Within 11,000, 571+ have great hopes;

Within 12,000, 567+ are promising;

Less than 13,000 students, 564+ are encouraged to apply.

Nanjing Medical University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1112

National "Double First-class" Construction Universities Added Basic Medicine (Tian Yuan Innovation Class) and Preventive Medicine (Tian Yuan Innovation Class)

111206 students in the long-term major group (physics is the first subject, chemistry or biology are the first subject) can apply.

111207 five-year professional group (physics is the first choice, chemistry or biology is the second subject) can apply for the examination within 20,000.

111205 55,000 students in the four-year professional group (physics is the first subject, and chemistry is the second subject) can apply.

111204 44-year professional group (the preferred subject is physics, and the re-selection subject is not limited) can apply for the examination within 65,000.

111201 four-year professional group (history is the preferred subject, and the re-selected subject is not limited) can apply for the exam within 20,000.

Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1113

National "Double First-class" construction universities

Physics: 111316 Chinese Medicine, a master's degree, a master's degree, a 618 points (20,000 students), and a great opportunity

Physics 111313 Chinese medicine has a long learning system of 596 points (35,000 students) and has a high chance

Physics 111317 593 points (38,000 students) in the five-year course of medicine

Physics 111311, 111314 four-year group 560 points (67,000 students) have a high chance

History 111305 Chinese medicine master's degree with a long school system of 590 points (6200 students) and a high chance

History 111306 570 points (11,000 students) in the five-year course of medicine

It is recommended that all professional groups approach the estimated score of candidates to rush to report. Candidates are encouraged to fill in the professional groups such as Chinese medicine master's degree, Chinese medicine master's degree, Chinese medicine master's degree, five-year system, unlimited group, Taizhou campus, Sino-foreign cooperative school, etc., according to the college entrance examination results, and strive for "double first-class", there is always a suitable one for you!

Nanjing Forestry University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1115

History (111501 Group Xinzhuang Campus) has a good chance of scoring above 578;

Physics (Group 111506 Xinzhuang Campus) has a good chance of scoring above 593;

History (Group 111502 Huai'an Campus) has a good chance of scoring 555 or more;

Physics (Group 111507 Huai'an Campus) has a good chance of scoring above 573;

Art (Group 111513 Xinzhuang Campus) has a good chance of scoring 541 or more:

Art (Group 111514 Huai'an Campus) has a good chance of scoring 509 or above.

Nanlin Huai'an Campus is a national "double first-class" university admission depression, and the application cost performance is the highest.

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1116

Jiangsu Province (History + Unlimited) 111601 professional group

560 points (14,500 students) and above to fill in the school hope is big;

564 points (13,000 students) and above to fill in the school hope is great;

571 points (11,000 students) and above to fill in popular majors (business administration, finance, economics, etc.) is expected.

Jiangsu Province (History + Unlimited) 111602 Professional Group (Sino-foreign cooperation-Massey College)

542 points (21,000 people) can be rushed;

Schools with a score of 547 (19,000) and above are expected to apply.

Jiangsu Province (History + Unlimited) 111603 Professional Group (Sino-foreign Cooperation - China Overtime)

530 points (26,000 people) can be rushed;

Schools with a score of 535 (24,000) and above are expected to apply.

Jiangsu Province (Physics + Unlimited) 111604 professional group

567 points (61,000 students) and above to fill in the school hope is big;

570 points (58,000 students) and above to fill in the school hope is very large;

578 points (51,000 students) and above to fill in popular majors (business administration, finance, economics, etc.) are expected.

Jiangsu Province (Physics + Unlimited) 111605 Professional Group (Sino-foreign cooperation-Massey College)

552 points (75,000 people) can be rushed;

Schools with 558 points (69,000 students) and above are very hopeful.

Jiangsu Province (Physics + Unlimited) 111606 Professional Group (Sino-foreign Cooperation - China Overtime)

545 points (81,000 people) can rush;

Schools with a score of 551 (76,000) and above are hopeful.

Nanjing Audit University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1119

Dedicated to auditing and serving national governance! Nanjing Audit University 2023 College Entrance Examination Volunteer Jiangsu Score Segment Estimate:

Physics group: 33,000 former audit-related advantages professional volunteers have high satisfaction; about 4.8-51,000 have great hopes; about 55,000 have big hopes and are filled professionally; and about 59,000 put the first volunteer to rush.

History group: 8,500 former audit-related advantage professional volunteers with high satisfaction; 14,000 years ago is a great hope; About 15,000 people hope big and professionally filled; About 16,000 people put the first volunteer to rush.

International cooperation in running schools: physics group: about 56,000 people have great hopes, put the first choice; about 60,000 people, put the first choice to rush. History group: about 11,000 people have great hopes, put the first volunteer; about 13,000, put the first volunteer to rush.

Jiangnan University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1201

According to this year's enrollment plan and the admission situation of previous years, combined with external factors, the estimated score lines of each professional group of the school are as follows:

593 points in group 01, 602 points in group 03, 609 points in group 04, 603 points in group 06, 625 points in group 08, 609 points in group 09; The Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school scored 586 points in Group 02, and 595 points in Group 05 and Group 07.

The higher the score, the greater the choice of major, and what you record is what you love. 10 points lower than the estimated score can be reported, top Jiangnan, boldly rush, rush into 211, the most cost-effective. Parallel volunteer batches, professional obedience to the adjustment, into the gear without retreating.

China University of Mining and Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1221

Refer to the distribution of the one-point table of the 2023 college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province and the admission situation in previous years:

The "Physics + Unlimited" group had a minimum ranking of 25,000 last year, corresponding to an estimated score of about 610 points this year;

The "Physics + Chemistry" group ranked 24,000 last year, corresponding to an estimated score of about 612 points this year;

The "Physics + Chemistry/Geography" group ranked 20,000 last year, corresponding to this year's estimated score of about 617;

The lowest ranking of the "Sino-foreign Cooperative School" major last year was 40,000, corresponding to an estimated score of about 590 points this year;

"History Group" "Last year's lowest ranking was 5580, corresponding to this year's estimated score of about 593 points."

Jiangsu Normal University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1222

1. History and other subjects, with more than 550 points (provincial ranking 18,000);

2. Physics and other subjects, with more than 552 points (provincial ranking 75,000);

3. For Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools, history and other subjects are estimated to score more than 516 points (provincial ranking 32,000), and physics and other subjects are estimated to score more than 496 points (provincial ranking 130,000).

Changzhou University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1242

It is recommended that candidates with more than 21,500 (about 541 points) in the history category actively apply for the exam, and the probability of admission is relatively large;

Physical classes are grouped according to different groups, and it is recommended that:

75,000 students in the "Physics + Unlimited" professional group (552 points and above),

85,000 students in the "Physics + Chemistry" professional group (542 points and above),

79,000 candidates (548 points and above) in the "Physics + Chemistry/Student" professional group actively applied for the exam, and the probability of admission was high.

It is recommended that 100,000 students (above 527 points) be recommended for Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, and candidates are welcome to actively apply for the examination.

Soochow University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1261

This year, 3,891 students were announced in Jiangsu Province, ranking first in the national "double first-class" construction universities in terms of enrollment scale, an increase of 40 over last year, which means that the chances of Jiangsu candidates being admitted to our school will increase. There are 6 major groups in history and 19 professional groups in physics for general undergraduate classes, which meet the aspirations of students of Guangzhou University with different professional needs and different levels and segments.

In the history category, candidates are encouraged to fill in the "history + unlimited" professional group 03, 04, 08 or so in the first 3 volunteers, 8,000 times (581 points) to consider the Sino-foreign cooperative education major, and about 12,000 times (566 points) to consider the nursing professional group.

Candidates in the physics category are encouraged to fill in the "physics + unlimited" professional group 14-20 in the top 7 consecutive times, and the top 4 volunteers to continuously fill in the professional group of the corresponding institutions of Suzhou Medical College 26, 29, 30, 31, about 45,000 places (583 points) to fill in the 25 professional group of physics + chemistry, 32 professional group of nursing, and about 40,000 times (589 points) recommend filling in the professional group of Sino-foreign cooperative schools.

For the history teacher professional group, the four double bachelor's degree programs in physics, and the related professional groups such as the School of Computer, Future Science and Engineering, Nanomaterials and Technology, and Clinical Medicine 5+3 integration, there is no risk of adjustment if the major fills the physical examination, and candidates can boldly fill in the application.

Candidates are welcome to choose to apply for the professional group of SUSU universities in a row, and for candidates with slightly lower scores, it is recommended to rush with a volunteer.

Nantong University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1301

Nantong University enters the general category: 25,000 in the history category in 2023, and about 532 points can be filled in. About 77,000 and 550 names in the physics category can be filled in.

Art and design: 3800 students in history and about 507 points can apply. 450 students in physics and about 530 points can apply.

Music: 350 historical vocal music, about 206 points, instrumental music 500 places, about 202 points. 40 students in physics vocal music, about 204 points, and 50 students in instrumental music, about 200 points.

Sino-foreign cooperative music performances: 550 historical vocal music, about 200 points, 900 instrumental music, about 186 points. Physics instrumental music 70, about 193 points.

Physical education: 1200 in history, about 469 points; 800 students in physics, about 496 points can fill in, can apply.

Yangzhou University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1381

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Yangzhou University

Jiangsu University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1401

Jiangsu candidates apply for the physics major group of the school in the general undergraduate batch, and after entering the file, the school guarantees that the candidate will be admitted to one of the six majors filled in the file group. The school implements a comprehensive open professional change policy.

General undergraduate batch

1. Requirements: Physics + Unlimited

140112: The estimated line is 600 points, including computer science and technology (training base for top students).

140113: The estimated line is 590 points, including 6 majors: computer science and technology, software engineering, communication engineering, information security, Internet of Things engineering, and intelligent science and technology.

140114: The estimated line is 588 points, including 7 majors: electrical engineering and automation, robot engineering, automation, electronic information engineering, biomedical engineering, optoelectronic information science and engineering, and microelectronics science and engineering.

140115: The estimated line is 582 points, including mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, vehicle engineering, measurement and control technology and instruments, mechanical and electronic engineering, intelligent manufacturing engineering, industrial design 6 majors.

140116: The estimated line is 582 points, including 6 majors: energy and power engineering (jointly trained with the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), energy and power engineering, new energy science and engineering, new energy vehicle engineering, built environment and energy application engineering, and energy storage science and engineering.

140117: The estimated line is 575 points, including 6 majors: materials (material science and engineering, metallurgical engineering, polymer materials and engineering), material forming and control engineering, composite materials and engineering, metal materials engineering, food science and engineering (food science and engineering, food quality and safety), food nutrition and health.

140118: The estimated line is 575 points, including 6 majors: safety engineering, engineering management, civil engineering, engineering mechanics, environmental protection equipment engineering, and emergency technology and management.

140119: The estimated line is 582 points, including 7 majors: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Teacher Training), Data Computing and Application, Physics (Teacher Training), Statistics, Financial Mathematics, and Educational Technology (Teacher Training).

140120: The estimated line is 575 points, including 3 majors: agricultural electrification, agricultural mechanization and automation, and agricultural intelligent equipment engineering.

140121: The estimated line is 578 points, including 9 majors: accounting, finance, financial management, human resource management, e-commerce, logistics management, business administration, information management and information systems, and industrial engineering.

140122: The estimated line is 582 points, including 5 majors: English, English (teacher training), law, international economics and trade, and intellectual property.

2. Selection requirements: physics + chemistry

140126: The estimated line is 581 points, including 3 majors: medical laboratory technology, chemistry (teacher training), chemistry (chemistry, applied chemistry).

140127: The estimated line is 575 points, including 2 majors of transportation and traffic engineering.

3. Selection requirements: physics + chemistry or biology

140128: The estimated line is 600 points, including clinical medical majors.

140129: The estimated line is 575 points, including 9 majors: medical imaging, preventive medicine, pharmacy (pharmacy, pharmaceutical preparation), pharmaceutical engineering, biotechnology, environmental engineering, biological science, chemical engineering and technology, and facility agricultural science and engineering.

IV. Selection requirements: history + unlimited

140101: The estimated line is 573 points, including 2 majors: Chinese Language and Literature (Teacher Training) and English (Teacher Training).

140102: The estimated line is 548 points, including 17 majors: Chinese Language and Literature, English, Law, Accounting, Japanese, Chinese International Education, Statistics, Finance, Marketing, Financial Management, Public Affairs Management, Human Resource Management, International Economics and Trade, Logistics Management, Insurance, Business Administration and Intellectual Property.

V. Selection requirements: history + ideology and politics

140105: The estimated line is 570 points, including ideological and political education (teacher training).

Undergraduate Early Approval (Art Class 2nd Minor)

1. Exam requirements: physics + unlimited

140131: The estimated line is 542 points, including 6 majors: product design, animation, environmental design, fine arts (teacher training), visual communication design, and digital media art.

2. Selection requirements: history + unlimited

140130: The estimated line is 511 points, including 6 majors: product design, animation, environmental design, fine arts (teacher training), visual communication design, and digital media art.


1. It is estimated that online candidates have a high chance of applying for school admission; It is estimated that candidates with an offline score of 5 points are expected to apply for admission to our school; Other candidates can rush, if the major obeys the adjustment, the school will not withdraw from the gear.

Nanjing Institute of Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1114

01 Professional Group History Selection: within 25,000, 532 points;

03 Professional group physics selection: within 81,000, 545 points;

07 Professional group physical and chemical selection: within 83,000, 543 points;

08 Professional Group History Selection (Art): within 5,000 students, 498 points;

05 Professional Group Physics Selection (Sino-British Cooperation Power Major): within 50,000, 578 points;

06 Professional Group Physics Selection (Sino-Finnish Cooperation Major of Oulu College): Filling in the report is encouraged when it reaches the provincial control line.

Nanjing Xiaozhuang College

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1120

10,000 liberal arts, 50,000 wayward newspapers for science, Xiaozhuang majors are picked casually;

25,000 in liberal arts, 90,000 in science, and high hopes for volunteering;

30,000 for liberal arts, 110,000 pairs for science, ordinary punch, Chinese and foreign insurance;

Other candidates in advance of the countryside, (3+2) cooperation must report, a good opportunity is not missed.

Jinling Institute of Science and Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1128

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Jiangsu Second Normal College

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1131

1. Fine arts: 5,000 students in the province can report for history, and physics undergraduates can report online.

2. Music: 500 students in the province can report for history, and physics undergraduate students can report online.

3. Physical education: 850 students in the province can report for history, and physics undergraduate students can report online.

4. General category: 25,000 people in the province can report in the history category, and 90,000 people in the province can report in the physics category

5. "2+2" professional group of mutual recognition of Chinese and foreign credits: history/physics undergraduate can be filled in online.

Nanjing Special Education Normal College

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1133

Candidates who score 511 in the general history course (commonly known as liberal arts) can apply for the school.

Candidates who have reached 507 points in general physics (commonly known as science) can apply for the 03 professional group (physics + unlimited), and candidates with 492 points can apply for the 04 professional group (physical chemistry).

The general class advance batch of rural teacher orientation plan, because of the restrictions of the student's source area, candidates who meet the special type of enrollment control line and meet the regional conditions can apply for the exam.

Candidates who reach 466 points in sports liberal arts have a very high probability of admission, and candidates who reach 496 points in sports science have a very high probability of admission.

Candidates who reach 472 points in fine arts and liberal arts have a very high probability of admission, and candidates who reach 510 points in fine arts and science have a very high probability of admission.

The probability of admission of candidates who reach 184 points in music vocal arts is very high, and the probability of admission to the examination with 193 points in music vocal science is very high.

The probability of admission of candidates who reach 183 points in music instrumental music and liberal arts is very high, and that of candidates who reach 182 points in music instrumental music science is very high.

In particular, candidates need to be reminded that many candidates may fill in the volunteer according to the ranking of previous years, but the school plans to increase more this year, and if the factors of the plan increment are not taken into account, there will be a situation where the score of the parallel volunteer is enough but dare not report. Compared with last year's plan, the school this year increased history (unlimited) by 15%, physics (unlimited) by 33%, physical education by 270%, physical education by 100%, art by 49%, art by 100%, vocal music by 71%, instrumental music by 32%, and instrumental music theory by 133%.

Nanjing Polytechnic University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1136

A score of 490 or more in general physics is very promising

Ordinary history above 495 points is very promising

Art History score above 465 is very promising

Wuxi University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1203

1. History class

120301 professional group (history + unlimited): 521-524 points and above are promising, it is recommended to apply; A score of 525 and above is very promising.

2. Physical class

120302 professional group (physics + unlimited): 528-531 points and above are promising, it is recommended to apply; 532 points and above is very promising.

120303 professional group (physics + chemistry): 515-518 points and above are promising, it is recommended to apply; A score of 519 and above is very promising.

3. Art

120304 Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools professional group (history + unlimited): 459-461 points and above are promising, it is recommended to apply; 462 points and above is very promising.

120305 professional group (history + unlimited): 485-487 points and above are promising, it is recommended to apply; The hope of 488 points and above is very big.

120306 Professional Group (Physics + Unlimited): Culture and Art Dual Line, welcome to apply.

Changzhou Institute of Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1243

General ClassHistory and other subjects:

124302 professional group 507 points or more can be filled in,

Candidates with a score of 517 or above are welcome to fill in the 124301 professional group;

General Physics and other subjects:

124306 professional group score above 507 can be filled in,

Candidates with a score of 522 or above are welcome to fill in the 124305 professional group;

The art category adopts 1:1 filing, and candidates can refer to the ranking of the previous year's filing line.

Candidates who do not meet the above recommended scores, the school also has Sino-foreign cooperative education, Hertford College 3 majors, Sino-foreign credit mutual recognition joint training in colleges and universities, vocational colleges and undergraduate colleges and other project majors to choose from, welcome to fill in.

For Jiangsu candidates, obey the adjustment, no special circumstances, and will not be retired.

Jiangsu Institute of Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1244

124401 professional group, 520 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 525 points is high;

124402 professional group, 510 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 515 points is high

124403 professional group, more than 500 points are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 505 points is high

124404 professional group, 520 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 530 points is large

124405 professional group, 510 points or more are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 515 points is high

124406 professional group, 490 points or more are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission with more than 500 points is high

124407 professional group, 465 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 470 points is large

124408 professional group, 480 points or more are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 485 points is high

124409 professional group, 532 points or more are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 535 points is high

124410 professional group, 520 points above are encouraged to fill in, 525 points above the probability of admission

124411 professional group, 515 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 520 points is high

124412 professional group, 480 points or more are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 490 points is high

124413 professional group, 476 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 481 points is high

124414 professional group, 495 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 498 points is high

124415 professional group, 456 points above are encouraged to fill in, and 461 points above have a high chance of admission

124416 professional group, 510 points above are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 518 points is high

124417 professional group, 490 points or more are encouraged to fill in, and the probability of admission above 495 points is high

Suzhou University of Science and Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1262

Suzhou University of Science and Technology 2023 Application Suggestions:

History and other subjects, about 20,000, of which about 30,000 are Chinese-foreign cooperative schools;

There are about 70,000 subjects in physics and other subjects, including about 83,000 professional groups of "physics + chemistry" and "physics + chemistry or biology", and about 100,000 Chinese-foreign cooperative schools.

Changshu Institute of Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1263

(1) History and other subjects:

01 Professional group, 516 points above is promising, 521 points above the chance of admission is very large;

02 Professional group, 529 points above is promising, 532 points above the chance of admission is very large.

(2) Physics and other subjects:

04 Professional group, 532 points above is promising, 537 points above the chance of admission is very large;

05 professional group, 06 professional group, 522 points above is promising, 527 points above the opportunity of admission is very large;

07 Professional group, 527 points above is promising, 532 points above the chance of admission is very large;

10 professional group, 497 points above the hope of admission, 507 points above the admission opportunity is very large, the professional group, this year's enrollment has increased significantly, so it is recommended that candidates below 497 points can also actively fill in;

12 professional group, 512 points above the hope of admission, 522 points above the opportunity of admission is very large, in 2023 the number of enrollment plans of this professional group has increased significantly, so it is recommended that candidates below 512 points can also actively fill in.

(3) International projects:

Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school project 08 professional group, 482 points above the hope of admission, 492 points above the opportunity of admission is very large;

The joint training project of mutual recognition of credits in Chinese and foreign universities involves 03 professional group, 09 professional group, 11 professional group and 13 professional group, and it is recommended that it be filled in above the provincial control line.

(4) Art:

14 professional groups, 486 points or above have a greater chance of admission;

15 professional groups, 515 points above the chance of admission;

16 professional groups, 199 points above the chance of admission;

17 professional groups, it is expected that the chances of admission with more than 194 points are greater;

18 professional groups, 198 points above the chance of admission;

19 professional groups, 183 points or above have a greater chance of admission.

Huaiyin Normal University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1341

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Huaiyin Normal University

Chengxian College, Southeast University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1802

1. History subjects: about 43,000.

2. Physics subjects: about 135,000.

3. Art (history subjects): about 10,000.

All candidates who are subject to the adjustment and the physical examination meets the professional requirements promise not to withdraw from the gear.

Jincheng College, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1803

History + unlimited professional group, estimated admission ranking of about 44,000;

Physics + unlimited professional group, estimated ranking of about 138,000;

Physics + chemistry + unlimited professional group, estimated ranking about 14.7;

Physics + Politics + unlimited professional group, History + Politics + unlimited professional group undergraduate online candidates are encouraged to apply.

Zijin College, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1804

The history class has a rank of about 40,001 and a physics class has a rank of about 130,05, and the hope is very large, you can call to consult the specific situation of the professional group of teachers stationed in each region.

Pujiang College, Nanjing University of Technology

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1810

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Pujiang College, Nanjing University of Technology

Guangling College, Yangzhou University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1844

494 points in the history category 01 professional group (ranking about 44,000);

Physics 02 (unlimited) professional group 483 points (ranking about 145,000);

479 points in the physics 03 (chemistry) professional group (ranking about 148,000);

481 points in the physics 04 (chemistry or biology) professional group (ranking about 146,000);

453 points in the professional group of art 05 history subjects (ranking about 13,000);

Fine Arts 06 Physics Major Group scored 484 points (ranked around 1450).

Jingjiang College, Jiangsu University

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1845

1. General undergraduate approval

(1) Selection requirements: physics + unlimited

The estimated line is 476 points, including material forming and control engineering, vehicle engineering, computer science and technology, electrical engineering and automation, e-commerce, industrial engineering, mechanical and electronic engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, metal materials engineering, energy and power engineering, automotive service engineering, software engineering, food science and engineering, communication engineering, information management and information systems, financial management, public affairs management, nursing, marketing, electronic information engineering, international economics and trade, energy economics, accounting, Human Resource Management, Statistics, Civil Engineering, Logistics Management, English and other 28 majors.

(2) Selection requirements: physics + chemistry

The estimated line is 478 points, including medical laboratory majors.

(3) Selection requirements: history + unlimited

The estimated line is 485 points, including 12 majors, including e-commerce, financial management, public affairs management, international economics and trade, energy economics, nursing, accounting, human resource management, marketing, statistics, logistics management, and English.

II. Early Approval of Undergraduate Courses (2nd Small Batch of Arts)

(1) Selection requirements: art history + unlimited

The estimated line is 455 points, including the major of visual communication design and environmental design.

III. Description

(1) It is estimated that online candidates have a high chance of applying for admission to our school; Candidates who are estimated to score 5 points below the line are expected to apply for admission to our institute; Other candidates can rush, if the major obeys the adjustment, the college will not withdraw from the gear.

(2) Our institute implements a comprehensive open policy of changing majors, and all ordinary students can apply for changing majors at the end of the first academic year. The number of transfer students accepted by each major can reach 30% of the total number of students in this major, and more than 450 people have successfully transferred to their favorite major in the past three years.

(3) In the special issue of the "Jiangsu Admission Examination" plan, the history subject group of the general undergraduate batch of our school: 19 pages, and the physics subject group: 102 pages; Art History subject group: 219 pages.

Admissions Hotline: 400-0511-903

Friendly reminder: The estimated score is for reference only.

College of Tongda, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Jiangsu enrollment code: 1850

History candidates, 488 points in the province (ranking about 46,000) have great admission expectations.

Physics candidates, 484 points in the province (ranking about 143,000) have great admission expectations.


High Schools in the Ministry

Shandong University

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Ocean University of China

2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

Under the premise of satisfying the selected subjects, Shandong candidates with a college entrance examination rank of less than 10,000 are expected to be admitted to most majors (classes) in our school; Within 14,000 students, most majors (classes) also have greater hope of admission; Within 16,000 students, there are also greater hopes to be admitted to some majors; Candidates ranked between 16,000 and 18,000 still have hope of admission; Candidates who have a strong desire to apply for the exam after 18,000 can also try to fill in the volunteer position.

In terms of Sino-foreign cooperation majors, there is hope for admission within 25,000 for law majors, 35,000 for computer science and technology and mathematics and applied mathematics, and 40,000 for marine science, biology and food.

China University of Petroleum (East China)

For Shandong candidates to apply for the examination: candidates with a rank of 15,000 or even 10,000 in the province are welcome to enjoy better educational resources and more insurance research opportunities and scholarships after admission.

Within 18,000 people, you can apply for moderately popular majors (the more popular majors, the higher the score requirements); There is a greater hope of admission within 20,000, but it is recommended not to concentrate on filling in popular majors; There are also certain opportunities within 25,000, it is recommended to choose the appropriate major according to the ranking situation and the data of the past year; In the future, it is recommended to fill in the majors that meet the relevant requirements if the subject selection ranking has advantages.

Harbin Institute of Technology

2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

Headquarters: 675 academician class above, 669 master's and doctoral studies (Future Technology College), 659 or more is relatively stable, 656 can be reported, and 650 or more can be rushed. Shenzhen: 666 is relatively stable, 660 can be reported, 656 can be rushed. Weihai: 626 can be reported, and above 624 can be rushed.

Shandong Normal University

Shandong Normal University is facing Shandong Province 2023

Suggestions for undergraduate application volunteers

(School code: A445 or Y006<本科综合评价招生及非西藏生源定向西藏就业>)

1. General category:

(1) Within 45,000 (575 points), it is encouraged to apply for national-level first-class undergraduate professional construction sites, provincial first-class undergraduate professional construction sites, and related majors with higher admission positions in previous years, and it is recommended that the top five volunteers fill in the application; Within 50,000 (570 points), it is encouraged to apply for other majors in the general category, and it is recommended that the top five volunteers fill in.

(2) Within 60,000 (561 points), it is encouraged to apply for local special programs and relevant majors of publicly-funded normal students in Shandong Province.

(3) About 100,000 majors (533 points) in Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools are encouraged to apply.

2. Art:

Must meet the undergraduate cultural control line of the corresponding category of art.

(1) Music: musicology majors, the top 800 in the music unified examination are encouraged to apply; Candidates who pass the music unified examination are encouraged to apply for each enrollment direction of music performance major.

(2) Dance major, the top 600 in the dance (artistic dance) unified examination are encouraged to apply.

(3) Major in aviation service art and management (school-enterprise cooperation), Shandong Province aviation service art unified examination results are encouraged to apply.

(4) Fine arts: ranked in the top 2,500 in the comprehensive score of fine arts, and parallel volunteers are encouraged to apply for the exam for the first time; Those who pass the unified examination are encouraged to apply for the major of fine arts (public normal students in Shandong Province).

(5) Literary Directing: Online candidates who pass the undergraduate examination for literary directing majors, with a cultural score of 130,000 (518 points) in the college entrance examination, are encouraged to apply.

(6) Herzen International Academy of Art:

Musicology (Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school) major (only recruit candidates with professional volunteers, not transfer candidates), the top 2,000 music unified examination are encouraged to apply.

Dance Studies (Chinese-foreign cooperative school) major (only recruit candidates with professional volunteers, not transfer candidates), dance (art dance) unified examination ranking top 2,000 are encouraged to apply.

Fine Arts (Sino-foreign cooperative education) major (only recruit candidates with professional volunteers, not transfer candidates), the top 6,000 in the comprehensive score of fine arts are encouraged to apply.

3. Sports:

(1) Physical education, social sports guidance and management majors: candidates who pass the physical education professional examination and the top 800 candidates in the comprehensive score of physical education are recommended to apply for the first time in parallel volunteering.

(2) Physical education (Shandong Province is a publicly-funded normal student) major: candidates who pass the physical education professional examination and rank in the top 700 in the comprehensive score of physical education are recommended to apply.

IV. Undergraduate Comprehensive Evaluation Admissions:

The total score of the college entrance examination of shortlisted candidates majoring in journalism has reached the first line of the general category in Shandong Province in 2023; The total score of the college entrance examination of shortlisted candidates majoring in finance, physics, chemistry, and biotechnology reached 20 points under the special type enrollment control line of the summer college entrance examination in Shandong Province in the summer of 2023; The total score of the college entrance examination of the shortlisted candidates of other majors has reached the special type enrollment control line of the 2023 summer college entrance examination in Shandong Province, and it is recommended to apply for the corresponding shortlisted major.

Shandong University of Finance and Economics

Shandong University of Finance and Economics 2023 College Entrance Examination Admission Volunteer Reference (Shandong Lite Version)

1. General majors

With a total rank of less than 65,000, there is hope for admission to general majors in our school; within a total of 45,000, it is more likely to apply for more popular majors such as economics, finance, big data, financial management, auditing, and finance; The total rank is less than 25,000, and it is very certain to apply for the most popular finance and accounting majors in our school, between 35,000 and 25,000, and the hope is also great.

2. Jinan day major

Jinan candidates with a total rank of less than 80,000 have greater hopes of being admitted to our Jinan day major; With a total of about 50,000 candidates, Jinan candidates choose popular finance and economics day majors, and have greater hopes of admission.

3. Local special programs

Rural candidates with a total of less than 80,000 who meet the application requirements have greater hopes of being admitted to the rural special plan; With a total of about 50,000 places, rural candidates who meet the application requirements are more likely to choose popular local special majors such as economics and finance.

4. Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools

With a total rank of less than 70,000, the admission hope of applying for the Sino-Canadian cooperative economics major is greater; The total number of places is less than 90,000, and the admission hope of applying for the China-Canada cooperative statistics major is greater.

5. School-enterprise cooperation in running schools

With a total rank of less than 120,000, applicants for school-enterprise cooperative tourism management and cultural industry management majors are more likely to be admitted; With a total of about 95,000 ranks, applicants have a greater hope of applying for school-enterprise cooperation information management and information system majors; within a total of 90,000 places, applicants for school-enterprise cooperation computer science and technology and insurance majors have greater admission expectations; With a total rank of less than 60,000, you can apply for popular school-enterprise cooperative accounting and taxation majors.

6. Comprehensive evaluation of enrollment majors

In order not to waste the opportunity to approve the application in advance, candidates shortlisted in the comprehensive recruitment test of our school, as long as they reach the first line of the general category in Shandong Province in 2023 and are not lower than 30 points below the 2023 special type enrollment control line in Shandong Province (that is, the college entrance examination score is above 490 points), it is recommended to fill in the comprehensive evaluation volunteer of our school. If the early approval is not admitted by the comprehensive evaluation, it will not affect the candidate's subsequent regular batch admission at all.

Shandong Agricultural University

There is no limit to the selection of subjects before 120,000 majors, before the hope is greater, and before 100,000 popular majors are more likely to be admitted. Majors in agriculture, science, and engineering had a greater hope before 130,000 places, and more hope before 120,000 for advantageous majors and popular majors. The 195,000 places in Sino-foreign cooperation majors are expected to be greater. Candidates below the above ranks, it is recommended to volunteer to fill in the application and rush first, and there is also hope for admission.

Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The 2023 application recommendations are as follows:

In addition to considering the ranking factor, candidates should also consider whether the selected subjects meet the professional requirements, in order to better provide consulting services to candidates, combined with the enrollment and admission situation in recent years, to provide candidates with application suggestions, the data is for reference only.

Prediction of admission positions by enrollment type in Shandong Province in 2023:

Admission Position Prediction by Enrollment Type in 2023:

(1) Traditional Chinese medicine (traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine orthopedic science, acupuncture and tuina, etc.) and traditional Chinese and Western medicine clinical medicine and other professional recommendation scores of about 553 points, the rank is about 70,000, it is recommended to apply for about 5 professional volunteers in the school, the probability is greater, traditional Chinese medicine (5+3 integration) belongs to the master's degree program, the admission rank is higher;

(2) Due to the restrictions on the selection of subjects for clinical medicine and optometry medicine, it is recommended that the score be about 553 points, and the rank is about 70,000;

(3) The recommended score of Chinese medicine and pharmacy majors is about 540 points, ranking about 90,000, and it is recommended to apply for about 7 professional volunteers in the school, and the probability is greater;

(4) The recommended score of pharmaceutical-related majors is about 522 points, the rank is about 120,000, and it is recommended to apply for about 7 professional volunteers in the school, and the probability is greater;

(5) The recommended score of management majors is about 508 points, the rank is about 150,000, and it is recommended to apply for about 7 professional volunteers in the school, and the probability is higher;

(6) School-enterprise cooperation majors are recommended to have a physics position of about 100,000 because the subject is limited to physics;

(7) It is recommended to apply for the examination within 2600 candidates for sports (social sports guidance and management) major.

Referring to the experience of previous years, the above ranking dropped by 5,000 places can be considered to apply for the exam.

The subjects of each major are as follows:

(1) There are many majors in physics, chemistry and biology, such as: traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation, traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, traditional Chinese medicine orthopedic science, acupuncture and tuina, clinical medicine of traditional Chinese and western medicine, food hygiene and nutrition, pharmacy, pharmaceutical preparations, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine resources and development, cultivation and identification of Chinese herbal medicine, optometry, rehabilitation therapy, hearing and speech rehabilitation, rehabilitation physical therapy, pharmaceutical engineering, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation occupational therapy, etc.;

(2) Required majors in physics and chemistry: clinical medicine;

(3) Compulsory majors in physics and biology: optometry medicine;

(4) Physics compulsory majors: computer science and technology, data science and big data technology, information management and information system, intelligent medical engineering, etc.;

(5) Majors of any subject: nursing, law, applied psychology, sports rehabilitation, social sports guidance and management, marketing, English, public affairs management, health service and management, social and labor security, etc.

Qingdao University

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Shandong First Medical University

(Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences)

In 2023, there will be 5,260 undergraduate programs, including 3,957 in Shandong Province and 1,303 from outside the province, covering 28 provinces. Combined with the admission situation of schools (colleges) in recent years, Shandong candidates volunteer to fill in the estimated positions as follows, for reference only.

1. Early approval: 29 provincial publicly-funded medical students plan, for targeted employment in 9 prefectures and cities such as Qingdao and Yantai, it is recommended to apply for the exam within 80,000 (physics + chemistry required), and be familiar with the relevant policies of public-funded medical students before volunteering.

2. Ordinary batch:

Less than 15,000 can apply for five-year medical related majors, of which clinical medicine majors recommend applying within 38,000; (physics + chemistry required)

Within 29,000 can apply for medical technology and pharmacy related majors; (Most of them choose one of three kinds of physics + chemistry + biology)

Within 31,300 can apply for biopharmaceutical, nursing, medical engineering, medical management and other related majors. (Most of them are one of three choices of physics + chemistry + biology, compulsory physics for medical engineering, and no limit to subject for cultural management)

3. Other types:

1. Local special plan Including 260 people in 6 local special plans such as pharmaceutical engineering and biopharmaceutical, it is recommended to apply within 140,000.

2. School-enterprise cooperation in running schools Including 30 people in nursing (school-enterprise cooperation, cooperation with Beijing Shengfu International Education Science and Technology), it is recommended to apply within 150,000.

3. Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools including nursing (Sino-foreign cooperation, in cooperation with the Italian "Luigi Vanviteri" Campania University) 70 students, it is recommended to apply within 160,000.

Shandong University of Science and Technology

In 2023, Shandong University of Science and Technology will have a total of 72 undergraduate enrollment majors, and plan to enroll 7,350 undergraduate students in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. There are general categories, comprehensive evaluation admissions, arts, Sino-foreign cooperative schools, school-enterprise cooperation in running schools, high-level athletes, national special projects, local special programs, inland Xinjiang classes, inland Tibet classes and other enrollment types.

According to the school's enrollment and admission in Shandong Province in 2021 and 2022, the following references are provided:

1. Qingdao Campus:

Majors with a minimum score of about 30,000-40,000: computer science and technology, software engineering, electrical engineering and automation, etc.;

Majors with a minimum score of about 40,000-50,000: mathematics and applied mathematics, automation, electronic information engineering, information security, Internet of Things engineering, accounting, Chinese language and literature, finance, communication engineering, intelligent science and technology, robot engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, law, etc.;

Admission of majors with a minimum score of about 60,000 or 70,000: In addition to the majors introduced above, other majors in Qingdao campus of our school can try to apply;

The minimum admission position of data science and big data technology major (school-enterprise cooperation) is within 90,000.

Second, the admission rank of each major in Tai'an campus is lower than that of most majors in Qingdao campus, most of which are around 100,000-140,000; Most of the majors of Sino-foreign cooperation in Jinan campus are about 150,000-180,000.

Ludong University

School code: 10451

1. General category

Chinese Language and Literature (Teacher Training), English (Teacher Training), History (Teacher Training), Chinese Language, Primary Education (Teacher Training), within 80,000 students are recommended to apply;

Ideological and political education (teacher training), law, biological science (teacher training), mathematics and applied mathematics (teacher training), chemistry (teacher training), geographical science (teacher training), computer science and technology, within 90,000 places are recommended to apply;

Communication, Chinese International Education, Physics (Teacher Training), Applied Psychology, Financial Management, Economics, Software Engineering, recommended to apply within 100,000 places;

Psychology (teacher training), geographic information science, electrical engineering and automation, international economics and trade, statistics, artificial intelligence, Japanese, social work, communication engineering, recommended within 120,000 places;

Bioengineering, biopharmaceutical, optoelectronic information science and engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, vehicle engineering, intelligent manufacturing engineering, environmental engineering, new energy materials and equipment, chemical engineering and technology, logistics engineering, food science and engineering, tourism management, integrated circuit design and integrated system, emergency technology and management, within 140,000 places are recommended to apply;

Polymer Materials and Engineering, Agronomy, Horticulture, Korean, Port Channel and Coastal Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aquaculture, within 150,000 places are recommended to apply;

Biological sciences (Chinese and foreign) within 200,000 places are recommended to apply;

Grape and wine engineering (Chinese and foreign), electrical engineering and its automation (Chinese and foreign), mechanical design and manufacturing and its automation (Chinese and foreign), ship and ocean engineering (Chinese and foreign), the first line section or above is recommended to apply, and the hope is greater within 220,000 places.

2. Art and sports

Musicology (teacher training), musicology comprehensive score within 2000 places is recommended to apply;

Fine Arts (teacher training), visual communication design, and fine arts comprehensive score within 6,000 places are recommended to apply;

Radio and television director, literary directing comprehensive score within 1000 places is recommended to apply;

Physical education (teacher training), physical education comprehensive score within 1800 places is recommended to apply;

Social sports guidance and management (Chinese and foreign), sports comprehensive score within 5,000 places is recommended to apply.

Qilu University of Technology

Qilu University of Technology has an enrollment plan of 8,100 students in 2023, covering 7 enrollment types, including 49 general majors (classes), and 4,573 planned to enroll; There are 16 school-enterprise cooperation majors, and 1160 students are planned to be enrolled (including 150 in Heze Campus); 6 Sino-foreign cooperation majors, with 490 planned enrollments; 3 art majors, with 535 students planned to enroll (including 80 Sino-foreign cooperative majors); 26 local special majors (categories), with 250 planned enrollments; 1 high-level sports team (football) major, 22 students to enroll; Heze Campus has 9 majors and plans to enroll 1,300 students. The university (college) recruits undergraduate students from 27 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) across the country, and in 2023, the school (college) will add one enrollment in Guizhou Province, Yunnan Province, Jilin Province, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and up to now, the school (college) has 11 enrollment provinces among the 13 provinces that have enrollment plans and have not implemented the college entrance examination reform.

In 2023, the new food nutrition and health major will be included in the food science and engineering category according to the major categories; Inorganic non-metallic materials engineering, polymer materials and engineering, materials chemistry, gems and materials technology are merged into materials admissions; Two new school-enterprise cooperation majors were added: light chemical engineering (school-enterprise cooperation, cooperation with Shandong Henglian Paper, Shandong Century Sunshine Paper, Shandong Huatai Paper, and Shandong Sun Paper), and e-sports sports and management (school-enterprise cooperation, and China Telecom Digital Intelligence Technology Company Shandong Branch); Heze Campus added two new majors: chemistry and human resource management; The number of local special enrollment majors (classes) increased from 19 to 26, and the enrollment plan increased to 250.

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Shandong University of Technology

The probability of admission of candidates within 70,000 to apply for popular majors is very high; The probability of admission of candidates within 120,000 to apply for most majors is high; Candidates within 140,000 apply for non-popular majors and cooperative majors with a high degree of certainty of being admitted; After 140,000 candidates, who apply for a few individual majors, they are also expected to be admitted.

Musicology (teacher training) comprehensive score of 1700 places, musicology (non-teacher instrumental music direction) comprehensive score of 2500 places, dance performance comprehensive score of 600 places, physical education comprehensive score of 1700 places, art comprehensive score of 5500 places, fine arts Sino-foreign cooperative school direction comprehensive score within 10000 places within the probability of admission to our school, performance (costume performance direction) qualified candidates as long as the height conditions meet the requirements are more likely to be admitted.

Qufu Normal University

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

University of Jinan

1. General category regular batch

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

2. Arts and sports

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Candidates can adjust the "impact volunteer" and "guarantee volunteer" arrangements according to the above volunteer filling suggestions.

Shandong Jianzhu University

1. General category regular batch: about 50,000 people apply for architecture majors, about 80,000 apply for urban and rural planning, landscape architecture and other majors, about 90,000 apply for engineering cost, electrical engineering and automation, law, financial accounting, English and other majors; About 10-110,000 students applied for civil engineering, computer, communication, electronic information, information computing and other majors; About 120,000-130,000 people applied for new engineering majors such as intelligent construction, intelligent manufacturing engineering, intelligent transportation, and other characteristic majors such as architecture, management engineering, municipal engineering, and new energy; About 14-150,000 students applied for some other majors.

2. Art undergraduate batch: about 5,000 art comprehensive scores can apply for art undergraduate majors; The comprehensive score of art is about 10,000, and you can apply for the Sino-foreign cooperative school in environmental design.

3. Local special projects, Jinan day study, school-enterprise cooperation, Sino-foreign cooperation: about 12-130,000 applicants for relatively popular majors; About 14-150,000 apply for characteristic majors; About 160,000 students applied for school-enterprise cooperation, Sino-foreign cooperation and other related majors.

The school has the qualification of postgraduate exemption, and those who are at the top of professional admission are expected to be exempted from double first-class universities such as Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

There are many factors affecting the application for the exam, and the above suggestions are for reference only.

Liaocheng University

1. General category

1. Advance approval of publicly-funded teacher training students: 75,000 students are encouraged to apply, and the score of different "professional + employment cities" is large.

2. Regular approval of ordinary plans: within 100,000 people are encouraged to apply for popular majors, and within 150,000 are encouraged to apply for other majors. The requirements of the elective subjects are different, and the ranks of each major vary greatly, not to mention the requirements of the elective subjects and the scores of popular majors are relatively high, and vice versa. It is recommended that candidates fill in multiple professional volunteers when filling in the volunteers, so as to improve the hit rate.

3. Local special plan: 180,000 people are encouraged to apply.

4. School-enterprise cooperation in running schools: 170,000 people are encouraged to apply.

2. Art

1. Approve publicly-funded normal students in advance: the college entrance examination cultural score is above one line, and the professional score is above 230 points are encouraged to apply.

2. Radio and television director: The top 900 in the comprehensive score are encouraged to apply.

3. Radio and television director (school-enterprise cooperation): The top 1400 comprehensive scores are encouraged to apply.

4. Radio and television director (Chinese-foreign cooperative school): The top 1900 students in the comprehensive score are encouraged to apply.

5. Fine arts: The top 7,000 students with comprehensive scores are encouraged to apply.

6. Digital Media Arts (school-enterprise cooperation): The top 8,500 students in the comprehensive score are encouraged to apply.

7. Musicology (vocal music): The top 2,000 students with comprehensive scores are encouraged to apply.

8. Musicology (Instrumental Music): The top 2200 comprehensive scores are encouraged to apply.

9. Dance Studies: The top 700 students in the comprehensive score of artistic dance are encouraged to apply.

10. Calligraphy: The top 240 in the comprehensive score are encouraged to apply.

3. Sports

1. Physical education: the top 1800 comprehensive scores are encouraged to apply.

2. Sports rehabilitation: The top 2,000 comprehensive scores are encouraged to apply.

The above suggestions are only for the reference of candidates in Shandong Province!

Shandong University of Political Science and Law

Shandong University of Political Science and Law 2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

1. Undergraduate advance approval (prison science major): It is estimated that there are less than 60,000 female students and 130,000 male students who are more likely to apply;  

2. Regular undergraduate approval: the hope of filling in within 135,000 law majors is relatively large, candidates within 150,000 of other majors without subject restrictions can fill in, and the hope of majors with subject restrictions within 160,000 is relatively large. About 200,000 school-enterprise cooperation majors are recommended to apply.

3. Regular batch of specialty: it is recommended to apply for general majors within 260,000, and about 300,000 school-enterprise cooperation majors are recommended to apply.

Shandong Youth Political College

Shandong Youth Political College enrolls 4,855 students in Shandong Province, including 3,455 undergraduates and 1,400 junior colleges. For spring and summer college entrance examination enrollment, a total of 6 undergraduate batches. Regular batch (undergraduate) general, regular batch (undergraduate) school enterprise, regular batch (undergraduate) sports and art unified examination undergraduate approval, spring college entrance examination early approval, undergraduate approval. The specialist batches mainly include regular approvals (specialty) general, school and enterprise, Chinese and foreign, and art specialist approvals. School application code: E277.

Candidates should combine their total rank, the position of the selected subjects and their interests and hobbies to apply for the examination scientifically and reasonably, and the school's guiding application suggestions are as follows, for reference only.

I. Regular Batch (Undergraduate)

Suggestions for applying for general undergraduate majors: encourage a rush with a score of 480 or more, there is hope for applying for the exam with a score of 490 or more, and there is great hope for applying for the exam with a score of 500 or more; Suggestions for applying for school-enterprise majors: encourage more than 480 points to apply for the exam, 485 points or more to apply for the exam with great hope, and 490 points to apply for the exam is very promising.

(1) Traditional advantageous majors in law, literature, finance and economics, such as Chinese language and literature, English, ideological and political education, political science and administration, radio and television, auditing, accounting, financial management, economics, social work, party affairs, etc., it is recommended that the application within 170,000 or more points is very promising, and the application of 490 points or more is encouraged to apply.

(2) Engineering, management, popular minor language majors, such as computer science and technology, electronic information engineering, human resource management, public affairs management, asset appraisal, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, etc., it is recommended to apply within 185,000 or above 490 points.

(3) Majors with development potential or emerging majors, such as health service and management, hotel management, marketing, Korean, Arabic, etc., it is recommended to apply within 195,000 or above 485 points.

(4) Majors with unlimited subjects in school-enterprise cooperative admissions, such as Chinese language and literature, radio and television, English, auditing, human resource management and other majors, it is recommended to score within 190,000 or 490 points, and the application is very hopeful; Physics majors are limited, such as data science and big data technology, and it is recommended to apply within 195,000 or above 485 points.

2. Undergraduate approval for the art unified examination

(1) Broadcasting and hosting art, culture 443 / major 219 (2022 culture 437 / major 200 points) double online can apply, comprehensive score of 490 points above the application hope is very large, high probability of admission, it is recommended that the first 10 volunteers apply.

(2) Music and dance studies (choreography, dance performance, dance studies, dance education), culture 287 \ major 209 points (2022 culture 284 \ major 202) double online can apply for the exam, the comprehensive score of 530 points is promising, 540 points application is very promising.

(3) Visual communication design, environmental design, product design, digital media art and other fine arts majors, culture 332 \ major 193 (2022 culture 327 \ major 193) double online can apply, comprehensive score of 535 points or more to apply for the exam is expected, 540 points above the probability of admission.

3. Regular Batch (Undergraduate) - Physical Education

The admission control score line of the comprehensive score of sports is 587 points, which is 4 points higher than in 2022 (583 points in 2022 admission control line), and it is recommended to apply for the exam with more than 600 points, and the hope of applying for the exam above 605 points is greater. The physical education score is a comprehensive score, of which 70% is professional and 30% is cultural.

4. Undergraduate approval for the spring college entrance examination

6 majors, including Fintech Application, Cross-border E-commerce, Big Data Engineering Technology, Big Data and Financial Management, Tourism Management, and Hotel Management (School-Enterprise Cooperation), are open to 5 professional categories. According to the forecast of each category of undergraduate enrollment plan, the recommended application positions are as follows:

(1) Financial technology application, big data and financial management, facing the financial and taxation control line is 549 points, it is recommended that there is hope for applying for the exam with more than 635 points, and there is a great hope for more than 640 points, and the probability of admission is high, and it is recommended that the first 5 volunteers apply.

(2) Big data engineering technology is oriented to software and application technology, it is recommended that there is hope for applying for the exam with more than 650 points, and there is great hope for applying for the exam with more than 660 points, and it is recommended to apply for the first choice.

(3) Marketing is oriented to marketing, and it is recommended that more than 630 points apply for the exam.

(4) Hotel management (school-enterprise cooperation, wine tasting and winery operation direction), tourism management for hotel management enrollment, 590 points above the application is promising, more than 600 points of admission probability is very promising.

V. Regular Batch (Specialty)

(1) General majors. For majors in legal affairs, big data and accounting, social work, international economics and trade, it is recommended to apply for the exam with a score of 460 or above; Tourism management, smart health and elderly care service and management, modern property management major, it is recommended to apply for the exam with more than 450 points.

(2) School-enterprise cooperation majors. Legal affairs, big data and accounting, it is recommended to apply for the exam with a score of 455 or more.

(3) Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools. International Business (Sino-foreign cooperative education) with a score of 430 or more is expected to apply.

6. Art specialty

Dance performance professional application suggestions (cultural and professional double standards, 150\199) comprehensive score of more than 500 application hope is large; Clothing and costume design, art design (Sino-foreign cooperative school) comprehensive score of 530 points or above, application for the examination is very promising.

Yantai Institute of Technology

In 2023, it is estimated that according to the distribution of candidates and the school's enrollment plan this year:

1. General undergraduate physics course selection major; It is estimated to be about 460-465 points, with a ranking of about 25.5-260,000;

Second, ordinary undergraduate majors are not required to choose subjects: it is estimated that about 465-470 points, and the rank is about 24.5-250,000;

Third, the comprehensive score of art undergraduate majors: 510 points above is more certain, more than 500 points are more hopeful.

Fourth, the general college major has a greater grasp of 300 points, and there is hope for more than 260 points, and it is encouraged to apply.

5. The spring college entrance examination is greatly affected by the enrollment plan and the number of candidates, and candidates can boldly apply for the exam by referring to the results of previous years.

6. Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run undergraduates, online candidates are encouraged to apply, there is hope for more than 450 points, and more than 455 points are more hopeful, and the rank can be reported within 280,000.

Shandong Jiaotong University

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

3. Sino-foreign cooperation majors

About 180,000-190,000 applications are more certain, and 20-210,000 applications are promising.

4. Approve majors in advance

There is a greater grasp of about 190,000-200,000 applications, and there is hope for about 210,000 applications. If you are not admitted in advance, it will not affect the regular approval application, it is recommended to try to apply for the exam after a certain line.

5. Art majors

The comprehensive score is 8000-9000 times, and the application is more certain.

6. Application suggestions

(1) When applying for the examination, candidates can apply for the examination according to the gradient of professional popularity, adopt the volunteer order of "punch, stability, guarantee, and pad", and at the same time should choose the major of colleges and universities in the province as the major of "guarantee and pad".

(2) The choice of major should consider the popularity while considering the professional strength and employment quality, and do not crowd the popular. Among the 96 volunteers, fill in some majors with strong strength and high employment quality but low application popularity.

(3) On the basis of referring to 22 years of data, pay attention to the position fluctuation brought about by the adjustment of the institution's plan.

The above suggestions are for reference only, pay attention to the Shandong Jiaotong University admissions information network, Shandong Jiaotong University admissions online public account, and release the latest admissions information at any time.

Qingdao Film Academy

Qingdao Film Academy has 10 majors to report, namely film and television technology, photography, film and television photography and production, drama, film and television art design, digital media art, cultural relics protection and restoration, painting, animation, comics, new media art, the lowest ranking of about 25,000 can be reported; There are 4 majors in the literary directing category, drama, film and television literature, radio and television directing, drama, film and television directing and film studies, about 3200 can be reported; Music can be reported for recording art majors, 5400 can report; The broadcast hosting category can be reported for broadcasting and hosting art majors, and the culture and major can be filled in by crossing the line; Drama, film and television performance can be applied for the performance major, and the comprehensive score is used for admission in the first year of this year, and the culture and major can be filled in by crossing the line, and the plan is sufficient; The general category can be reported to 4 majors of journalism, advertising, network and new media, and intellectual property, with a rank of 240,000-250,000.

Shandong Agricultural Engineering College

School enrollment code: E439

Shandong College of Agricultural Engineering has 3,200 general undergraduate programs in 2023, an increase of 400 over 2022, and 5 new undergraduate majors are added, namely land consolidation engineering, biomass science and engineering, plant protection, landscape architecture, accounting, and a new Sino-foreign cooperative undergraduate major is environmental ecological engineering. The college enrollment plan is 1,600, an increase of 100 students compared with 2022. According to the school's admission situation in previous years, the estimated data for this year is provided for candidates for reference only:

1. Undergraduate advance approval: Candidates with more than one line are eligible to apply, and according to last year's admission situation, it is recommended that candidates with a rank of less than 140,000 apply.

2. Undergraduate batch: general majors: candidates who do not mention the professional recommendation rank required by the selected subjects are about 185,000-190,005 candidates to apply, and candidates who choose subjects with material, chemical and biological subjects are recommended to apply for about 200,000-210,000; School-enterprise cooperation major: it is recommended that candidates with a rank of about 210,000-220,000 apply; Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools: It is recommended that all candidates who have reached a certain level of online examination can apply for the examination.

3. Fine Arts Undergraduate Batch: It is recommended to apply for the exam with a comprehensive score of about 520 points.

4. Undergraduate approval for the spring college entrance examination: Due to the adjustment of the corresponding categories of majors in the spring college entrance examination, it is impossible to refer to last year's data, and it is recommended that the top 300 candidates in each professional category apply.

5. Specialist batch: It is recommended to apply for the general major. School-enterprise cooperation major: 400 points or more recommended to apply.

6. Art Specialist Batch: It is recommended that candidates with a comprehensive score of about 510 points apply for the exam.

Qilu Medical College

Popular majors have a higher chance of being admitted with more than 500 points, and ordinary majors have a greater chance of being admitted with more than 30 points over a certain line.

Shandong Institute of Management

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!
More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Shandong Institute of Petrochemical Technology

(1) Unlimited subjects: 180,000 candidates boldly fill in the report, and 190,000 candidates rush down;

(2) Limit the examination to physics, physics or chemistry, physical chemistry and biology to choose one: less than 195,000 candidates boldly fill in, less than 205,000 rush.

Jining Medical College

Jining Medical College 2023 Shandong Candidate Application Recommendations

1. Early approval: The enrollment plan for publicly-funded medical students in 2023 is 29, and it is recommended to apply for clinical medicine within 125,000 places.

2. Ordinary batch:

1. It is recommended to apply for five-year medical majors within 118,000 ranks, and apply for clinical medicine within 90,000 ranks.

2. It is recommended to apply for four-year medical majors within 170,000 ranks.

3. It is recommended to apply for non-medical majors within 190,000 places.

4. It is recommended to apply for school-enterprise cooperation majors within 210,000 ranks.

Tarzan College

More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

Universities outside the province

Chinese Minmin University

Chinese University has great hopes of regularly approving 1,000 students within 1,000 students in advance, and the headquarters has great hopes of approving 1,800 students in advance; Suzhou campus has great hopes of early approval and regular approval within 6,000 students.

University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

In 2023, Shandong candidates apply for the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and they are more confident within 5,000, and 7,000 can rush.

Dalian Maritime University

Application suggestions for Shandong candidates in 2023: the estimated position of undergraduate general approval is about 31,000, Sino-foreign joint approval is about 53,000, and early approval is about 80,000.

Jinan University

2023 application suggestions: comprehensive reform category 25400, Sino-foreign cooperation category 31110, according to last year's estimate.

Jilin University

In 2023, 610 students will be enrolled in Shandong, and the rank before 16,000 is more certain, it is recommended that the rank in 18,000 can be rushed, and the selection of some majors should specifically refer to the official website of Jilin University Admissions Network Notice requirements.

Central China Normal University

Central China Normal University recommended ranking: before the approval of 10,000 in advance, before the current batch of 20,000 (according to the score segment of previous years, the hope of going online is greater)

Beijing Institute of Technology

Beijing Institute of Technology is 2200 places is more certain, 2400 places can be rushed.

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

2023 Shandong candidates application suggestions: ordinary 22000 (604 points), cooperative school 40000 (579 points) recommended to apply.

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Candidates ranked within 3,000 in the province are more confident in applying for finance, accounting and other majors; Candidates within 7,000 have a higher probability of entering Shangcai, and candidates with 7,000-9,000 candidates can consider rushing.

North China Electric Power University (Baoding)

2023 Shandong candidates application suggestions: the physics group can be rushed if the rank is 30,000, and the hope is greater within 24,000; The chemical group ranks 30,000 can be rushed, and the hope is greater within 26,000; The unlimited selection group can rush within 27,000 people, and the hope is greater within 19,000 people.

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

【Physics Exam】

1. Within the overall score of all candidates within 14,000 or within the total score of 11,500 among the selected physics candidates, there is an opportunity to participate in the selection of top-notch talent base and innovation experimental class;

2. The total score of all candidates is within 16500 or the total score of physics candidates is within 13500, and the choice of major is large;

3. The overall score of all candidates is within 19500 or the total score of physics candidates is within 15500, and the hope is very large.

【Unlimited subject categories】

1. Within the overall score of all candidates within 24,500, there is a large choice of majors; Hope within 2.26700 is very large.

Soochow University

2023 Shandong candidates application suggestions: less than 25,000 can apply, the highest score in 2022 is 4680, the lowest score is 22000, the average score is 10500, and it is estimated that this year's admission rank is about 22000.

Hong Kong Chinese University (Shenzhen)

CUHK-Shenzhen has two admission methods: naked score and comprehensive evaluation in Shandong early batch. If you apply for the exam with naked scores, candidates with a provincial ranking of less than 4,500 are welcome to apply. To apply for the comprehensive evaluation, candidates need to be shortlisted for the comprehensive evaluation test.


More than 100 colleges and universities announced the estimated admission line of the 2023 college entrance examination! Hurry up!

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) 2023 application suggestion, candidates must choose physics, 5,000 places are more certain, 7,000 places can be rushed.

Xi'an Jiaotong University

More than 3500 times hope is large, 4000 can rush; 1500 4 majors of Xuesen College, automation, artificial intelligence, mathematics and applied mathematics, clinical medicine Hou Zonglian; 1500-2000 Recommended Report Electricity pre-selection, energy manufacturing pre-selection, science experimental class, medicine 5+3;2000-2500 Recommended report Intelligent electrical and information category, ACCA; 2500-3500 Recommendation Report Economic management, energy manufacturing category, strong recommendation of management (two double first-class disciplines); 3500-4000 rush the economic management category, energy manufacturing category, do not rush there is no hope, rush to is to earn.

Xidian University

2023 Shandong candidate application suggestions: The total number of students in the 2023 Shandong Province enrollment plan is 276, and the comprehensive reform category (limited to physics) refers to the admission situation in recent years, encourages candidates within 15,000 to actively apply for the exam, and recommends that the first choice fill in our school; Referring to the admission situation in recent years, Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools encourage candidates within 33,000 to actively apply for the examination, and it is recommended that the first choice fill in our school.

China Pharmaceutical University

2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

China Pharmaceutical University is an old "211", double first-class university, pharmacy A+ (ranked first in the country), Chinese medicine "double first-class" construction major, with pharmacy and Chinese medicine disciplines as the leading construction of pharmaceutical disciplines has always maintained the domestic leading level.

In 2023, the major optimization and upgrade, this year in Shandong to launch 106 general undergraduate programs, all of which are pharmacy-related advantageous majors, including 10 high insurance research rate characteristic professional plans, greatly increasing the opportunity for Shandong candidates to enter high insurance research rate majors.

Shandong enrollment major selection subject requirements, except for traditional Chinese medicine and biopharmacy (including top-notch innovation class) majors require candidates in physics, chemistry and biology to choose one of the three subjects to apply, the rest of the majors are required to be applied for by candidates in physics and chemistry.

Graduates of China Pharmaceutical University have been in short supply, with a supply-demand ratio of more than 1:5.The performance of Shandong undergraduate graduates is also very eye-catching: the proportion of Shandong undergraduate graduates in 2023 is as high as 34%, the rate of continuing study of Shandong graduates in 2022 is as high as 63%, and the proportion of undergraduate students winning awards is 48%, both far higher than the average level of the school.

Estimated positions of each major in 2023:

1. Pharmacy (this Ph.D. through the strong base top-notch experimental class) 2 people, about 3,000 to 5,000 people are encouraged to apply, and the admission hope is great.

2. Pharmacy (top-notch innovation class) 3 people, about 4000 to 6000 admission hope is very large;

3. Clinical pharmacy (master's degree through excellent pharmacist experimental class) 2 people, the first year of enrollment, 3,000 to 6,000 admission hopes are great;

4. 2 people in clinical pharmacy, about 13,000;

5. Biopharmacy (top-notch innovation class) recruits 3 people, 6000 to 9000 admission hope is great;

6. 10 biopharmaceutical people, about 10,000 to 18,000;

7. 43 people in pharmacy, about 9,000 to 17,000;

8. 13 people in Chinese medicine, about 12,000 to 19,000;

9. 4 people in marine pharmacy, about 13,000 to 19,000;

10. 12 people in chemical and pharmaceutical fields, about 14,000 to 22,000;

11. Sino-foreign cooperative school, 9 people in pharmacy (Sino-foreign cooperative school), 3 people in clinical pharmacy (Chinese-foreign cooperative school), ranking within 35,000 is very promising.


2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

Central South University is directly managed by the central government, 985, 211 and national double-first-class A universities, with 365 enrollment plans in Shandong, including 307 ordinary students, all majors are national first-class majors or key disciplines, you can fill in with confidence.

It is expected that more than 638 points can enter most popular majors, 616 points above the school is more stable, and more than 600 points can be rushed.

Central South University is very simple to change majors, encourage advanced schools to change majors again, the channels for changing majors include the whole school to divide the stream, the selection of excellent classes, and the whole school to change majors, all based on freshman results (the first 25% can be), Shandong candidates have a solid foundation and great advantages in changing majors.

Sino-foreign cooperation has two national key disciplines of materials and civil engineering, with official approval from the state, the cooperative university is the world's top 50 famous universities (Monash University), graduation certificate, degree certificate is the same as ordinary approval, there is no "Sino-foreign cooperation" words, after entering the school, you can freely choose to go abroad or not abroad in the sophomore year, the proportion of insurance research is the same as that of ordinary classes (more than 20%), and the score above 599 is more stable.

As long as Central South University enters the file, it ensures that the admission will not be withdrawn.

Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

Beijing University of Chinese Medicine is a university directly under the Ministry of Education, the only higher Chinese medicine college in the national "211 Project", and the higher Chinese medicine institution with the largest number of "double first-class" disciplines in the country. Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine and other majors occupy a leading position in the country, and young students who are interested in devoting themselves to the cause of Chinese medicine are warmly welcome to apply. White-clothed green bladder apricot forest dream, Qi Huang Hall is waiting for you!

(1) Candidates with less than 30,000 candidates in the college entrance examination have the hope of admission. (2) Within 14,000 students, there is hope for admission to medical classes (including five-year majors in acupuncture and massage). (3) Within 10,000 students, there is hope for admission to five-year majors in traditional Chinese medicine. (4) Within 6,000 students, you can try to apply for our school's master's degree (5+3 integrated major). (5) Within 1,500 students, you can try to apply for our school's doctoral program (nine-year program).

Lanzhou University

2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

1. Most of the candidates with a rank of less than 13,000 in the college entrance examination have greater hopes of admission to majors (9,000 for dentistry, 10,000 for clinical, and 12,000 for computer electronic information). 2. The college entrance examination ranks are 13,000-18,000, and some majors are also very promising for admission, you can try to fill in the front position of parallel volunteers. 3. The 25,000 students majoring in Sino-foreign cooperative education (computer science and technology) have a large grasp before, and 30,000 students can also rush before!


2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

Huazhong University of Science and Technology has invested a total of 179 enrollment plans in the general category of enrollment in Shandong this year, including 171 science courses, 8 unlimited/literature and history categories, according to the source of students enrolled by our school over the years, it is expected that candidates with more than 653 points in 2023 have great hopes of applying for the exam, and the hope of more than 652 points is greater, and candidates are encouraged to actively fill in the application. In addition, our school will continue to launch 5 Sino-foreign cooperative education plans in Shandong this year, if there is a willingness to fill in the Chinese-foreign cooperative school, we estimate that candidates with a very large line should also have great hope. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China's double first-class and world-class university, looks forward to your joining!

China University of Mining and Technology

2023 Shandong Candidate Application Suggestions:

Referring to the distribution of a one-point table of the college entrance examination in Shandong Province in 2023 and the admission situation in previous years, our school has an estimated score of about 591 points (about 30,000 ranks) in the "compulsory physics" group and "physical chemistry one" group in Shandong Province, 597 points (26,000 ranks) in the "unlimited subjects" group, and more than 577 points in Sino-foreign cooperation majors, welcome to apply.

(1) Candidates of about 28,000-30,000 times are recommended to fill in a few more volunteers and put them in front of them to rush; (2) Candidates of about 2.4-26,000 times have greater hopes, it is recommended to report ahead, and have the opportunity to choose a major; (3) Candidates of about 2.2-24,000 places have a large grasp of the choice of their favorite major and a large chance of selection of top talents; (5) Within 20,000 places, the degree of free choice of majors is high.

It is recommended that candidates fill in as many professional volunteers as possible in our school, and open the popularity and score of professional categories to improve the possibility of admission.

Hohai University

Hohai University, a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a key construction university of the "211 Project", a "985 Project Advantageous Discipline Innovation Platform", a national "double first-class" construction university, a national top 50 universities for graduate employment, characterized by water conservancy, engineering-based, multidisciplinary coordinated development, integrated training of three campuses in Nanjing and Changzhou, good learning and employment locations, a long history of running schools, welcome the majority of Shandong students to apply!

1. With a score of 629 or more (within 10,000 students), the Dayu intensive class of water conservancy and computer science is expected to be admitted!

2. Above 617 points (within 15,000 students), volunteer to fill in Hohai University, have a good grasp of the entry file, can apply for the target major of your choice, and have a good chance of winning.

3. 607-616 points (15,000-20,000), volunteer to fill in Hohai University, big hope for entry, large space for major selection.

4. 599-606 points (20,000-25,000 students), one volunteer rushed to Hohai University, more choice of professional volunteers to fill in and form a gradient, promising admission.

5. Above 577 points (within 42,000 students), welcome to fill in Sino-foreign cooperative schools (environmental science, mechanical engineering, civil engineering), and hope for admission.

The professional group of our school in Lu enrollment is scientific and reasonable, has advantages and characteristics, and welcomes parents and students to consult.

Admissions Hotline: 400-025-1915

Admissions Information Network:

The above college admission score line or minimum admission ranking is the estimate of the school teacher based on the enrollment situation of previous years and some changes this year, and the final admission score line is determined by the candidate's registration.

Source: From the Internet, for reference only, if there is infringement contact to delete.