
Yan Yunke, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, a famous typhoid master, makes good use of Jing Fang to treat difficult and strange diseases, and has saved countless people in his life

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

Yan Yunke, born in Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province in 1947, is a well-known expert in the study of "Typhoid Fever" in the mainland, very good at treating diseases with Jing Fang, curing countless incurable diseases, has a high position in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and later served as the president of Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In 1965, 18-year-old Yan Yunke was admitted to Xinzhou Health School, and after graduating with excellent grades, he was assigned to work in the Gaocheng Commune Health Center, and successively served Liang Zhitang, Li Yinghuai, and Liu Shaowu, famous doctors in Shanxi. Later, he was taught by Li Yinghuai, the son of Li Hanqing, a famous doctor in Shanxi and imperial physician in the Qing Dynasty. Because of his solid theoretical foundation, he is very diligent in learning, and he is deeply loved by Li Lao, and he will teach him all his skills.

Yan Yunke, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, a famous typhoid master, makes good use of Jing Fang to treat difficult and strange diseases, and has saved countless people in his life

Yan Yunke admired the Zhongjing theory very much, and conducted decades of research on "Typhoid Fever" and "Outline of Jin Kuang", and gained profound results. He particularly admired the Jing Fang, believing that these Jing Fang had been proven for thousands of years, and if used properly, the effect was very remarkable. Therefore, he widely used the prescriptions in classic books of traditional Chinese medicine such as "Typhoid Fever" and "Essentials of Jin Kuang" into clinical practice, and obtained extremely significant curative effects.

Yan Yunke is ancient but not muddy. He believes that the times are changing, patients are changing, and diseases are changing, so we cannot stick to the scriptures and remain unchanged, but must keep pace with the times and constantly improve and improve. For example, use the union one. The so-called combination is to combine two or three meridians according to the needs of the disease to achieve the purpose of treating the disease. However, it is best to superimpose no more than 13 flavors of medicine in two or three ways, otherwise it will affect the treatment of the main symptom. In clinical practice, Yan Yunke cured a large number of incurable diseases through Hefang, especially curing a patient's stomach cancer.

Yan Yunke, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, a famous typhoid master, makes good use of Jing Fang to treat difficult and strange diseases, and has saved countless people in his life

Once, Yan Yunke received a patient in his 50s. Due to advanced stomach cancer, the patient missed the opportunity for surgical treatment and turned to TCM treatment. After being recommended, he found Yan Yunke admiringly. After repeated thinking, Yan Yunke used four reverse scattered and mixed Wuzhu soup for flavoring, after three re-examinations for a total of 18 doses, and then switched to four reverse scattered and four gentlemen's soup for flavoring, after 36 doses of the drug, the symptoms were slowly alleviated, and after half a year of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the cancer tumor disappeared after gastroscopy, creating a medical miracle.

Although he particularly admires Zhongjingzhi, Yan Yunke does not reject Shifang, and he also inherits the famous formulas created by later generations of doctors after Zhongjing, and does not stick to one family. Through learning from everyone's strengths, Yan Yunke is handy in the use of Jing Fang and Shi Fang, and has reached the realm of transformation, and has cured many diseases that cannot be treated by Western medicine in the clinic. Once, a 51-year-old patient, Wang, suffered from pain under the heart and chest swelling for more than 3 years. The patient was drinking alcohol every day due to business needs, resulting in pain and swelling. He vowed to quit drinking during the attack, but after the symptoms subsided, he continued to drink in order to maintain the customer relationship.

Yan Yunke, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, a famous typhoid master, makes good use of Jing Fang to treat difficult and strange diseases, and has saved countless people in his life

Therefore, it does not heal for several years, and the condition becomes more and more serious. Gastroscopy suggests chronic atrophic gastritis and reflux esophagitis. After observation, it was found that the patient had chest swelling pain, swallowing pain, acid reflux heartburn, dry mouth, poor stool, and abdominal muscle tension. At the first consultation, Yan Yunke prescribed three doses and absolutely avoided alcohol. After the second diagnosis, the pain stopped, and the burning was no longer there. But it is still pantothenic, bitter in the mouth, and uncomfortable with multiple food. So, the original prescription was cured with five doses. There are countless such cases in the medical career.

In 2005, Yan Yunke selected his 40 years of clinical cases and edited them into the book "Clinical Evidence Experiment", which caused great repercussions in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. In 2009, he comprehensively summarized his years of experience in researching and applying Jing Fang, and wrote the book "Jing Fang Bow Record". The book is a record of Yan Yunke's experience in studying and applying Jingfang in the past 40 years.

Yan Yunke, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, a famous typhoid master, makes good use of Jing Fang to treat difficult and strange diseases, and has saved countless people in his life

The book has three distinctive features. The first is to use the different diseases of Jing Fang to treat diseases together and grasp the root of the disease. That is, starting from the main treatment syndrome of the formula, clarify the fundamental pathogenesis of treatment, no matter what kind of disease, as long as the disease mechanism is the same, although the manifestations are different, you can also use the same party. The second feature is that it is used according to the severity of the disease, which is both flexible and practical, but also accurate, clear and clear. The third feature is the use of "case cases" to explain the application of prescriptions, combining prescription drugs, evidence, and cases. These works are very suitable for TCM practitioners and enthusiasts to learn, and can help quickly improve the application level of Jing Fang and improve clinical ability.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet