
36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

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36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

"He's a talented player."

The World Federation of Taiwan Compatriots has such high praise for Ding Junhui.

There is no doubt that Ding Junhui has won a lot of glory for the mainland in the field of billiards.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

As a "billiards prodigy", he has already won various awards a grand slam.

It is also because of this that Ding Junhui was exposed to be worth a lot, and his assets have already reached hundreds of millions.

However, he settled in Britain with hundreds of millions of assets when he became famous.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Now 36-year-old, Ding Junhui won the World Championship again after three years of silence.

And the photo of him and his older wife was also pickpocketed, and his wife's temperament is enviable.

This aroused everyone's curiosity about his life, why did he run to settle abroad?

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

01 "The Sword is Not Old" won the championship again

In March this year, Ding Junhui won this year's Snooker 6 Red Ball World Championship in Bangkok, Thailand.

This is Ding Junhui's first "brick building" to his championship career after 36 months.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

The billiards fans who learned the news were cheering for Ding Junhui's victory.

Of course, there are also some fans who are very calm, which has long been commonplace.

After all, winning the championship is a common occurrence for billiards prodigy Ding Junhui.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Yes! Ding Junhui, who has been saddled with the titles of "prodigy" and "world champion" since he was a child, has always been shrouded in such an aura.

Since winning third place in the Asian Invitational at the age of 13, he has also won the title of "billiards prodigy".

And his life has since been like "opening and hanging", non-champions do not win.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

So far, Ding Junhui has won fourteen billiards ranking tournaments.

He won two PTC races and one Wembley Masters.

A veritable Grand Slam winner.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Meanwhile, back in 2014.

Ding Junhui has been identified by the World Federation of Taiwan Compatriots as the first place in the world ranking list.

It is the first billiards champion in the history of Asia to win this award.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

For Ding Junhui's open life, it seems that the prodigy cannot show his "great achievements".

And the 2023 Snooker 6 Red Ball World Championship is the icing on the cake for Ding Junhui's champion life.

At the same time, people are also beginning to pay attention to the personal experience and family life behind the three-year silence of the Prince of Billiards.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

02 is a child prodigy and a "person with a heart"

In 1987, Ding Junhui was born in a small town in Zhejiang.

At that time, billiards had already risen in China and was popular in many places.

Ding's father, who opened a commissary, wanted to accumulate popularity and attract business.

There is a pool table in the store for customers to play.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

As the owner of the shop, Father Ding is naturally also an avid fan of billiards.

From time to time, he will compete with his old guys in billiards.

Coming and going, Father Ding's billiards technique can be regarded as pure.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Ding Junhui and his father in the early years

On this day, Father Ding was fighting with his old opponent "Lao Liu", going on for many games, but he did not win against the other party.

When Ding's father went to the toilet, Xiao Ding Junhui saw that his father had become Lao Liu's defeated subordinate many times, so he "invited Lao Liu to fight".

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

At that time, Ding Junhui was still young, where could he play billiards.

But he never thought that Ding Junhui went down this shot and directly defeated Lao Liu.

Father Ding, who came out of the toilet, saw this battle situation.

He realized that his son had a talent in billiards.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Therefore, he decided to cultivate Ding Junhui's billiards kung fu.

At the beginning, Ding's father taught Ding Junhui some billiards skills by himself.

But he apparently underestimated his son's talent in billiards.

It didn't take long for Ding Junhui to be better than blue, making Ding's father "useless".

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

So, Ding's father took Ding Junhui to sign up for a regular billiards club.

Because Ding Junhui started learning billiards at too young a young age.

So at first, he couldn't play billiards as comfortably as an adult.

Short in stature, he can only tiptoe to play.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

The members of the club are full of curiosity and doubts about this child.

But after seeing Xiaoding Junhui's level beyond ordinary people.

They all developed admiration for this little kid who tiptoed billiards.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

After graduating from primary school, Ding Junhui had the idea of dropping out of school to play billiards full-time.

Father Ding had a long conversation with Ding Junhui.

Being aware of your child is not about avoiding learning.

Instead, he really made a long-term plan for his life.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

After comprehensive consideration, Ding's father decided to fully support his son's idea.

In this way, even relatives and friends were deeply dissatisfied with Ding's father's approach.

But Father Ding still resisted everyone's accusations.

Take Ding Junhui on the way to billiards "gone forever".

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Ding Junhui and parents

In order to make Ding Junhui have greater achievements in billiards, Father Ding can be said to have made a dangerous move.

He not only supported his son to drop out of school, but also abandoned all his business and moved his family to Guangdong.

Just so that my son can get better training at the national snooker training site in China.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

However, where can the day of starting all over again be so good.

Life in Guangdong is not only unfamiliar.

And the cost is also greater than in the small cities of the hometown.

The Ding family's economy has been in a relatively difficult situation.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

See the great sacrifices of families to nurture themselves.

Ding Junhui realized that his choice was undoubtedly a backwater.

So he worked harder on billiards and didn't waste any bit of time.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Finally, the effort paid off.

In 2003, Ding Junhui became a professional billiards player.

In order to play, he traveled to England to compete for more glory in a foreign land.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

The decade that began here can be described as Ding Junhui's golden decade.

Especially in 2013, this year Ding Junhui was invincible all over the world.

Within one year, he won consecutive large-scale tournaments and individual ranking championships.

and the triple title of the World Snooker International Championship champion, becoming the first person in a row to win the third title of the century.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

03 Achieve fame and return to the family

Over the years, Ding Junhui has made fewer and fewer appearances on billiards.

It's not so much because too many titles have been swept by him, there is nothing challenging.

Rather, Ding Junhui prefers to focus on his family.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

You know, because of the investment in billiards in the early years.

Let Ding Junhui sacrifice his family, studies and youth.

And because of the name of "prodigy" since childhood, in order not to be like hurt Zhongyong, "everyone has disappeared".

What Ding Junhui can do is constantly strive to defend his talent.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

So he had to turn liking into a habit, and his life became only billiards.

So it is completely understandable that today's Ding Junhui chose to focus on his family.

And his wife Zhang Yuanyuan is also Ding Junhui's person worth giving his life.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Before Ding Junhui announced his marriage.

Fans have always thought that the prince of billiards, Ding Junhui, will be with billiards diva Pan Xiaoting.

As peers and partners, everyone has always taken it for granted that two people will be together.

However, what no one expected was that Ding Junhui would be with Zhang Yuanyuan, who is an "outsider" in billiards.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Zhang Yuanyuan and Ding Junhui are six years old, and they are veritable "sister-brother love".

Zhang Yuanyuan's family lineage is very prominent, a girl who was raised rich since childhood.

But she did not have a proud heart, nor did she have the squeamishness of a rich lady.

Instead, after graduation, he chose to work as an editor in a magazine and earn money to support himself.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

The acquaintance of Zhang Yuanyuan and Ding Junhui is not so dreamy.

It was in an interview that the connection was made for work reasons.

Maybe love is so sudden.

It is estimated that Ding Junhui, as the party concerned, did not expect it.

I would be so quick to get attracted to a girl who had no intersection before.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

In the end, what made Ding Junhui follow his heart was that during the most frustrating period of his competition.

Zhang Yuanyuan has always been by his side, encouraging him and comforting him.

So in 2014, Ding Junhui directly announced that he and Zhang Yuanyuan had received the certificate.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Although Zhang Yuanyuan is six years older than Ding Junhui, there is no generation gap between the two of them.

For Ding Junhui, being able to find such a mature and beautiful wife is the greatest happiness.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

In 2018, Ding Junhui announced the happy news that Zhang Yuanyuan gave birth to a daughter for himself on social platforms.

Since then, fans can often see a good father and husband who posts babies and wives on social platforms.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

For Ding Junhui, returning to family life now is undoubtedly the happiest stage of life.

The couple named their daughter Ding Nuanzhu, hoping that she would always be as warm as a "little sun".

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Although he is only four or five years old, he already has the appearance of Ding Junhui between his eyebrows.

In order to support Ding Junhui's career, his wife Zhang Yuanyuan chose to quit his job at the magazine and be a good wife and mother at home.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Due to the nature of Ding Junhui's work, he often competes in the UK.

So he simply took his wife and daughter, and the whole family moved to England to settle down.

Going abroad as soon as he has money is the most "hated" thing of the Chinese people, and it also attracts a lot of "black" for Ding Junhui.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Over the years, because of Ding Junhui's "semi-retirement", there have actually been questions from netizens.

It is thought that Ding Junhui's return to the family has distracted him from his career.

That's why I can't go back to the peak of that year.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

At the beginning, Ding Junhui would also have some scruples about these comments, fearing that it would affect the mood of his family.

But now Ding Junhui no longer cares about these comments, and in his heart, the neglect of his family is even more unforgivable.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Therefore, Ding Junhui began to show his family in front of the public.

Posting photos of her daughter and herself on social platforms, her eyes are full of happiness.

And this victory in Thailand undoubtedly silenced those "the knife is old" remarks.

36-year-old Ding Junhui current situation! With a net worth of more than 100 million, she often lives abroad, and her older wife has a good temperament and is quite chubby

Of course, Ding Junhui, as the party concerned, may be the happiest.

Because this re-victory is accompanied by his own family.

This time, both wife and daughter.

All saw his exceptional posture on the pitch.

Text, Editing | Nian Chu

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