
The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

author:Shenghong Purple Pavilion

In the early years, there was a painted mural in the Mani Hall of the Berlin Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, "River Rushing Map". According to legend, this mural and the "Flying God" mural painted in the Dening Hall of Quyang Beiyue Temple were painted by Wu Daozi, a great painter of the Tang Dynasty.

"River Rushing Map", also known as Wenwu Shui, on the east and west walls of the main hall, one side is painted with Wen Shui: trickling like silk, ripples layer by layer; on the other hand, Wu Shui: the waves tumbling, galloping and roaring, it seems that there is a cold wind blowing, making people hairy. It is really "the wild waves are suspected of having a dragon rising, and the phantom traces are shocked to see the wind and rain coming", no wonder there are folk legends that the viewers were drowned by the surging water of the Berlin Temple

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

Some people also say that "Zhao Zhou Shui" was not painted by Wu Daozi. The person who said this was a jinshi during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, named Wang Shizhen, who called himself a mountain man in Qizhou. He is the author of the "Four Drafts of the Mountain People of Qizhou". He specially wrote an ancient poem of "Wu Daozi Painting Water": "Whale Tao Xue practices the spirit of fighting, and the two pipes are equally divided." Knowing that Zhongshan's ink is there, Heying Daozi is the predecessor. In the poem, Elder Wang believes that "Zhao Zhou Shui" came from the hand of He Sheng of Dingzhou (Dingzhou ancient Zhongshan Kingdom), and I don't know how he examined it.

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

Nowadays, people who mention "Zhao Zhou Shui" are still willing to say that it was painted by Wu Daozi, first, the "Zhao Zhou Shui" mural is vivid and wonderful; second, Wu Daozi is a painting saint in ancient China. It seems that the reason why folk songs have been able to circulate to this day has its own reasons.

Interestingly, the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty did not easily object to Wu Daozi's paintings in front of the murals. In September of the fifteenth year after his ascension to the pole, the monarch of this country toured the south through Zhao Prefecture and stationed at the Berlin Temple. After admiring the "Zhao Zhou Water" in the Mani Temple, he wrote the "Inscription Wu Daozi Painting Wall and Book" with pleasure, and later, this poem was carved in the Berlin Temple, commonly known as the Qianlong Imperial Monument.

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

The Mani Temple, along with the "Zhao Zhou Water", has long since left us. Since I can remember, the monastery has become a rubble of rubble and barren grass, but the few cypress trees in front of the court are still facing the Zhao Zhou Pagoda, they are like the wise people who practice Meditation, silently watching the shifting of the stars and the changes of the world, wordlessly interpreting the earth and the wilderness.

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

The following is a compilation of the poems of Wu Daozi painting water on the wall of the Berlin Temple

1. Liang Qingbiao,"Berlin Temple Guan Wu Daozi Painting Water"

Berlin painting water has been a thousand autumns, day and day across the vicissitudes of the sea,

This goes to xiancha floating han envoy, the heart of the countryside is a big river.

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

2. Tian Rong, "Painting Water between the Walls of The Berlin Temple in Zhaozhou"

The waves are full of sorrow, and the ancient temple of cool life is the first autumn.

From the south, the flood water was steadily crossed, but here it was shockingly reversed.

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

3. Ji Maiyi, "Painting Water of Wu Daozi on the Wall of the Berlin Temple"

Zhao Zhou painted the water and smelled the world, and the waves were as fierce as collapsing clouds. There are ups and downs that want to move, and the world is full of facsimiles.

Repeatedly obliquely looking at the excess, the chest is pouring out of the water. The dragon did not dare to hang the mat, and the dragon scrambled in the middle of the night.

I want to see when the sky drops the pen, and the star spirit comes to peek at each other. Fighting to sweep away the wind and rain, the original qi is still vivid.

The temple is not easy to wall, and the roaring waves are like mountains. Slight damage who can make up for chemical industry, often after the care of the divine power.

The ancient temple in Berlin vibrates the wind, and the golden and green towers in mid-air. The purpose of the painting is to enter the Zen direction and shine through the ages.

The dragon of the monk flew away for a long time, and where was the tiger's head golden millet now. The wind and dust martingale palmed with wonders, such as the shock of Qu Tang.

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

4. Wang Rubi's "Kai Qianpo Embroidery to Travel to Zhaozhou Berlin Temple with Changli Mountain Stone Rhyme"

(The temple has two stele of Yu Shinan's great book "Climbing Dragon Scales" and "Attached Phoenix Wings", and there are paintings on the walls of the temple that are said to be Wu Daozi paintings, or Yun Wu Xiaoxian pens.) )

The water and light are subtle, and the flood and waves are flying within a thousand miles. Dragon Tengfeng Yi Yongxing pen, the rate is too thin often mountain fat.

Qianqiu calligraphy and painting are both unique, and Wu Xian's name is still faint. Berlin Lafayette has been gone for a long time, and the aroma of tea can still cure hunger.

The young monk was as thin as a crane, sitting and watching the frozen dial close the firewood. Song Ming burned shiding alive, and the courtyard was full of cypress incense.

Manjushri's flowers are kneeless, and the heavenly dragons and elephants are surrounded. Laugh at my dry intestines self-searching, and the wind and rain are raw.

From the you to get the second son, such as out of the water new received by the lamination. Ride the wind and waves from the beginning, and the sea is swaying and returning to each other.

The "River Rushing Map" of the Berlin Zen Temple in Zhao County, Hebei Province, also known as Wenwu Water, is said to have drowned people in ZhaoZhou Water

5. Shi Shan,"Painting Water of the Lady of Zhao Zhou WangJie"

Zhao Zhou ancient temple Concubine Wang clan, painting wall stream view Wu Daozi. The spirit day travels to the Nine Springs, rolling the Yellow River into the bottom of the wrist.

Waves in the ancient True Mo II, no end of the qi Han Yuanqi. The sun is like the sound of wind and rain, and the empty hall is suspected of being a fish.

The scales flickered and did not dare to touch. Ander's giant palm hit the sea gate. Suddenly, the Yanguan Red Emperor rushed in.

Or the cold of winter is cold and evil, and the ice of the ground is chiseled. The ruggedness is pure blood, and the disasters and disasters will be destroyed.

High wind Xiao Xiao Huan Cui Pavilion, Haike South gui sleeve cloud valley. Autumn is not tired and dry, and the farmland of Wanling is surrounded by mountains.

The widow in the field collects the same ears, and pities the canal to cultivate the stone forever and abundantly. The yellow crane flew alone, and the evil waves shocked the waves and tears in their eyes.

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