
Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

author:Zhi Lan Zhai

Yang Wenxiao was originally from Guiyang, and later lived in Nanjing, and once served in Songjiang. Before that, he had visited Dong Qichang in Songjiang, and although he was 41 years younger than Dong Qichang, Dong Qichang praised Yang Wenqi's painting talent. Before his first visit, Yang Wenqi composed a poem entitled "To Mr. Dong Sibo":

Drinking fragrant tea is like looking for spring, and today Longmen likes to kiss himself.

A generation of articles pushed the co-lord, the four dynasties of lile belonged to the yuan chen.

The west neighbor is the former tomb of the pen driving mei, and the spirit of the North Garden is transmitted from the back.

Wanli sweeps the door to the tent, possibly to cross out of the mizu.

In his poem, Yang Wenxiao fully expressed his respect for Dong Qichang, and at the same time hoped that Dong would guide himself in painting. According to Zheng Wei's "Annals of Dong Qichang", from the second year of Ming Chongzhen, Yang Wenxiao had close contacts with Dong Qichang, and Dong wrote many poems in Yang's paintings, such as Yang Wenbiao's "Imitation of the Landscape axis of the Yuanren" with Dong Qichang's written sayings in the seventh year of Chongzhen: "Longyou This map, the pen and ink are round, the morale and writers are well prepared, and the big category of Wang Shuming's "Qingbian Map" is the same. Wonderful, wonderful! In March of the following year, Dong Qichang also inscribed the following words for Yang's "Landscape Scroll": "The Lushan Lotus Society yuangong eighteen sages, Xie Lingyun's generation of celebrities are still among the points, at that time there was a cloud: 'Tao Ling drunken return can not stay, Xie Gong is confused to return. 'The difficulty of the master of the purification society is so great!' Now the dragon friend eunuch You Wusong, the world's friendship is rare. However, Tan Ji counted the official houses, held up the purpose, and decorated the nine peaks with the rest of the power, and competed with the nine stacks of screens, and there will be a youtan bowl to spend in the five-colored bright clouds, although the barren fast, the vegetable garden has become Lufu, which is nothing more than a miracle to take the world into the abbot. This volume cover is given to the tanshi who returns the yuan tomb, which is enough to be called Yipin. Tan Gong Xing Zhen, always open the society! ”

Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

Yang Wenxiao's "Landscape Map" Collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei

Dong exaggerated Yang Longyou's "Imitation Yuanren Landscape Axis" in the previous trek, which has both the characteristics of literati painting and professional painting, which is quite wonderful as Wang Meng's "Qingbian Diagram". In the seventh year of Chongzhen, Yang Wenqi served as a teacher in Huating, and in the following two years, he and Dong Qichang discussed painting theory, such as Yang Wenxiao's two poems "On Pen and Ink with Dong Xuanzai", the first of which was:

The pen must recognize me, and the pen has no right to order.

The natural pen is also the pen, and the truth is interpreted at this time.

The pedantic is not pedantic, and who can be turned upside down?

Innately, the magic is unpassable.

In this poem, Yang Wenqiao expressed the concept of intending to write first, he believed that before painting, it was necessary to operate the position first, and Cheng Zhu could write after the chest. The second poem emphasizes the amount of moisture in the ink, which has an important impact on the picture:

Xi Mo is not in the ink, we must know to save water first.

Painstakingly do not ask the hand, to the mirror is not to plot paper?

When you look at Jun Splash Ink, the thickness is reasonable.

Duan Boo Dong Ju, Yan Chi Live Fan Li.

Didi flew angrily, with a scale of thousands of miles.

Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

Head up the hill

From the above, it can be seen that Dong Qichang has an important influence on Yang Wenxiao. Therefore, Zhou Lianggong clearly wrote in the "Reading Picture Record": "From Dong Wenmin, fine painting theory; but the negative quality is quite different, and the irregular cloud path is also different." ...... Pen with smoke and rain, Xiao is distant and far away, stop at unintentional gain, and when you look at the beauty of listening, the work of dyeing, the magic of calligraphy, there are three absolutes in your eyes. Therefore, Yang Wenqiu was listed by Wu Meicun as one of the "Nine Friends in the Painting", and Wu praised Yang Wenxiao in his "Song of the Nine Friends in the Painting": "Aaron Bei holds a double spear and wears a picture of Chibi Si Cao Liu." Drunken ink Hengjiang Lou, garlic mountain moon fell in the air. Qing Qiandu said in the "Songju Painting Memories": "The morale of the victims is ear- and the dragon friend has both, and the Yiwu sacrifice wine is cited as the nine friends in the painting." ”

However, Yang Wenxiao did not fully imitate Dong Qichang in his concept of painting, Dong was more concerned about imitation of the ancient, and Yang emphasized taking natural landscapes as a teacher. At that time, Dong Qichang was creating his important painting theory, the Theory of the Southern and Northern Sects, believing that the Techniques of the Northern Sect were heavy on hooks and axes, and the Southern Sect was the most particular about the lightness, so Dong Qichang believed that the Southern Sect was the authentic literati painting. However, Yang Wenxiao does not seem to have such a Xuanxuan, for example, in the book "Yuan Xi Mo Zen Room Painting Landscape Scroll" painted by Dong Qichang in the first year of Hongguang, he said: "Xuanshi all uses beiyuan, and this volume uses Li Tang at the same time, the hook is clearly cut, the ink is deep and quiet, and it is really song people's three ambiguities, not only with the yuan season rhyme." ”

Although Yang Wenxiao also copied the paintings of the ancients and learned techniques from them, he emphasized that nature should be a teacher, and his concept was important to his life experience.

Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

The navigation shows that the end point is a chicken nest

Yang Wenqiao's father, Yang Shikong, served in various places after passing the examination, liked to visit scenic spots in landscapes and rivers, and was also quite successful in calligraphy, and the Daoguang edition of the "Guizhou Fuzhi Mingqi Old Biography II" said that Yang Shikong: "Good Kai, Li, Zhangcao, can be the abbot's big character, so there are inscriptions left, everyone is hiding." Yang Shikong's talent in this regard also had an influence on his son Yang Wenxiao, so Liu Jin said in "On Yang Longyou's Early Paintings": "Longyou Xiaoxing cursive writing has both Jin and Tang dynasty wind bones and zhangcao rhymes, the smell is high and ancient, and the workmanship is extremely deep. Compared with the Dong characters written by the same people, there is obviously a distinction between elegance and customs. ”

Yang Shikong has a son and three daughters, Yang Wenxiao and the three brothers-in-law have a relatively close relationship, his eldest brother-in-law Zhou Zuoxin also has a good painting, Mo Youzhi said in the "Qianshi Jiluo Zhou Master Zuoxin": "Good at poetry painting, Mozhu is especially good at painting. Judging from the poems written by Yang Wenxiao, he had the closest contact with Zhou Zuoxin among the three brothers-in-law, and once they traveled with Xishan, Yang Wenxiao painted a "Ten Thousand Green Pictures of Hanxi" in the boat and inscribed a poem, the first few sentences of the poem are: "The cold jade is green, and the stream is suddenly chaotic." The ghost is at ease, and the color is changed. Ordinary life is full of feelings, but it is appropriate to do so. ......”

Zhou Zuoxin admired this painting, and he did not hesitate to praise in the "Inscription of Moving Landscapes": "Dragon friends, negative landscape habits... Pen walking clouds, thinking and creating, after the death of Maha, the rebirth of a thousand years, the so-called Sushi poet, the predecessor painter, Yu wants to take the dragon friend statue praise, not vain also. Zhou Zuoxin praised Yang Wenxiao as the first person after Wang Wei's thousand years, because Yang Wenxiao was both good at painting and poetry, and was quite similar to Wang Wei.

Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

Moving on

Yang Wenxiao's ability to have this talent has a lot to do with his father's painstaking cultivation. Yang Shikong traveled widely and ordered his son to worship his friends Wang Siren, Mo Tianqi, and Zou Jiasheng as his teachers. Among them, Wang Siren was a master in poetry and calligraphy, and at that time, Wang Siren was a master of the Fayuan Four Schools in painting, and he especially liked Huang Gongwang, and these concepts also had an influence on Yang Wenxiao.

The painting "Landscape Shift" mentioned above is due to a group trip between Yang Wenxiao and his friends. In the first year of Chongzhen, Yang Shikong was transferred to zhejiang as a political envoy to zhejiang, and was stationed in Jiezhou, and after Yang Shikong received this appointment, he wrote a letter to his son Yang Wenqiu on the same day, ordering his son to come to the office for the next year, so that they could visit Tiantai and Yandang Mountain together. In the spring of the following year, Yang Wenxiao set off from Nanjing to meet his father at the West Lake of Hangzhou, where he met many friends from several clubs, and everyone gathered together to paint and write poetry. Later, Yang Shikong returned to Hulin on official business, so the trip to Tiantai and Yandang was postponed to July, and then they invited some friends to visit the two places together.

Yang Wenxiao and his friends spent more than a month before and after the trip to Tiantai and Yandang, for which he wrote the "Taidang Diary". Yang Wenxiao wrote in the preface to the diary: "Yu grew up in the ten thousand mountains, and the family was addicted to mountains and rivers, so the name of the mountains and rivers, often temperamental, but also often chance, the so-called habit of obtaining, but also the root of the fetal bone." ”

Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

Weeds on the side of the road

It can be seen that the Yang father and son have a good tour. Yang Wenxiao recorded in detail the scenery he saw during his daily visits in the "Taidang Diary", which shows his delicate observation of nature, and in the process, he took nature as a teacher and created many paintings. After the tour, Yang Wenqiu sorted out the poems and calligraphy and paintings created by the poets in this process, combined into one compilation, named "Landscape and Water Shift", after the compilation was completed, he invited many people to write prefaces and books, such as Yang Wenqi when he went to Songjiang, first went to visit Dong Qichang and Chen Jiru, Dong praised this volume, and wrote in the inscription: "The pictures such as "Taidang" written by the Song people go to their knots, and there is the style of the Yuan people to go to their knots. Yu was surprised to think that between Juran and Huichong, guan stopped! ”

Dong Qichang's praise was widely quoted by later generations, becoming a necessary language for later generations to evaluate Yang Wenqiao's painting standards, and Chen Jiru also highly praised after seeing "Landscape and Water Shifting": "Those who fight with Jundou painters have no strong enemies." Mr. Yang Longyou traveled to Jinling from his own bamboo tour, and Tai Gong gui, played and wrote an album. If you don't travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books, how can you swallow the ancients like this? ...... This Si Weng so the heart is also convinced. ”

In Chen Jiru's "Order of Moving Landscapes and Rivers", Yang Wenqiao brought "Landscape And Water Shifting" as a painting with Dong Qichang, and praised Yang Wenqiu's "Landscape Shift" as the best combination of reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, and he even said that Dong Qichang was also convinced after seeing "Landscape Shift".

Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

Arrived in front of the village council

In addition to Dong Qichang and Chen Jiru, there are more than thirty famous artists who have written inscriptions for "Landscape and Water Shift", among which the famous artists are Li Rihua, Ni Yuanlu, Ma Shiying, Fan Yunlin, Xia Yunyi, Shen Hao and so on. Among them, Li Rihua also discussed the theory of painting with Yang Wenxiao: "Painting things are seen by the eyes of the heart with pen, ink and hand. The mind of the literati is subtle, focusing on the best of the country and the mountains, and the extraordinary hand can be traced. ...... Long Youyi said, "My generation is not worried about the eyes, but I regret that my hands have not learned my ears." Yu Yue: "There is no need to practice, but if you read a different book every day, if you walk on a deserted river or a broken shore every day, or under a tree, and if you indulge in wine a little, you will have a hand that does not conspire with your heart and eyes, and you will leap into self-reliance." (Li Rihua's "Tian Zhi Tang Collection, Title Yang Longyou Album")

Later, Yang Wenxiao asked Li Rihua to copy this passage in the inscription of "Landscape and Water Shift", which shows that he is quite concerned about the relationship between using pen and ink and using his hands.

Of the more than thirty people who wrote the inscription on "Landscape and Water Shift", about twenty were members of the Fu Society, and judging from these exchanges, he had a close relationship with the Fu Society. In the winter of the second year of Chongzhen, yang Wenqiu also joined the Fushe Society on the recommendation of Zhang Pu, and because of this, Kong Shangren wrote Yang Wenxiao into it in his famous work "Peach Blossom Fan", and hou Fangyu, the protagonist of the legend of "Peach Blossom Fan", was also a member of the Fushe, the second protagonist of the play was Li Xiangjun, and Yang Wenqiu was the third protagonist.

"Peach Blossom Fan" mainly tells about Yang Wenqiu's help Hou Fangyu and Li Xiangjun to meet and enter into a marriage contract. Li Xiangjun was one of the "Eight Yans of Qin Huai", his father was a member of the Donglin Party, and his family was corrupted by Wei Zhongxian's castration party, and Li Xiangjun changed his adoptive mother's surname to Li Xiangjun, who later entered the Qinglou. In the play, it is said that Yang Wenqiu once helped Ruan Dacheng secretly send Hou and Li to make up to win Ruan over, but the matter was recognized by Li Xiangjun and failed. After the establishment of the Southern Ming Dynasty, Ruan Dacheng falsely accused Hou Fangyu of wanting to punish Hou, and Yang received the news and informed Hou that Hou was forced to flee Nanjing. However, Yang Wenxiao persuaded Li Xiangjun to remarry Tian Yang, and Li Ning did not obey, touching the pillar with his head, for which the blood splashed the fan. Then Yang Wenjun helped Li Xiangjun to maneuver around, using the old bustard Li Zhenli to marry instead of Xiangjun, and later Yang Wenjun changed the blood of Li Xiangjun splashed on the fan to a peach blossom, which is the origin of the name "Peach Blossom Fan".

Being able to write the painting into the legend shows that Yang Wenqi's painting talent was quite recognized by the world at that time. However, in the legendary plot, Yang Wenxiao's role is quite complicated, and as the story develops, he gradually becomes a negative character, and the most important reason is that he is related to Ma Shiying. In the third play of "Peach Blossom Fan", Li Zhenli said: "Here is a deposed county order, called Yang Longyou, who is the brother-in-law of Ma Shiying, the governor of Fengyang, and the brother of Ruan Dacheng, who was originally guanglu Ruan Dacheng, and often goes to the courtyard to praise the child and wants to recruit guests to comb for him." ”

It turns out that the legendary Yang Wenxiao is Ma Shiying's brother-in-law, and Kong Shangren is not inventing, when Ma Shiying was admitted to the jinshi, Yang Wenxiao wrote a send-off poem for him:

Ten thousand miles away from home, drifting with lonely clouds.

The only son is five colors, leaving me as a group.

Zhenxiu pulls up the ridge table, covering the luxury economy.

There is a lonely nature in coming and going, and it is not allowed to give away.

There is no trace of gathering and dispersing, and the wind is full of wind.

When to learn out, there is no matter.

Yang Wenxiao: There is the bone strength of the Song people to go to its knot, and there is the charm of the Yuan people to go to its (above) Wei Li

Unfortunately the gate is locked

From this poem, it can be seen that Yang Wenxiao had read and painted poems with Ma Shiying, and had a close relationship, and Ma Shiying later became a notorious figure in Nanming, which burdened Yang Wenxiao. During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, Wen Ruilin wrote the "Yishi of Southern Xinjiang" dedicated to the events of the three dynasties of The Southern Ming Dynasty, Hongguang, Longwu and Yongli, and this book was compiled based on more than 40 kinds of wild histories such as the "Records of the Faithful Martyrs at the End of the Ming Dynasty". Wen Ruilin included Yang Wenxiao in the section "Adultery" in the "Yishi of Southern Xinjiang", and the biography first stated: "Yang Wenxiao, the character Longyou: Guiyang people." At the end of the Wanli Dynasty, it was held in the township, chongzhen shiguan Jiangningzhi County. Che Shi Zhan Zhaoheng impeached him for corruption, and the country changed when he was informed. Wen Xiao married Shi Ying's younger brother, Shi Ying's proposal to establish King Fu, and sent his nephew Ding Qing to the king first. Wang Shiliu was very sleepy, the guards were depressed, the cloth robe was grass belted, the resources were scarce, Ding Qing saw it, and he was greeted by Shi Yingyi, that is, the city wine and the king drank. Wang Dale, intercourse with Dingbu Yi. Having taken the throne, he was given the command of jinyi guards, Shi Ying was the chief of the WenQi Military Department, and the former members of the foreign lang and langzhong were all supervising the army Jingkou. Wen Xiao is thin and has a literary algae, is quite good at writing, has a good sex, has a vested ambition, and becomes more and more comfortable. Those who have asked for the heroes, many of them are prosperous and advanced, and the secretary of state is full of seats. He is proud of himself, pushing the award of celebrities, in order to attach himself to the voice, and the soldiers are also called yan. Ding Qing became more and more favored, and the close minister Mo Er, who played the request, was immediately awarded Yu's will, although Shi Ying did not arrest him. The father and son were angry for a while. ”

The record here clearly states that Yang Wenxiao married Ma Shiying's sister, and after the Chongzhen Emperor committed suicide, Ma Shiying wanted to make King Fu emperor, so he sent Yang Dingqing, the son of Yang Wenxiao, to see King Fu. At that time, King Fu was living in exile everywhere, and Yang Dingqing saw that Queen Fu had the intention of assisting him in ascending the throne, and also invited King Fu to have a full meal, for which King Fu regarded Yang Dingqing as a confidant. After he ascended to the throne, he immediately arranged for Yang Dingqing to be the commander of jinyiwei, and Ma Shiying became a major member of the left and right government because of his meritorious service, and Yang Wenqiu was also promoted. This record also says that Yang Wenqiu was good at painting, calligraphy, and good friends, so many people who wanted to seek jobs in the DPRK and China used Yang Wenxiao to unblock Ma Shiying's relationship, and later Yang Dingqing became the most favored close minister of the Fu King, and all the music he played could be approved immediately, even Ma Shiying could not do it.