
During this dynasty Tibet and Taiwan were first incorporated into the map of China

author:Chuan speaks a new language

A piece of history, a piece of memory, a rise and fall, a piece of culture. Previous articleWe introduced the tenth historical node of ancient Chinese history - the Song Dynasty, today we take the eleventh historical node of ancient Chinese history - the Yuan Dynasty!

During this dynasty Tibet and Taiwan were first incorporated into the map of China

Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing are a phrase that people often hear, but in the eyes of posterity, the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty seem to be separated by hundreds of years, ignoring the yuan dynasty. Why is this happening? In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, many of the information of the Yuan Dynasty is very small. So today we will take a look at the history of the Yuan Dynasty.

The Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) was the first unified dynasty in Chinese history to be established by ethnic minorities, ruled by the Mongol Bo'er Only Jin clan, the capital of Dadu (present-day Beijing), and the 5th Eleventh Emperor.

The predecessor of the Yuan Dynasty was the Mongol Empire, and one of today's TV series is called Genghis Khan. However, the content of this TV series is not the Yuan Dynasty period, which is still in the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan, which means that the corresponding Central Plains Dynasty at this time is the Song Dynasty. At this time, the Song Dynasty was already in danger.

On May 5, 1260, the first year of the Central Unification (1260) of the first year of the Central Unification (1260), Kublai Khan ascended the throne as Emperor of the Great Mongol Empire, the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. Kublai Khan issued the emperor's edict on the throne, the Emperor's Edict on the Throne, in which he called himself "Yuan" and called his brother Yuan Xianzong Möngke "The First Emperor". On June 29, Kublai Khan issued the "Zhongyuan Edict of The Central Unification", officially established the year number "Central Unification". On December 18, the eighth year of the Yuan Dynasty (the seventh year of the Southern Song Dynasty, 1271), Kublai Khan took the meaning of the "Great Qianyuan" of the I Ching, changed the name of the country from "Great Mongolia" to "Great Yuan", changed from the Emperor of the Great Mongolian State to the Emperor of the Great Yuan, and the name of the "Great Yuan" officially appeared, and Kublai Khan became the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

During this dynasty Tibet and Taiwan were first incorporated into the map of China

In the fifteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1278), Wen Tianxiang was defeated and captured, and was imprisoned in Dadu for three years, refusing the Yuan Dynasty's offer, and then calmly taking justice.

By the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1279), the Jin general Zhang Hongfan commanded the Yuan army to eliminate the last resistance of the Southern Song Dynasty at Yashan, and Lu Xiufu carried the 8-year-old young emperor Zhao Fu to the sea and martyred the country, and the Southern Song Dynasty fell.

The unification of the Yuan Dynasty put an end to the confrontation between the north and the south of China since the end of the Tang Dynasty, the long-standing division and war of five or six ethnic regimes, and promoted the consolidation and development of a multi-ethnic unified country

During Kublai Khan's reign, he paid attention to the selection of talents, reused Han courtiers, such as Dong Wenbing (whom Kublai Khan called Dong Da), Liu Bingzhong, Zhang Hongfan, etc., and appointed the minister of color, Ahma, to take charge of the state finances. Adopt Han law and establish various political systems. For example, the establishment of provinces at the local level, the establishment of Zhongshu provinces in the central government, and the creation of the end of China's provincial system. He set up institutions specializing in agriculture, such as the "Si Nong Division" and the "Persuasion Agricultural Division", taking the achievements of the peasants as the main criterion for evaluating officials, and asked people to edit the "Nongsang Jijiao" and promulgated it nationwide in the 23rd year of the 23rd century. In order to strengthen the management of the border areas, open up Sino-foreign transportation, and establish post stations in various places, the rule over the whole country has been consolidated.

On the 22nd day of the first month of the 31st year of the Yuan Dynasty (February 18, 1294), Kublai Khan died of illness in Dadu at the age of seventy-nine.

After Kublai Khan's death, Zhenjin's third son, Timur, took the throne, that is, Yuan Chengzong. During the reign of Emperor Yuan Chengzong, he basically maintained a defensive situation, but indiscriminately increased rewards, could not make ends meet, the treasury was scarce, and the banknotes were depreciated. He sent troops to recruit eight hundred daughters-in-law (present-day northwestern Thailand), causing unrest in the Yunnan-Guizhou region. In his later years, he fell ill and appointed Empress Brauhan and Semu ministers, and the government gradually declined. In the last years of Yuan Chengzong's reign, he also successfully negotiated peace with the long-hostile Wokoutai Khanate, ending the turmoil in the northwest.

During this dynasty Tibet and Taiwan were first incorporated into the map of China

When Emperor Chengzong died of illness in the eleventh year of Dade (1307), he was stationed in Qinghai. According to the old system of the Yuan Dynasty, when the imperial throne was empty, the regency of Empress Buluhan in the Middle Palace was temporarily convened, and she summoned the clan ministers to hold a Kuriertai assembly to elect a new monarch. Buluhan and Zuo Cheng Xiang Akutai prepare to establish Timur's cousin Ananda, the king of Anxi, because he is the oldest of Kublai Khan's grandchildren. However, Haishan's mother and brother Aiyu Li Bali Bada and his mother Repli ji returned to the capital (Dadu) on March 21 in the name of funeral, and took the lead in leading the guards to break into the inner court and arrest Zuo Xiang Akutai and Ananda the King of Anxi, killing them all for the crime of "violating the ancestral family law". At this time, the kings such as Kuo Kuochu advised Aiyu Li Bali Bada to take the throne, but he considered that his brother Haishan had heavy troops, so he first took power in the name of overseer, and sent emissaries to feng yuxi to welcome Haishan north. In March 1307, Haishan led 30,000 elite soldiers to Helin (present-day Erdene Zhaonan), and from May to Shangdu, that is, the emperor's throne, was for Emperor Wuzong of Yuan, and the Khan was Qulu Khan.

In the first month of the fourth year of the reign (1311), Emperor Wuzong collapsed, and the crown prince Aiyu Li Bali Bada succeeded to the throne, and the Khan was Puyan Du Khan, who was emperor Yuanrenzong. He then carried out reforms with great fanfare. Emperor Wuzong's three treasures, Dehu Tuo, Leshi, and others abolished Shangshu Province; deposed Jianyuan Zhongdu; and abolished the use of large silver banknotes: the use of Han civilian ministers, the reduction of redundant personnel, the rectification of the government, and the change of the decline of the two sects of Wu. In the first month of the seventh year of Yanyou (1320), Emperor Yuanrenzong aiyu Li Bali Bada collapsed in the Capital Guangtian Palace, Chinese New Year's Eve five, and buried Inuya.

On the twenty-first day of the first month of the seventh year of The Seventh Year of Yanyou (1320), Emperor Yuanrenzong died. On March 11, the 17-year-old Shuode Bala, with the support of empress dowager Andi and the right chancellor Temu Di'er, ascended the throne as emperor in the Great Ming Palace, and the Khan's name was Gejian Khan, who was changed to Yuan Yingzong and changed the yuan to "Zhizhi".

Emperor Yuanyingzong succeeded his father Emperor Yuanrenzong's Policy of Governing the Country with Confucianism, strengthened the centralized power and bureaucracy, and in the third year of his reign (1323), ordered the compilation and promulgation of the official code of the Yuan Empire, the Great Yuan Tong System, with a total of 2539 articles. He also ordered the elimination of Temudier's forces in the imperial court, but with the expansion of the cleanup, coupled with the dissatisfaction of the Conservative Mongol forces in the imperial court with Yuan Yingzong's administration of the confucian state, TiemuDi'er's righteous son Tie Lost in the summer of the third year of zhizhi (1323), taking advantage of the opportunity of Gejian Khan's going to Shangdu to escape the summer, assassinated Yuan Yingzong and the chancellor Baizhu and others 15 kilometers south of Shangdu, known as the "Change of Nanpo".

During this dynasty Tibet and Taiwan were first incorporated into the map of China

After Emperor Yuanyingzong was assassinated, the eldest son of The Jin king of Zhenshou and Lin, the eldest grandson of Zhenjin, and also sun Timur led an army south to kill the traitor who assassinated Emperor Yuanyingzong and took the throne as Emperor Taiding of Yuan. [16] After Emperor Yuan Taiding ascended the throne, Tu Timu'er, who had been exiled by Emperor Yuan Yingzong to Hainan Island, was made the King of Huai, and the town guarded Jiankang. In the fifth year of Taiding (1328), Emperor Taiding of Yuan died. In Shangdu, emperor Taiding's son Asokji VIII was made emperor, emperor of Yuantian Shun. At the same time, Emperor Wuzong of Yuan's former vassals Yan Timur and Henan Province's Chancellor Boyan secretly sent envoys to Mobei and Jiangnan respectively, while greeting The King of Zhou and Shi Yu and his brother Tu Timu'er. As a result, Tu Timu'er first went to Dadu and established himself as emperor in the first year of the Celestial Calendar (1328) for Emperor Wenzong of Yuan. After Heshi arrived in Helin, he also declared that he was on the throne as Emperor Mingzong of Yuan. Emperor Wenzong of Yuan ostensibly expressed his willingness to abdicate the throne and made his brother emperor, and the two met in the south of Shangdu, and Emperor Wenzong of Yuan poisoned Emperor Yuanmingzong and became emperor. Emperor Yuanwenzong's son, Emperor Tu Timu'er, also known as Emperor Zayadu, second son of Emperor Wuzong of Yuan, brother of Emperor Mingzong of Yuan, mother empress Dowager Zhaosheng, of the Tang Wu clan.

In August of the third year of Shun (1332), Emperor Wenzong died of illness at the age of twenty-nine, and before his death, he repented of murdering his brother, confided his true feelings, and left the son of Emperor Mingzong to redeem himself. After his death, he was buried with the title of Yuangu (辇谷), the temple number Wenzong (文宗), the courtesy name Shengming Yuanxiao Emperor, and the honorific title (Khan number) Zaya Du Khan.

Before his death, Emperor Wenzong instructed, "The matter of the former Shaking Fork (i.e., Wang Kuchadu) was a great mistake for The Life of Yuanping. Taste the night and think, regret is not enough." He decided to pass the throne to Emperor Mingzong's eldest son, Tuhuan Timur. At that time, Yan Tiemu'er, who was in power, was worried that the matter would be exposed, and decided to block Emperor Wenzong's will and pass the throne to Emperor Mingzong's second son Yi Phosphorus Class, which was for Emperor Ningzong. The 7-year-old Emperor Ningzong fell ill and died after 53 days of reign. Yan Timur tried every means to prevent Tuohuan Timur from succeeding to the throne, until Yan Timur fell ill and died, and Tuohuan Timur ascended the throne as emperor. At that time, Emperor Mingzong and Emperor Wenzong of Yi seized the throne, and Bo Yan rose up and replaced him, worshiped The Right Chancellor of Zhongshu, entered the Title of King of Qin, and won the struggle for power with Yan Tiemu's son and Left Chancellor Tang Qi. Since then, Boyan "stands alone in the country, monopolizes power and self-indulgence, changes the ancestors into a constitution, abuses the world, and gradually commits adultery."

During the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongol rulers intensified the collection of various taxes from the Han people, and the national oppression was very serious, and the Plundering of the Han people was more common. Dividing the various ethnic groups into different hierarchies, brutally exploiting the Han masses, the people rose up, and in the second year of Taiding (1325), there was an uprising led by Zhao Ugly and Guo Bodhisattva in Henan. [20]

The Mongol ruling class was fighting each other for power and profit, thus hastening the decline of the Yuan Dynasty. In the tenth year of Zhizheng (1350), the Yuan government ordered a change in the banknote law, minted "Zhizheng Tongbao" money, and issued a large number of new "Zhongtong Yuanbao Banknotes", but led to a rapid rise in prices.

The following year, the Yuan Hui Sect sent Jia Luzhi to rule the Yellow River, and wanted to return to his hometown, using 150,000 civilians and 20,000 soldiers. Officials took the opportunity to extort and extort, causing dissatisfaction. The leaders of the White Lotus Sect, Han Shantong, Liu Futong, and others decided to lead the congregation to launch an uprising in May, but the incident leaked, and Han Shantong was arrested and killed, so Liu Futong took Han Shantong's son Han Lin'er out of the siege, referring to Han Shantong as the eighth grandson of Emperor Huizong of Song, and played the banner of "Restoring the Song Dynasty", marked by the Red Turban, and then Guo Zixing and others also joined in, known in history as the "Red Turban Uprising". Monk Peng also helped Xu Shouhui in his uprising in Hubei. At this point, the prelude to the demise of the Great Yuan was unveiled.

During this dynasty Tibet and Taiwan were first incorporated into the map of China

In the twelfth year of Zhizheng (1352), the Red Turban Army led by Xu Shouhui and Peng Yingyu captured Hangzhou. In Hangzhou and other places, they were strictly disciplined, did not commit adultery or kill, and only registered those who were attached to them in their household registration, and won the support of the people, and the ranks soon increased to one million people. The Red Turban Army led by Xu Shouhui has suffered many bloody battles, many areas have been lost, and Peng Yingyu has also died in the battle. Later, Xu Shouhui sent his troops to attack Sichuan, and parts of Sichuan and Yunnan were also controlled by the Red Turban Army. In the twentieth year of Zhengzheng (1360), Xu Shouhui killed chen Youyu for his subordinates, and Chen Youyu became emperor with the title of Great Han. Ming Yuzhen disobeyed Chen Youyu's leadership and soon established himself in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, with the national name of Bactria .

In the twelfth year of Zhizheng (1352), Zhu Yuanzhang joined the Red Turban Army led by Guo Zixing of Haozhou. In the fourteenth year of Zhengzheng (1354), he was ordered to go south slightly to Dingyuan, recruit 3,000 people from Donkey PaiZhai Zhuangding, and then attack the Yuan army at Hengjian Mountain at night, collect 20,000 elite troops, and then enter Chuzhou. In the fifteenth year of Zhengzheng (1355), zhu Yuanzhang used Jinling as a base and continuously expanded his power outwards by crossing the river to attack Taiping, Lishui, Liyang and other places.

After defeating Chen Youyi, Zhang Shicheng, Fang Guozhen and other southern rebels and southern Yuan forces, Zhu Yuanzhang began the Northern Expedition in the 27th year of Zhizheng (1367), and with the assistance of the generals Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, he conquered Tongzhou in August of the 28th year of Zhizheng (1368), and on July 28, Emperor Huizong fled north in Cangjiao, and Xu Da led an army to capture the capital of the Yuan Dynasty (Beijing), ending the Yuan dynasty's rule as a nationwide nature. Emperor Huizong of Yuan fled north, and Zhu Yuanzhang, believing that he was in accordance with heaven's destiny, gave him the title of "Emperor Shun".

During this dynasty Tibet and Taiwan were first incorporated into the map of China

In the thirty-first year of Hongwu (1399), the Kyrgyz chieftain Onichi, who was distributed along the upper yenisei River, denied the suzerainty of Erlebok, the son of Ayutthyridara, defeated and killed him, and gained hegemony over the various ministries. After Khun Timur, the son of Erlebok, succeeded to the throne, he was also killed by Ghost Lichi in the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), and the Ming history said that he changed the name of the country to Mongolia, and the Ming people called it Tatar, and the Northern Yuan died.

The Yuan Dynasty, which wanted to dominate the peoples of various countries solely by virtue of its military superiority, was immediately expelled from the occupied territories after losing its superior conditions. Even most of the capital built under the leadership of Kublai Khan could not be defended, and was forced back to the northern steppes where his hometown was originally located.

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