
Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

Written by 丨Nian Zhou

Editor丨 Feng Xiao

Overnight, Neymar rushed to the hot search.

It has nothing to do with his on-field work as a top star in football, but because off the court, he used a social media apology letter to draw a scribbled end to his cheating scumbag. Neymar's wife accepted Neymar's apologies, remorse and love, and even "generously" said that Neymar could cheat, but the offer law was three chapters.

Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

Sports is so entertaining?

Such a bloody plot looks like a bridge in the entertainment industry. When was the sports world so entertaining?

Similar things, in fact, there was another one at the beginning of the month.

At the time, NBA Pelicans star Zion Williamson announced that he would welcome a daughter, and the mother of the child was his girlfriend, Rose, a stripper. Unexpectedly, what Zion was waiting for was not a blessing, but an accusation from another adult actress, Moriah Mills!

Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

In this way, Neymar and Zion, in the same way, have become the "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix" of the current scumbag world in the sports world.

Seeing the same thing in different sports projects one after another is difficult for me as a sports enthusiast to accept. My girlfriend might be able to forgive Neymar or Zion, but I can't.


Let's just say that, as social beings, Neymar and Zion have the most insurmountable red line of integrity in offending intimacy. And as sports stars, Neymar and Zion are hurting all fans' eagerest expectations of them.

The future of mispayment can be expected

Years ago, what Neymar and Zion had in common was by no means the "Crouching Dragon Phoenix" of the scumbag class. They are the same kind of star, and in one word it is - the future can be expected.

Neymar debuted amazingly, once considered the "next Pele", after joining Barca, he formed MSN with Messi and Suarez, won the Champions League championship, entered the top three of the Ballon d'Or, and was once known as the third man in football under Messi Cristiano Ronaldo, the best successor of the peerless double arrogance.

Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

The result? Nermar, now just 31 years old, has already fallen off the altar and is not only out of reach for Mero, but also overtaken by younger Mbappe and Haaland. But why? In addition to too many injuries, it was also because of his extreme lack of self-discipline.

Poor self-discipline is mainly reflected in two aspects. First, the body management is too poor, can not control their mouth, in the summer weight soaring, big belly. Second, private morality is too poor to control their "hormones":

At the age of 17, he liked to be a father and began to give alimony, and the number of gossip girlfriends over the years exceeded 20, and the relationship with the well-known child star Bruna Marquez was broken because of cheating, but I didn't expect to meet another Bruna, or die.

And what about Zion? The "talent monster" with strong physical fitness, known as surpassing James's "strongest champion in history" in the draft, is regarded as a natural future superstar, and the NBA league's "local façade".

Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

But strikingly similar to Neymar, the "Fat Tiger" is overweight, injured, and has not reached the heights people expect, although he is younger, and after the scandal is exposed, the future has become more unpromising.

It has to be said that private virtue has become one of the biggest stumbling blocks that hinder Neymar and Zion from excellent to top and even "great". And this also reflects a well-known "unspoken rule" in the sports circle: those who gain private virtue win the world, and those who lose selfish virtue lose the world.

In this regard, the most impressive thing to the world is Kobe's Eagle County incident. Because of the flowers outside the court, Kobe Bryant was riddled with lawsuits. That put the brakes on his rising career. The sports brand that had just signed him on had to delay his commercial promotion plans in the face of surging public pressure. Kobe Bryant also took the most important opportunity to expand his business territory.

And if you keep your morality flawless, you will see a different picture in the sports world:

Messi's cleanliness is famous, and Antonella's childhood sweetheart, kindness and love, never messing with flowers; Although Ronaldo was also very amorous when he was young, he completely settled after meeting Georgina. LeBron James and his wife, Curry and his wife all met when they were not adults, and have been together until now, without any scandals.

With the nourishment of love, the support of their lover and family, they have enough sense of responsibility and motivation to go all out on the court and continue to move forward towards "greatness", and they still maintain excellent form in their 30s. And the next Messi, the next James? Neither Neymar nor Zion wrote about their "essence".

Why can't you forgive?

The girlfriends may have forgiven Neymar and Zion, but public opinion has not forgiven them, and the fans are even more unforgivable (otherwise, Neymar would not be in the first position of the hot search today).

The reason is that in social activities, sports stars have a special social function: role models.

Girlfriend may be able to forgive Neymar Zion, but fans never will

The sociology of sports book "A Brief History of Sport" once described the difference between the public's demands for sports stars and entertainment stars. Because sports stars rely on athletic performance to attract the masses, for fans, the actions of sports stars mean more authenticity. Entertainment stars, on the contrary, satisfying dreamy stories and works is a way for entertainment stars to attract the public, so even if entertainment stars come to real life, they will give people a sense of drama.

This is why, when the same moral problems are exposed to the public, Neymar and Zion have a more serious negative impact on people. As MLB legend Huck Wilson puts it, the off-court life of a sports star is a reality show more real than a TV show. Because everyone will acquiesce that what they do is like every action they show on the field, without the slightest bit of falsehood.

Therefore, fans are the social group that cannot rub the sand in the eyes. The ideal star form in their hearts is an almost god-like being (after all, on many occasions, fans worship stars as gods):

Stars should be flawless, loyal and unfake. On the field, they need to be loyal to the club, to their teammates and coaches, to the rules: fake falls are criticized, yellow cards are taken, banned drugs are taken, and they can be banned for life.

Off the field, they must be good lovers, good husbands, good fathers, loyal to love, loyal to the family, and can violate neither the law nor morality. The more famous the player, if he violates the law and morals, the greater the negative impact and the more severe the backlash.

From this perspective, what Neymar and Zion are doing today is not to be forgiven. Unless we stop thinking of ourselves as athletes.

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