
Take stock of the skills in the Three Kingdoms Kill that look tall, but are actually confused (2)

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Take stock of the skills in the Three Kingdoms Kill that look tall, but are actually confused (2)

As the question is, let's go straight to the main text.

Wei Cai Wenji's "Tacit Knowledge"

The word "silent consciousness" seems to be known and understood, but in fact you may not really understand.

It comes from the Analects of shuzhi: "Knowing silently, learning without getting tired, teaching people tirelessly, why should it be for me?" It means to silently remember what you see and hear.

Kong Rong also used this word in his recommendation letter to Cao Cao recommending You Heng: "Hongyang subliminal plan, An Shi silent understanding, to balance it, it is not strange." Hongyang and Anshi are both personal names, which means that the wisdom of Sang hongyang's financial management and the mind that Zhang Anshi remembered are not enough to measure Your ability.

Sang Hongyang was a financial expert of the Western Han Dynasty and one of the ministers of Emperor Wu of Han; Zhang Anshi was the Grand Sima and Consul of Emperor Wu of Han. When Emperor Wudi of Han lost three boxes of books when he inspected Hedong, he asked the people at the bottom whether they knew, only Zhang Anshi knew the contents of these books, so he silently wrote down these books, and then checked with the books solicited for a reward whether they were missing, or whether they were these books...

This is the same as Cai Wenji's silent writing of her father's collection of 400 volumes after her return to Han, which is "silent knowledge".

Take stock of the skills in the Three Kingdoms Kill that look tall, but are actually confused (2)

Lu Yusheng's "Zhente" and "Zhiwei"

Lu Yusheng was Lu Ji's daughter, this name is really not made up, at that time Lu Ji was going to Serve in Yulin County, so he named Yu Sheng.

This "Zhente" looks like a patchwork, but it is actually the original text in the historical records of Lu Yusheng, and Zhente means special Zhente. Pei Songzhi's note quotes the Yao Xin Ji :"The subject stole the old Yulin Tailu Ji woman Yu Sheng, the young zhen te trip, the young li bandit stone festival, the thirteenth year of the year, suitable for the same county Zhang Bai." ”

Lu Yusheng married Zhang Bai at the age of 13 (Zhang Bai's brother was Zhang Wen, who sent an envoy to the Shu kingdom to argue with Qin Mi). Unexpectedly, only three months after marrying, Zhang Bai was sentenced to exile because of the case of Zhang Wen's family, and later died in exile, and Lu Yusheng became a widow.

It should be known that widows can remarry during the Three Kingdoms period, and others will not talk nonsense, but Lu Yusheng resolutely does not remarry. No matter how difficult life was, she refused all the offers and took care of Zhang Bai's sisters. Classmates, at that time, Lu Yusheng was only 13 years old, and this matter spread to the imperial court, and the emperor praised Lu Yusheng and gave her the title of "Righteous Gu".

As for the second skill, "Minimal", I think it may mean taking care of Zhang Bai's family in a meticulous way, but isn't "Yigu" closer to historical figures?

Take stock of the skills in the Three Kingdoms Kill that look tall, but are actually confused (2)

People are so cute, called gu? Isn't it old?

Sinpi's "Introduction"

"Wearing the robe" means to pull on the placket, also from the historical deeds of Xin Bi, who pulled the wen emperor Cao Pi's placket and insisted on slander.

In 220, the Wei Emperor Cao Pi wanted to migrate 100,000 households from Jizhou to Luoyang, but at that time there was a continuous drought, locust plagues, poor grain harvests in the Central Plains and famine were not suitable for the migrants, so the courtiers unanimously opposed, but Cao Pi insisted on going his own way. Xin Bi's personality was rigid and specific to Cao Pi, so he was firmly opposed to this move. After a debate, Cao Pi was speechless and wanted to return to the palace, Xin Bi couldn't help but grab Cao Pi's clothes and not let him go, and after some pulling, Cao Pi returned to the palace in sorrow.

After waiting for Cao Pi's anger to subside, he asked Xin Pi for his guilt, and under the persuasion of Xin Pi, Cao Pi finally decided to move only 50,000 people, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The Emperor did not answer, and rose inside; Bi followed and led him to the throne, and the Emperor did not return his clothes, and Liang Jiu Nai came out, saying: "George, why am I too anxious and evil? Vishnu said, "To migrate now is to lose the hearts of the people and to be unable to eat." "The emperor then moved half of it.

Later, the "introduction" was used as a metaphor for the meaning of a courtier being able to speak straight and reasoned.

Take stock of the skills in the Three Kingdoms Kill that look tall, but are actually confused (2)

Wang Yue's "Seven Lamentations"

Wang Cang was one of the seven sons of Jian'an, and he was called "King Cao" along with Cao Zhi. The great liang dynasty literary critic Liu Xun praised Wang Cang as the "crown of the seven sons" in the "Wenxin Carved Dragon Cailuo".

The "Seven Lamentations" are not to mourn the seven sons of Jian'an, but Wang Cang wrote the Seven Lamentations. This is a group of ancient poems that reflect the deep disasters brought to the people by the turmoil at the end of the Han Dynasty, as well as the poet's lament for the current state of society.

The so-called seven lamentations are "pain and mourning, righteousness and mourning, feeling and mourning, complaining and mourning, hearing and seeing and mourning, sighing and mourning, and sour nose and mourning" these seven kinds of mourning. Please note that the Seven Lamentations is a relatively niche genre of poetry, not the name of the poem itself, and later generations such as Du Fu also wrote poems of the Seven Lamentations.

Take stock of the skills in the Three Kingdoms Kill that look tall, but are actually confused (2)

Zhang Ling's "Commitment"

Zhang Ling's story we said in the previous chapter of "Ma Zhong's Self-Confidence, This Is Stable", and the determination is the meaning of making up your mind never to change, such as the idiom of unswerving. In addition to the meaning of arrow, there is also the meaning of "oath".

Zhang Ling was very strategic in fighting, and repeatedly accompanied Ma Zhong to quell the rebellion in southern China, and the governance of Yuewei County was deeply loved by the local people. Later, he suffered from rheumatism so badly that he could only walk on crutches, but he still participated in Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition. Because he believed that he was valued by the Lord for his favor, he must repay it, and if he could take Liangzhou, he would be willing to serve as a defender, and if he could not, he would also sacrifice himself in return. Everyone who read such a petition was touched by it, and Liu Chan had no choice but to let Zhang Ling participate in the Northern Expedition.

As a result, Zhang Ling was killed in battle with the Wei general Xu Qian, but Zhang Ling also killed and wounded the enemy several times, which was Zhang Ling's ambition.

Take stock of the skills in the Three Kingdoms Kill that look tall, but are actually confused (2)

Speaking of Yashi, I have to say that although his skill is called "Yabei", his line is "Committed to the North, loyal to the country!" "Well, this should be the name of the skill explained in lines.

After the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao captured Frustrated Zhi, and Cao Cao was very optimistic that Frustrated Grant wanted to summon him for his own use, but Frustrated Grant refused. Later, frustrated to secretly steal horses, he wanted to sneak back and was finally killed by Cao Cao, so he was called Yabei.

Frustrated in the "Yanyi" has the feeling of "Oda Feng", in the face of Cao Cao's persuasion to say that he is unwilling to surrender, his attitude is hard, and he seems to be very loyal to Yuan Shao. But the historical frustrated zhi was actually disappointed in Yuan Shao, so he explained to Cao Cao that my family and family are in Hebei, if you are good for me, you can stab me as soon as possible, which reveals the helplessness of frustrated zhi. Cao Cao also understood that he was kind enough to make him change his mind, but then Frustrated Zhi plotted to steal the horse and go back, but unexpectedly leaked secrets, so he was killed.

When it comes to these skill names in the Three Kingdoms Kill, there are really a lot of slots. Some of them are really hard to piece, and they look very tall and inexplicable, such as Tao Qian's "YiXiang", Cao Song's "Yizheng", Zhuge Jin's "Hongyuan", Qiu Liju's "Sui Recognition", etc. There is no meaning but a name; some pieces are directly low explosions, such as Wei Jiangwei's "Feng Liang", "Wolf Attack" and "Pursuit" to make up a bunch...

In the next issue, we will take a pickpocket, those pieced down skills, you can also spit it out in the message area. #Three Kingdoms Kill ##三国 #