
Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

author:Time Studio

The Peking University Bao Li case finally ushered in the first-instance judgment!

The defendant, Mu Linhan, was sentenced to three years and two months in prison for the crime of abuse, and was required to compensate more than 730,000 yuan for economic losses to the plaintiff in the civil lawsuit. This high-profile case has finally had a result.

Bao Li was originally a top student at Peking University Law School, but because of her boyfriend Mu Linhan's PUA, she was extremely devastated and hurt mentally, and finally chose suicide in despair, ending her young and short life.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

The man who hurt Bao Li was only sentenced to three years and two months in prison. The sentence was too short to make up for the damage Bao Li had suffered, nor to comfort her family's pain at the loss of her daughter.

After three years of life, because there was no direct evidence, it could not be proved that Bao Li was killed by Mu Linhan, and he could only be sentenced for abuse.

Mu Linhan was detained by the police on June 9, 2020, and his sentence began on the date of detention, and he only needed to serve more than a month to regain his freedom.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

01. First Sight, Gentle Trap

In 2016, Bao Li entered Peking University Law School and joined the Literature and Art Department of the Student Union, where she met Mu Linhan, who was a year older than him, who was then the Minister of Sports.

In 2017, Bao Li became the Minister of Literature and Art, and Mu Linhan was promoted to Vice Chairman, responsible for managing the Ministry of Literature and Art. The relationship between superiors and subordinates allows the two people to have more opportunities for contact.

Mu Linhan looked handsome, and Bao Li praised him as "Liu Haoran of Peking University". Bao Li is also young and beautiful, and she looks good. The two people love each other, just waiting to break this layer of window paper.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

In 2018, Bao Li was preparing to run for the vice president of the student union, and Mu Linhan served as a military teacher for her on one side. At this time, the school is holding the "Top Ten Singers on Campus" event, and many students want to see it, and tickets have become sought-after things.

As the minister of literature and art, Bao Li got the right to distribute tickets, and Mu Linhan asked her to give tickets to those who could influence the campaign. The so-called cannibalism and short-handedness, blatant bribery, as early as in the student union.

Unexpectedly, the matter of sending tickets was leaked, and Mu Linhan said to Bao Li that he was responsible for what happened, so that Bao Li should not worry. A hegemonic speech made Bao Li more fascinated.

Bao Li failed to become vice chairman because of the ticket delivery incident. However, the east corner is lost, and the mulberry is reaped. The two also officially became boyfriend and girlfriend after this incident.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

02. Contradiction and virgin complex

After confirming their relationship, the two became a model couple that everyone envied on campus. However, the seeds of conflict were quietly planted at this time.

Mu Linhan is worried about Bao Li's not the first time, because Bao Li has had two boyfriends before this. Although he said that he didn't care at the time, he cared to death in his heart.

Mu Linhan made an excuse that a friend made him realize that a woman's "first time" was important to men. Then, Mu Linhan began to explain his fallacy reasoning, trying to make it sound reasonable, and also trying to convince Bao Li.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

Mu Linhan was like a grudge, saying that he was a poor ghost and a takeover man. He is using self-pity methods to make Bao Li feel that he is wrong, obviously miscalculating.

Bao Li, who was able to enter Peking University Law, has her own thoughts and beliefs. When Mu Linhan said something more insulting to women, Bao Li stopped him.

Mu Linhan asked her: "Is the dignity and independence of women so important to you?"

Bao Liyi replied: "Very important, this is the foundation of my survival." ”

If at this time, Bao Li chooses to break up, she may be able to escape, but she feels that Mu Linhan just has a problem with her concepts, trying to soften and change him little by little, but she didn't expect that it was herself who was changed.

03. Brainwashing and mind control

Mu Linhan pretended to be pitiful, saying that he was painful, aggrieved, and vulnerable, because he loved her, he would care if she was the first time.

He explained that he was very possessive, so he didn't want others to touch his girl;

He was aggrieved, and for the sake of Bao Li, he had given up the dignity and principles of being a man;

He complained that his life could be so bad that he could not even have a whole girl;

This set of rhetoric, like a monk's chanting, constantly rings in Bao Li's ears, like the waves, constantly washing away Bao Li's self-knowledge.

Bao Li insisted on rebuttal at first, but seeing Mu Linhan suffering so much because she was not a virgin, she began to soften, began to sympathize, and even began to blame herself.

It is said that women begin to be unlucky, that is, they start from feeling sorry for men. It was at this time that Bao Li fell into Mu Linhan's trap. Bao Li said to Mu Linhan that she wanted to tattoo a Doraemon on her body, go back to the past, and change the past.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

Seeing Bao Li's concession, Mu Linhan was even more presumptuous. While pretending to be painful, he asked Bao Li more. He asked Bao Li to take a set of nude photos as punishment. If Bao Li dares to leave, he will make all the nude photos public and post them on the Internet.

In order to prove her love, Bao Li did it all. She began to lose her mind and thinking, like a puppet, being taken by Mu Linhan.

04. Violence and death

Mu Linhan didn't have the idea of stopping, and Bao Li's obedience made him even more unscrupulous. During an argument, he made a move on Bao Li.

Bao Li couldn't bear it anymore and no longer paid attention to Mu Linhan. Unexpectedly, the message sent by Mu Linhan was not an apology, but an excuse for himself: "I hit you today, I'm not right; But you ignore me, you are not right, I forgive you".

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

This magical logic made Bao Li realize that there was no way for Mu Linhan to realize her mistake, and she decided to break up and escape from this whirlpool.

When she sent out the word breakup, Mu Linhan said that Bao Li was going to force him to die, and he was now learning to drive, unable to control his emotions and not knowing what would happen.

This is clearly Mu Linhan wants to coerce Bao Li with death and make her not break up. Bao Li had to calm him first and let him drive well and not be impulsive.

But Mu Linhan didn't want to stop there, and he then sent a message to Bao Li: "Didn't you promise me to die if I left?"

Bao Li was so heartbroken that she replied "I promise you", and then she committed suicide by cutting her wrists. Fortunately, Bao Li was rescued by her roommate, so she didn't die here.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

05. Despair and escape the whirlpool

At Mu Linhan's request, Bao Li moved into Mu Linhan's house. In the environment of cohabitation, two people who are already conflicted will intensify the conflict, and each time it is Bao Li who chooses to compromise.

If she does not compromise, Mu Linhan will die and live, and she cannot bear the weight of a life in her kindness. Even if the compromise was exchanged for ridicule and insults, even violence, she still compromised.

Taking nude photos, abortions, cutting fallopian tubes, Peking University talented women were killed by PUA, and chat records shattered three views

Mu Linhan asked that he never find any man again after leaving him. She said yes.

Mu Linhan said that she was sterilized, cut the fallopian tubes, and handed him the medical records of the operation. She said yes.

Mu Linhan borrowed money from Bao Li many times, accumulating 20,000 yuan, which put her in financial difficulties. She didn't resist either.

Bao Li once asked her mother: If there is a girl's boyfriend who threatens suicide because of a breakup, how to solve this problem? The mother did not realize that it was her daughter calling for help.

Mu Linhan put the knife of death on her neck, and Bao Li's kindness turned into a blade and hung over her head. Bao Li didn't know that the knife in Mu Linhan's hand would never fall.

The kind Bao Li didn't want Mu Linhan to commit suicide, so she let him violate herself. She wanted to escape, but only thought of the path of death.


Mu Linhan later defended himself that he was joking, but he didn't expect Bao Li to take it seriously. And Bao Li committed suicide a total of four times, the last time, was to swallow sleeping pills in the hotel, and then completely left this world.

Until the last moment of her life, she was still sending messages to apologize to Mu Linhan, but what was her crime?

The guilty is the playful Mu Linhan, an executioner who holds an invisible butcher knife and harvests Bao Li's young and short life.

Finally, remind everyone that if anyone for any reason, belittles you or humiliates you, do not believe it, and stay away bravely.