
Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

author:Hengshui Lingyan Pavilion


In the old town of Hengshui there is an ancient street Yamenkou Street. In the past, at the northernmost end of this small street, there was a group of north-facing buildings, which were Hengshui County's Ya from the thirteenth year of Ming Yongle's county town to Fan Jiayan until the Republic of China.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

From the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Republic of China, a total of 132 people took up posts in Hengshui Zhi County here and became the parent officials of the people. Most of these 132 Hengshui Zhixian were elite Junjie of that era, and only 50 Hengshui Zhixian in the Qing Dynasty walked out of Zhu Xu and Zhang Keju, two calligraphers and painters, and One Hou Bingli, who was known as "Hou Qingtian". There are also Tao Shu to cultivate zhixing learning, build bridges and build cities, benefit the people, and build extraordinary achievements. Today they are all passers-by of history, but their deeds are forever engraved in this land.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Hengshui County was destroyed after the July 7 Incident and gradually became a residential house. Today, from the high foundations of the houses and the remaining green bricks and flagpole stone piers, you can still feel the heavy smell of history deposited here. In the 522 years of wind and dust, Hengshui County has seen the vicissitudes of the world, witnessed the unusual stories that happened here, and witnessed those glorious historical passers-by. Almost every major event in the history of Hengshui can find its imprint here. On the Chongyang Festival of the fourteenth year of Ming Zhengde, Hengshui County received a distinguished guest, who was Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty who passed through this place on the Southern Tour Road, and this emperor was stationed at the Residence of Lin Peinei in Zhizhi County that night, which was the only emperor recorded in Hengshui County. On the third day of March in the second year of qing tongzhi (1863), an unusual thing happened in Hengshui County, the new governor of the Xiang Army, Liu Changyou, who started by suppressing the Taiping Army, and chonghou, the previous governor of the directly subordinate, completed the transfer of power here, and when he took over the great seal of the viceroy of the direct subordination from chonghou, it marked that he completed the transformation of another important identity in his life, became the master of this Gyeonggi province, and from then on he also shouldered a heavy responsibility of establishing the country and the state.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

The directly subordinate viceroy of the Qing Dynasty had the highest status among the eight viceroys in the country, and generally did not carry the title of university scholar at the rank of Congyipin, and was a high-powered and veritable feudal official. At that time, the directly subordinate jurisdiction included all of present-day Hebei, shandong, Henan, Inner Mongolia and parts of Liaoning. It ranged north to the right wing banner boundary of Abaga in Inner Mongolia (present-day Abaga Banner in Inner Mongolia), south to the boundary of Lanfeng County in Henan (present-day Lankao County, Henan), east to the boundary of Yuanzhou in Fengtianning (present-day Xingcheng County, Liaoning), and west to the boundary of Guangling County in Shanxi. It is 1,230 miles long from east to west and 2,630 miles from north to south. It administers eleven prefectures, seven prefectures, three prefectures, seventeen prefectures, and one hundred and seven counties. In the Qing Dynasty, there were 75 viceroys (including acting and nursing), most of whom completed the handover in the provincial city of Baoding, and very few of them realized the handover outside the provincial city. What made Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army, come to Hengshui, and what made Hengshui a big stage for this important historical event?

Zhang Xizhu ignited the flames of the uprising to Hengshui

In the first year of Tongzhi (1862), a strange celestial phenomenon appeared in northern China, "the sun and the moon are combined, five stars and pearls", for the Qing Dynasty, which has just changed the Yuan, how much I hope that this is a auspicious omen of national prosperity!

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

This Qing Dynasty, which has gone through 246 years of history and experienced the prosperity of Kangqian, is already full of holes at this time, and internal and external troubles are constantly abounding. In the past year, too many big things and sufferings have occurred. The smoke from the burning of the Yuanmingyuan by the Western powers has not yet completely dissipated, and in July the Xianfeng Emperor fell ill and died in Hot River, and in September Cixi launched a coup d'état and bowed to the government. In Jiangnan, Zeng Guofan had not yet destroyed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom that occupied Nanjing, and a large-scale White Lotus Sect uprising broke out on the border between Zhili and Shandong in the north. At that time, "Tongzhi Zhongxing" was after all a later historian's speech, and the political curtain directed by the young Cixi had just opened, and there were too many wars waiting for her to use her strategy and iron fist to extinguish.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Zeng Guofan (1811.11.26-1872.3.12) is the only surviving photograph

The first year of Tongzhi was about to pass in the thick smoke of gunfire, and in this year, the war in the south finally began to benefit the Qing Dynasty, Chen Yucheng, an important general of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, was captured, zeng Guofan led the Xiang army to form a siege of Tianjing, and the dawn of victory seemed to be coming. Just after some pause, unexpectedly, zhang Xizhu, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, revolted again, and he attacked the city in the hinterland of Gyeonggi, Wei County, Qinghe, Nangong, Jizhou, and Zaoqiang, and rode across the city, as if entering no man's land. Zhang Xizhu is brave and good at war, and is a difficult rebel leader to deal with. In February of the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861), he participated in the White Lotus Rebellion in GuanXian led by Yang Tai and Song Jingshi. This rebel army conquered 13 counties in two months, and it took the Qing army nine months and great efforts to quell the uprising, and Song Jingshi, Zhang Xizhu and others were successively recruited. Now less than a year later, Zhang Xizhu surrendered and rebelled, and led the old department to erect a counter-flag. This made Cixi like a fish in her throat, and she wanted to get rid of it quickly.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Li Bingheng (1830.3.25-1900.8.11)

In the first month of the Tongzhi Dynasty, Zhang Xizhu led his troops from Nangong Chang to drive straight into the north of Zaoqiang, successively occupied the villages of Cui Cunpu and Du Yan, and then circled from the north of the city to the east of the city, practiced fierce battles in the area of Doujiazhuang and Mengjiatun and the local regiments, killed the regimental commander Shen Deying and more than a thousand people of the regiment, occupied more than a dozen villages such as Donggu County and Xigu County, and then turned south to capture Wang Jun, Chen Jiazhuang and other villages, killing more than 2,000 people of the Zaoqiang Eastern Regiment. Subsequently, it turned to the south of Zaoqiang, and fought fiercely in the area of Cuimu and Xintun and the regiment, and the local regimental training suffered heavy casualties, and after occupying the villages such as Daying and Jiulu Temple, the rebels quickly folded to the southwest and occupied Nanjiao Village. Bo Zhankui, the commander of the Zaoqiang Southern Regiment, led more than a thousand regimental dings to pursue, Zhang Xizhu turned around and fought fiercely with the regiment at Lujiatun and the regiment, and Bo Zhankui and more than a thousand regimental dings were annihilated. In the first month of the second year of Tongzhi (1863), Zhang Xizhu again led his troops to enter from the west of Zaoqiang, then from the north of the city to the east of the city, and then around to the south of the county, where he was active for two months, killing 5,000 or 6,000 local regiments, and trying to attack zaoqiang county five times. At this time, the person who served as Zao Qiangzhi County was Li Bingheng, who was later famous, and he led the brave to defend and defend the county seat.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

At the same time, Song Jingshi, who was regarded as the second-largest figure in the White Lotus Sect's righteous army, went to Shaanxi with Shengbao for less than a year, and then took advantage of the excuse to lead his troops to cross the Yellow River, go east out of Taihang, take the road to Ningjin, come to the Zaoqiang area, and secretly communicate with Zhang Xizhu, planning to return to the Linqing area of Shandong to establish a base camp. Song Jingshi was a native of Liu Guanzhuang, Guan County, who came from the bottom, and had lived for people, planted vegetables, bought tofu, burned kilns, and sold horses and salt. This man was highly skilled in martial arts and resourceful, and was considered by Cixi to be "very cunning in heart and very big in plot", and "if he did not get rid of it early, he would become a great trouble in Zhidong." "When Song Jingshi came to Zhili, if he joined forces with Zhang Xizhu, there would never be a peaceful day in Gyeonggi, so Cixi repeatedly strictly ordered the governor of Zhili, Wen Yu, and the military attendant Lang Chonghou, who assisted in the military affairs of Zhili, to enter and suppress the blockade, and to focus on fortifications in the northern part of the rebel area to prevent them from marching towards the capital and quickly destroy them. However, Wen Yu was dismissed from his post by Cixi for his carelessness in military affairs and for missing the fighter. She saw that her successor was shallow in seniority, incompetent in suppressing bandits, and difficult to take on a major post, and immediately decided to replace him, and at this time, the ace monk in her hand, Gelinqin, was in Shandong, and the Manchu and Mongolian nobles had no generals to send, at this time, Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army who had been practicing for a long time and was scheming and good at war, was pushed to the forefront of suppressing Zhang Xizhu, so Cixi could not wait to appoint Liu Changyou, who had just been the governor of Liangguang for three months, as the governor of Liangguang for three months, and ordered him to rush to his post.

Liu Changyou Ten years from a scholar to a pin master

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Liu Changyou

Liu Changyou (1818-1887), zimo, yinqu, a native of Jinshi Town, Xinning County, Hunan, was born in the Fujia family. His father, Liu Shihua, was anxious for justice and righteousness, and once funded the relief of yiyang disaster victims. As the eldest son in the family, Liu Changyou has a strong desire to honor his ancestors. He studied hard for twelve years at the famous Yuelu Academy, but the examination did not go well, and finally in the twenty-ninth year of Daoguang (1849), at the age of 31, he only won a small meritorious name, which was difficult to enter the career and soared. At that time, the mountain chief of Yuelu Academy was Ding Shanqing, a famous scholar of science, who had been a mountain chief of Shenzhou Wenrui Academy for more than a year in his early years. At that time, Zeng Guoquan and Liu Kunyi, famous generals of the Xiang Army in modern history, were all friends with Liu Changyou and had similar interests. If it were not for the Taiping Rebellion, it would have been difficult for these readers with the dream of making meritorious achievements to embark on the Qingyun Road of Fenghou and Worship.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Zuo Zongtang (1812.11.10-1885.9.5)

As the saying goes, the times make heroes. In the first year of Xianfeng (1851), the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement broke out, the Taiping Army occupied Wuchang, went down the east of the River, was invincible, quickly captured Nanjing, and established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom regime that confronted the Qing Dynasty. In the battle with the Taiping Army, the Eight Banner Soldiers and the Green Battalion soldiers who were greedy for life and feared death were defeated at the touch of a touch, but on the contrary, Xiang Yong, formed by some literati and gentry in Hunan, bravely charged forward and became the mainstay of counterinsurgency. These Xiang Yong histories are called the Xiang Army, and in the process, a political and military group represented by Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, and Li Hongzhang was formed. The generals of the Xiang Army attacked fenghou baixiang by killing and attacking. According to statistics, the "Xiang" local governors in the political arena of the late Qing Dynasty accounted for nearly half of the country, forming a unique phenomenon of the political situation in the late Qing Dynasty.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Hu Linyi (1812.7.14-1861.9.30)

These "Xiang" members can be divided into two main categories according to their origins, one is those who are from the jinshi represented by Zeng Guofan and Hu Linyi; and the other is those who are represented by Jiang Zhongyuan, Liu Changyou, and Zuo Zongtang, who are only people who are raised or have the names of gongsheng and Gongsheng, or who do not have any meritorious names, and who are not born in the right way. Relatively speaking, like Zeng Guofan, people who rely on the examination to rise to the top are rare after all, and the number of the latter type of people is even greater, and the analysis of the success of the typical figures in it is exactly in response to the sentence "opportunity belongs to those who are prepared", they are precisely because the examination is not smooth, and they have the dream of making meritorious achievements, so they turn to studying the study of the world, and when the opportunity comes, they stand out. Jiang Zhongyuan, who is known as the pioneer of the Xiang Army, is a typical representative of this type of person.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Jiang Zhongyuan (1812-1854), also spelled Changru, was a native of Xinning, Hunan, from a family of scholars, and his father was a down-and-out talent. In the year of his birth, two other remarkable figures were born in Hunan, one was Zuo Zongtang and the other was Hu Linyi. The three were the same age, and they were all the core figures in the camp of suppressing the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, but they had different fates. Hu Linyi won the jinshi early and had a smooth career, while Jiang Zhongyuan and Zuo Zongtang repeatedly failed to try, and finally had no intention of turning to the world of learning. People who can achieve great things in history have superiority or unique personalities, and before the age of thirty, Jiang Zhongyuan was gentle and uninhibited, but he was addicted to gambling and lust, and later under the influence of Zeng Guofan, he began to cultivate himself assiduously. The first time Zeng Guofan saw Jiang Zhongyuan in Beijing, he predicted, "This person should do great things one day, and he will make meritorious contributions to the world, but he should die of martyrdom." When he had a keen insight into the chaos in the world, he painstakingly studied the art of war and the study of the world, returned home from Beijing in the twenty-fourth year of Daoguang (1844), contacted the squires, and founded the regiment. In the twenty-seventh year of Daoguang (1847), the opportunity finally came, and Jiang Zhongyuan, who had been practicing courage for three years, was awarded the Title of Zhi County of Xiushui, Zhejiang Province, for his meritorious efforts in suppressing lei Zaihao's uprising. Four years later, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement broke out, and he formed "Chu Yong" to fight in the province, becoming the vanguard of the Xiang Army's suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. After that, he was promoted from a minor official of Qipin to an inspector of Anhui in just three years. He was the first scholar in the Xiang Army to become a feudal governor by military merit, and although his starting point was much lower than zeng guofan, he was in a smooth stride, and he became a feudal official seven years earlier than Zeng Guofan, seven years earlier than Zuo Zongtang, and two years earlier than Hu Linyi. In January of the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), Jiang Zhongyuan was besieged by Shi Dakai and killed in Luzhou, and Zeng and Hu Er came to the foreground.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Liu Kunyi (1830.1.21-1902.10.6)

Liu Changyou and Jiang Zhongyuan are fellow countrymen and friends, he is six years old, Jiang Zhongyuan's experience, talent and life path have a great impact on him. When Zeng Guofan was a Beijing official, Jiang Zhongyuan introduced Liu Changyou to Zeng Guofan, and Zeng Guofan called him a good talent for chaos. In the twenty-fourth year of Daoguang (1844), Jiang Zhongyuan returned to his hometown to practice courage, and Liu Changyou was an active supporter of him. In the twenty-ninth year of Daoguang (1849), Li Yuanfa revolted in Xinning, and Liu Changyou and Liu Kunyi led more than 20,000 township brave officers to suppress the uprising. In this year, Liu Changyou was selected to pay tribute. When the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement broke out and Jiang Zhongyuan returned to Xiang to expand the "Chu Yong" out of the province to fight, Liu Changyou became his loyal follower, a senior aide and a capable general under him.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Hong Xiuquan (1814.1.1-1864.6.1)

Since the uprising, Hong Xiuquan has almost won victories, from Guangxi all the way to the Xianggui border, originally planned to follow the Xiang River directly to Changsha, but Jiang Zhongyuan set up an ambush at Jeonju, defeated the Taiping Army, and won time for the Qing army to defend Changsha. In this battle, Liu Changyou played a great role from planning to combat. Liu Changyou was low-key, loyal and generous, courageous in his duties, and won the trust of Jiang Zhongyuan, Zeng Guofan and the imperial court, and when Jiang Zhongyuan committed suicide in Luzhou, he became the commander of this Xiang army as Jiang Zhongyuan's successor. His three arms, Liu Kunyi, Jiang Zhongyi, and Xi Baotian, were called Sanjie by Zeng Guofan.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

In the chaotic world, with the army, there is also the capital to make meritorious achievements. As early as the third year of Xianfeng (1853), Liu Changyou was the arm of Jiang Zhongyuan and led an army alone. In June, he rushed to nanchang, relieved the siege of Zeng Guofan, conquered Taihe, and was promoted by Tongzhi to prefect. In the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), he conquered Yuanzhou and Linjiang, and was promoted to the position of envoy. In the ninth year of Xianfeng (1859), he returned to Hunan to fight against the Tiandihui Army, defeated Shi Dakai at Yongzhou, and took advantage of the victory to pursue, capturing Liuzhou, and actually appointed Guangxi as an envoy and a political envoy. In the following year, he captured Xun Prefecture and suppressed the Dacheng state regime established by the Liangguang Heaven and Earth Society, and was appointed as the governor of Guangxi and became the governor of Erpin Fengjiang.  

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

During his two-year term in guangxi, Liu Changyou straightened out the administration of officials, selected the best and the brightest, developed the economy, revitalized education, restored the township examinations abolished after the war, established the Guishan Academy, and wrote the title of "Guilin has no miscellaneous trees, and the landscape has a confidant." Later, Kang Youwei lectured at this academy many times. In the leap August of the first year of Tongzhi (1862), Liu Changyou was appointed governor of Liangguang, becoming a feudal official on an equal footing with Zeng Guofan. When he followed Jiang Zhongyuan out of the province to fight, he was only a 34-year-old gongsheng with no official rank, and Zeng Guofan was already a second-class waiter. Zeng Guofan was 49 years old when he was made governor of Liangjiang, and Liu Changyou was 5 years younger than him. Zeng Guofan took 22 years from entering the army to the official residence Yipin, while he only used 10 years, which really responded to the words of the times to create heroes. Three months later, due to the war in Gyeonggi, he was again reused by the imperial court as the governor of Zhili.  

A feudal official who came out of Hengshui County  

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Cixi (1835.11.29-1908.11.15)

Liu Changyou traveled from Guangzhou to Directly Subordinate to take over the indian post for two months, during which Time Cixi issued several orders to supervise. On the second day of February, he took a boat from the sea to Tianjin, and according to the custom, the new governor of Zhili first entered the palace to meet the emperor and the empress, and Cixi ordered him not to come to Beijing to meet him, but to go directly to the Weixian camp to take over the indian duties. At this time, the war was developing rapidly, Zhang Xizhu's rebel army was frequently active in Zaoqiang County, and Chonghou had led his troops to move to Hengshui County north of Zaoqiang County to prevent blockades.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

In the second year of Tongzhi (1863), on the third day of march, just before and after the valley rains, spring and warm flowers bloomed, everything recovered, and the willows on the Fuyang River had already bloomed new green, although it was wartime, there were still navigable ships in Hanoi. On this day, the Niangniang Temple in Hengshui City is holding a March meeting. Houdian, the hometown of brushes in the south of seongnam, is holding an annual event to commemorate the pen ancestor Mengtian. Although Zhang Xizhu's army may appear at any time, because the officers and troops are all over the south of the city, the regiments in various villages are strictly trained, and the common people are also steadfast in their hearts, and a rare taiping scene has appeared in Hengshui City. At this time, no one would have imagined that two feudal officials were handing over power at their doorstep, and the highest military and political chieftain of the province directly under them was officially created in the county court of Hengshui.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Finish Yan Chonghou (1826-1893)

After Liu Changyou and Chonghou met, they completed the handover procedures according to the specific ceremony. Chonghou went to Tianjin to continue his three-family trade and trade minister. Liu Changyou quickly entered a state of combat. Having experienced hundreds of battles, he did not pay attention to Zhang Xizhu at all, and in less than two months, he suppressed Zhang Xizhu in Shulu County. In June, he began to fight Song Jingshi, and finally joined forces with the monk Gelinqin to drive him out of Zhili.

Liu Changyou Hengshui County Baiyin Fengjiang (Zhao Yunwang)

Liu Changyou oversaw the five years of supervision, and made some achievements in controlling water, developing agriculture, and rectifying the administration of officials, but his greatest contribution was to first advocate the training of the army, that is, to organize and train the Eight Banners Green Battalion soldiers directly under his command in accordance with the Xiang military camp system. Later, Yuan Shikai's small station training was also a continuation of this idea. In the sixth year of Tongzhi (1871), Liu Changyou was demoted and retained in office due to the unfavorable suppression of the Cangzhou Yanmin Uprising. Later, he returned to his hometown to recuperate. Four years later, it was revived, and he successively served as the inspector of Guangdong, the governor of Guangxi, and the governor of Yungui. During the term of governor of Yungui, he actively aided the Vietnamese resistance to the French and reused Liu Yongfu and other generals. In the ninth year of Guangxu (1883), he died in his native province four years later.

Chonghou, the previous governor directly subordinate to Liu Changyou, is also a celebrity in modern history. He was a man with a yellow banner, born into a famous family, the twenty-fifth grandson of Jin Shizong, the fifth emperor of the Jin Dynasty, the second son of Lin Qing, the governor of Qinghe Road, and the younger brother of the Shengjing general Chongshi. In the 29th year of Daoguang, when he was 23 years old, he donated a Gansu Prefecture (Wudu) Zhizhou to join the army, and the next year he was promoted to prefect because his brother donated 10,000 taels of military salary. He relied on his noble origins, and he rose to the top without experience, and finally did not achieve great things. When he was minister of trade and commerce for the three families, he formed a truly modern armed foreign gun brigade, which was the highlight of his life, but later he was infamous for signing the treaty of Ili, which was humiliated and humiliating.

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