
Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army: Proposed a plan to destroy Japan, which, if adopted, may rewrite history


In fact, before the September 18 Incident in 1931, many people had already perceived the Japanese threat and warned and responded to it. For example, Jiang Baili, who returned from Beijing in 1923 to bury his mother, pointed out the window and said to his fellow student Gong Hao when he passed through Xuzhou: In the near future, China and Japan will have a war, starting from Taiyuan in the north, and through the three Yang lines of Luoyang, Xiangyang and Hengyang, they can be used to resist foreign invasion.

Another example is Song Yuren, who had a bold idea when the Sino-Japanese War broke out. That is, to buy warships and torpedo boats sold by britain to Argentina and Chile, and then recruit nearly a thousand Australian sailors to attack Nagasaki and Tokyo from the Philippines in the name of the merchant group. Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army, was also a member of the early warning and countermeasures, and he proposed a plan of destruction at a time and method different from Song Yuren's, but it would also rewrite history if adopted.

Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army: Proposed a plan to destroy Japan, which, if adopted, may rewrite history

A famous general of the Xiang Army

Liu Changyou was born in Jiaqing twenty-three years (1818), a native of Xinning County, Hunan Province. At first, he organized a regiment training in Hunan, which was very compatible with Jiang Zhongyuan, who was born from a family, and in 1952, he went to Guangxi with Jiang Zhongyuan to suppress the Taiping Army and the Tiandihui Uprising. In June, the Taiping Army besieged Nanchang, and Liu Changyou alone led an army from Changsha to aid Nanchang, and then with Luo Zenan to relieve the siege of Ji'an. After Jiang Zhongyuan's death, he and Jiang Zhongyuan's brother continued to lead an army to aid Zeng Guofan and conquer Yuan Prefecture (袁州, in modern Yichun).

Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army: Proposed a plan to destroy Japan, which, if adopted, may rewrite history

In the ninth year of Xianfeng (1859), Shi Dakai entered Hunan from Nan'an, Jiangxi, conquered Chen, Gui, and forced Yongzhou, and Liu Changyou had to lead his army back to Hunan to break the siege. In addition to these battles, Liu Changyou also participated in other battles with the Taiping Army, and can be said to be a famous general of the Xiang Army who rose up on the Taiping Army. Relying on many military achievements, Liu Changyou's position rose all the way from the small Zhi County to the positions of Guangxi Envoy, Guangxi Governor, and Governor of Liangguang.

Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army: Proposed a plan to destroy Japan, which, if adopted, may rewrite history

Plans for perdition

In the late period, Liu Changyou had been in Guangdong and Guangxi, and he was very wary of the aggressive ambitions of Britain and France. Many strategies have been proposed, because the army is stationed in Vietnam because of the cross-border banditry, which actually played a role in resisting the French invasion. The French always demanded that the Qing court withdraw its troops from Vietnam, and Liu Changyou believed that the Vietnamese garrison was to prevent it, and the withdrawal would make the French army take advantage of the opportunity to invade. He advocated aiding the Vietnamese system and proposed a crusade against Japan to stop the French invasion of Vietnam in order to preemptively attack.

Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army: Proposed a plan to destroy Japan, which, if adopted, may rewrite history

He analyzed that Japan's occupation of Ryukyu violated public international law. Once a war breaks out, it will not be able to take advantage of the international morality, and sooner or later its aggressive nature will annex Korea. It is better to take advantage of its fledgling wings and preemptively attack, just as the Qing court has paid attention to foreign affairs since tongzhi. A lot of money was invested in the establishment of coastal defense, the study of water divisions, the repair of forts, the purchase of iron ships, the manufacture of guns and cannons, and it was the time to use force. It is still safe to pour all out China's efforts to condemn Japan, and he has proposed specific ways to implement it.

From the three eastern provinces is the Songhua River to Lin sakhalin Island, and the first army is ordered to go out of Korea to strangle its west. After that, people who were familiar with the water division were selected to lead the army from Ningbo and Dinghai to Nagasaki to attack the south. The subjects of Ryukyu yearn for the restoration of the land, and they will inevitably be helpful, so the four yi soldiers. The countries of Korea, Siam, and Burma are exempt from encroachment, not only Vietnam. Although Liu Changyou's plan was different from Song Yuren's, if he implemented one of them, he would not lose so badly later.

Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army: Proposed a plan to destroy Japan, which, if adopted, may rewrite history

Passed away with regret

It is a pity that neither Liu Changyou's plan nor Song Yuren's plan has been implemented, which has led to Jiang Baili's early warning. If Liu Changyou's plan of destruction was carried out that year, it may be able to change history, and there is no later thing. Unfortunately, the Qing court did not adopt his proposed strategy of resisting the invasion, and as a result, it lost the good opportunity to attack France and Japanese expansion again and again, and then Lee Willy invaded the north and broke out into the Sino-French War.

At that time, Liu Changyou left Guangxi due to illness and returned to Xinning, Hunan, and when he heard the news, he could only sigh with his wrists. He asked to kill the enemy several times, but he was not answered, and he died a few years later. It was not necessarily a good thing that Liu Changyou died in 1887, and eight years later the Sino-Japanese Naval Battle broke out.

Liu Changyou, a famous general of the Xiang Army: Proposed a plan to destroy Japan, which, if adopted, may rewrite history

The plan proposed by Song Yuren also failed to be implemented, the Beiyang Marine Division was defeated until the entire army was destroyed, and the thirty-year foreign affairs campaign ended in failure. Although Liu Changyou's hands were stained with the blood of the rebel army, he was indeed a more effective and patriotic feudal official in the late Qing Dynasty, and according to his character, even if he did not die in 1887, he was afraid that he would be angry when he learned of the Battle of Jiawu.