
Remembering Ling Zongkui| master and nephew Dingdang: his death is a great loss for the world of opera and opera

author:Red Star News

The death of the famous opera performance artist Ling Zongkui is a major loss for the music and art community. Especially in Sichuan, which is adjacent to Chongqing, there are too many of his old friends. As Ling Zongkui's brother-in-law, the famous Bashu comedian and the second-generation leader of the opera, Shen Fa, immediately set off for Chongqing, hoping to send his brother on his last journey. As Ling Zongkui's nephew, Dingdang, vice chairman of the China Ququ Association, said bluntly in an interview with Red Star News reporters that he was very sad. "Shi Bo (Ling Zongkui) as a second-generation harmonic artist, he has been continuing the life of harmonic opera in Chongqing, receiving many disciples of harmonic drama and carrying forward the art of harmonic drama. His death is a great loss for our opera and our music and art world. ”

Remembering Ling Zongkui| master and nephew Dingdang: his death is a great loss for the world of opera and opera

Ling Zongkui

Dingdang is sorry because yesterday (October 15) he attended an event in Chongqing, and just returned to Chengdu in the evening when he received a call from Chongqing. "Last night, Master Brother (Ling Zongkui's son Ling Lin) called me (to tell Ling Zongkui the news of his death), and this morning, Master (Shen Fa) also called me." Although he had long known that Ling Zongkui was not in good health, the news of his death still made Dingdang very sad. "The night before yesterday, I also called my brother and asked him how his health was. He said that in the hospital, he could still talk, so I said that it was good to ask the master. ”

Dingdang revealed that some time ago, he was still plotting with shi bo, and in November this year, a harmonic art festival was held in Jiang'an, and a seminar was held to invite harmonic artists and performers from all over the country to Come to Jiang'an together. "I met Shi Bo several times this year and participated in activities to benefit the people in Chongqing. There is also the election of the Chongqing Municipal Ququ Association, he is more than seventy years old, as an adviser to the Chongqing Ququ Association, he still insists on attending. ”

Dingdang told the Red Star News reporter that he often talked to Ling Zongkui on the phone and sent WeChat. In his view, the master who can both create and perform is a highly respected artist. "When I was accepted as an apprentice by Teacher Li Boqing in 2000, he (Ling Zongkui) was my guide. He has always cared about me and given me a lot of encouragement. Before chatting about next year's peony award, I hope I can pick another peony and let the works of the comedy bloom on the national stage. ”

Remembering Ling Zongkui| master and nephew Dingdang: his death is a great loss for the world of opera and opera

Ling Zongkui and his daughter Ling Xiao

In Dingdang's view, Master Shen Fa carried the banner of harmonic drama, and Master Ling Zongkui continued the life of harmonic drama in Chongqing, and together pushed the harmonic drama from the local drama in Sichuan to the whole country. "The older generation of artists, who have personally demonstrated their examples, have set an example for us. Therefore, we will definitely keep in mind their sincere teachings, complete their unfinished business well, and do a good job in qu art. Adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, create more good works, give back to the society, and give back to the people. ”

Recalling the relationship with Shi Bo Ling Zongkui, Jingdong still has a fresh memory. "Uncle Shi likes to drink a few drinks, and every time I return to Chongqing for the New Year's Festival, I bring a box of wine to see him, which is very happy." He said he was going to give me a work this year, let his daughter perform it first, and give it to me after the performance. His works are very humorous and wise, and he often encourages me to learn to write and create my own performances, which can better interpret the works. ”

Dingdang told the Red Star News reporter that at the end of last year, he participated in the "2020 Chengdu-Chongqing Region Twin Cities Economic Circle Comedy and Humor Program Exchange Exhibition" with teachers Li Boqing and Ling Zongkui. As the oldest artist to perform on stage that day, Ling Zongkui and his daughter Ling Xiao joined hands to bring the masterpiece "Seeing a Doctor", which was full of vigor and typhoon stability, and it was full of drama.

For the death of Ling Zongkui, Shen Tiemei, vice chairman of the China Drama Association and chairman of the Chongqing Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, also expressed his condolences. "Teacher Ling Zongkui is an artist with both virtue and art and great love, and is a rare quyi artist in Chongqing." Shen Tiemei said, "Teacher Ling is an old artist I have always respected, I think he is not only exquisite in art, but also has high artistic ethics, and he is an example for our younger generations to learn." The old artists have withered away one after another, and I am very sad, mournful, and will always be remembered. ”

Red Star News reporter | Ren Hongwei intern | Wang Zuxi

Edited | Duan Xueying

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Remembering Ling Zongkui| master and nephew Dingdang: his death is a great loss for the world of opera and opera

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