
Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

author:The Lin family is happy

The idiom "unforgivable evils" literally refers to "10 grave crimes that are unforgivable."

In fact, in history, the term Ten Evils has evolved gradually, and the Sui Dynasty explicitly included it in the Code of The Book of Sui and the Criminal Law, referring to:

Conspiracy, rebellion, rebellion, rebellion, injustice, disrespect, filial piety, disharmony, injustice, civil strife. Whoever commits the ten evils and who kills people in prison will be forgiven, but he will be removed.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

What do these 10 crimes mean, and who in history has been executed for these crimes? Let's take a look at it today.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="5" >1</h1>

Conspiracies to rebel and overthrow dynasties have always been regarded as the head of the ten evils, and those who commit crimes are punished with capital punishment. The crime of conspiracy to rebel was established from the Qin Dynasty and was used until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Major political cases in history are often accused of treason by superiors or political enemies. Shang Martin of the Qin Dynasty who changed the law and strengthened the country, Han Xin who was a high lord of the Han Dynasty, Yan Shifan, son of Yan Song, the first assistant of the Jiajing Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, Yu Qian, a famous minister of the Ming Dynasty, and so on, were all identified as plotting rebellion and were executed.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

The Kangxi loyal minister Suo Ertu, who was once the minister of the Orphans, assisted Kangxi in capturing Aobai, quelling the rebellion of the Three Domains, and expeditionary rebellion of the Dzungars, and made countless merits in his life, and was an official to the first class duke. However, in his later years, he participated in the prince's plot to usurp the throne and tried to cut off Kangxi's life, and was personally criticized by the Kangxi Emperor as the "first sinner of the dynasty", and his two sons and important cohorts were executed.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="54" >2, great reverse</h1>

Acts that flout or infringe upon the dignity of the emperor, such as the destruction of imperial temples, mausoleums, and palaces, are called great rebellions. Tang dynasty law clearly stipulates that there are three specific crimes for such crimes: conspiracy to destroy the temple, the mountain mausoleum and the palace.

It can be seen that even if the attempt is not carried out, it is still a crime of great rebellion, and the punishment imposed is very heavy.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

Taimiao temple of the Qing Dynasty

The Han law stipulates that the whole family of the conspirator, regardless of whether male or female, old or young, will abandon the city (public beheading in the lively place); during the Three Kingdoms Wei Dynasty, it is stipulated that the main offender should be beheaded and the family members within three generations should sit consecutively; the Tang law stipulates that mortals should be beheaded, fathers and sons over the age of 16 should be hanged, all immediate relatives should be admitted to the government as concubines, and collateral relatives should be exiled for three thousand miles.

In the Qing Dynasty Chen Kangqi's "Lang Qian Ji Wen Erbi" volume VII "The Compilation of the Great Cases of the Dynasty", the ninety-two major sins of Nian Qianyao are recorded, and the first one is the "great rebellion". Plotting a rebellion with Jing Yiren and Zou Lu, he also damaged the Zhu Batch fold issued by the Kangxi Emperor, and when he asked him to return the fold to the file, he forged a copy and handed it over.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="57" >3</h1>

Plotting to betray the imperial court, even if it is not actually carried out, is a heinous act.

The "Tang Laws and Regulations" stipulate that those who attempt treason shall be hanged and exiled for their accomplices; those who have already "gone to the road" that is, who have committed treason and gone to the enemy country, they shall be beheaded regardless of their heads and subordinates, and their wives and sons shall be exiled for 2,000 miles. However, the people who "outlawEd Mountain Ze" did not obey the call of the government also accused them of treason; they also regarded them as "superiors" if they dared to resist the officers and soldiers.

Yuan Chonghuan, a famous general at the end of Chongzhen, was executed by Ling Chi for being slandered by political enemies and because of the divisive scheme set up by the Jin army.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="59" >4</h1>

The act of beating or murdering grandparents, parents, uncles and other immediate relatives is called "evil rebellion".

The "Tang Laws and Neglect Discussion" stipulates that after the crime is determined, there is no division between the heads and subordinates, and all are beheaded and executed. In the Ming and Qing laws, the punishment was increased and he was to be executed by Ling Chi.

In the Yuan Dynasty miscellaneous drama "Dou E'e Grievance", Dou E was slandered and poisoned by her father-in-law, and the text said that "this medicine kills the father-in-law's crime, and commits the most heinous crimes."

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="61" >5</h1>

The word "great rebellion" refers to the behavior of "not being tao", which belongs to the "great rebellion". What do you mean specifically?

It is some extremely unethical and moral behavior, such as killing more than 3 people in a family who have not committed a capital crime at a time, dismembering people, creating animals and poisoning people, and cursing people with magic. Criminals must be beheaded regardless of their heads, and their wives and sons will be exiled for two thousand miles.

The Han Dynasty was the most frequent occurrence of witchcraft cases. During emperor Wu's reign, Empress Chen Ajiao fell out of favor and used witchcraft to curse her enemy Wei Zifu. When Emperor Wu became aware of this, he deposed her, and the witch Chufu and the palace people implicated more than 300 people who were cursed.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="63" >6</h1>

The crime of "great disrespect" began in the Qin Dynasty, which specifically refers to the crime of infringing on the dignity of the emperor, and the punishment is mainly beheading and hanging. After the Sui and Tang dynasties, the specific crimes included the following:

Stealing the emperor's sacrifices used to sacrifice the gods, stealing the emperor's daily necessities; stealing or forging the emperor's seal; failing to dispense medicine according to the prescription or writing the wrong seal when grasping medicine for the emperor because of mistakes; violating the "food ban" due to mistakes when cooking "imperial meals" for the emperor; making vehicles or ships for the emperor was not secure due to mistakes; and not respecting the emissaries sent by the emperor enough.

Before his execution, the Qing dynasty minister Long Keduo was convicted of as many as 41 crimes, the most serious of which were 3 counts of great disrespect, including "secretly hiding jade tablets" and "treating the Kangxi Imperial Book Sticker as a plaything.". However, Yongzheng did not directly execute Long Keduo, but imprisoned him. The year after his captivity, Roncodo died.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="67" >7</h1>

Disobedience to grandparents, parents and other direct relatives, marriage, entertainment, pregnancy and other acts during the period of filial piety are all "filial piety".

In ancient times, rebellion was second only to the conspiracy to rebel, once the parents or grandparents went to the government to report rebellion, not only the children would receive the most severe punishment, but also the local county officials would also be punished for poor education, removal was already the lightest, and the serious possibility of being charged with the army was distributed. The local religious doctrine (the director of education) may even be sentenced to death, and the drum tower of the county court will be cut off.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

Filial piety to parents is an act advocated by all societies

In "Journey to the West", the third prince Xiao Bailong was sued by his father, the West Sea Dragon King, for rebellion, and Xiao Bailong set fire to the pearl given by the Jade Emperor, which was an act of "great disrespect". The Dragon King, fearing being implicated, first went to the song to accuse him of rebellion, and he was soon hanged up and beaten for three hundred, and if it were not for Guanyin's timely arrival, he would almost be executed.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="70" >8</h1>

Murder, beating or accusation between relatives or conjugals is considered "disharmony". The provisions in the Tang Law are:

Murder and sale of hemp above the relatives, beatings and great merits above the respect of the elders, small merits and respected relatives.

Ancient mourning clothes are divided into five types according to the relationship with the deceased, called "five clothes", from heavy to light, "slashing decline, Qi decline, great work, small work, and hemp". Among them, the princes are the son of heaven, the subjects are the kings, the children are the parents, the daughters-in-law are the in-laws, and the wives and husbands must wear and decay; the grandchildren and grandchildren wear the grandfathers and grandmothers, and in addition to these two, the murder and beating that occur in the other three kinds of kinship are "disharmony".

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

Five-service relationship diagram

Specifically, dagong is generally worn for the mourning of uncles' parents, cousins, and unmarried cousins; Xiaogong is worn for mourning from grandparents, cousins, parents, etc.; and hemp is worn for the mourning of great-grandparents, clan parents, and clan brothers and sisters.

In addition to kinship, domestic violence and even murder between husband and wife are discordant, if Pan Jinlian is not killed by Wu Song, and there is evidence that she murdered Wu Dalang, then according to the law she will be executed. If it was in the Ming and Qing dynasties, she would even be executed by Ling Chi.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="74" >9, injustice</h1>

Acts such as peers killing each other, subordinates plotting to kill the chief, disciples murdering the master, women hearing of the death of their husbands without mourning, and even immediately remarrying are all "unrighteous."

Whoever is ready to be murdered shall be exiled for two thousand miles, and those who have been wounded and those who have been killed shall be beheaded.

In the first episode of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", Zhang Xiaojing said, "You have confessed the wrong person, I am Zhang Xiaojing, and the sin I have committed is the ninth of the ten evils, which is an unjust sin." The Punishment Department and the Dali Temple have already decided on the sentence of beheading, and there will never be a pardon. ”

In the play, he killed Tan Tongshou, a lieutenant of Wannian County, and was convicted of injustice.

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness

10. Civil unrest

Acts that violate ethical norms, such as adultery and rape between relatives, are called "civil unrest."

Adultery with relatives of the same generation, both sides were exiled for 2,000 miles. In the case of rape, the man is hanged;

I haven't found any cases of people sentenced to death for civil unrest in history, you know?

Trivia: What are the 10 crimes of unforgivable evil? Several crimes are now not counted as crimes1, treason 2, great rebellion 3, conspiracy rebellion 4, evil rebellion 5, disobedience 6, great disrespect 7, filial piety 8, disharmony 9, unrighteousness