
Which of the "ten evils" in "Ten Evils" is the "Ten Evils"?

author:General history of learning

We are very familiar with the idiom "ten evils", in modern Chinese, the "ten evils" in the idiom "ten evils" do not refer to the actual meaning, but generally refer to major crimes. However, in China's ancient penal laws, the "ten evils" in the "ten evils are not forgiven" are actually referred to, which is a legal system clearly stipulated, and it is also the most important principle that must be paid attention to when commuting sentences in judicial practice. If one of the ten evils is committed, the sentence cannot be commuted. What are the ten types of villains in the "Ten Evils"? What have these ten types of villains done to qualify for the unforgivable "ten evils"?

"Ten evils", a term originally used in Buddhism, refers to the ten kinds of bad karma that incur the "three evil paths" of hell, hungry ghosts and beasts, so it is also called the "ten evil karmic paths".

The first of the "Ten Evils" must belong to "small actions". The small movement here refers to dissatisfaction with the feudal rulers and attempts to rebel. Therefore, the first article of the "Ten Evils" is "conspiracy to rebel." This is a very easy to understand its meaning, that is, the attempt to overthrow the government of the DPRK. In ancient times, the courage to overthrow the statistical class was at the risk of being beheaded, which really came from this.

Which of the "ten evils" in "Ten Evils" is the "Ten Evils"?

General history of learning

The next two are also similar, plotting rebellion, referring to the destruction of the royal family's temples, mausoleums and palaces. Rebellion refers to betrayal of the imperial court.

The main ingredient in the "Ten Evils" has to be mentioned as "some out-of-line behaviors that violate the bottom line of human morality." Anyone who has his own human dignity will not allow such acts to occur.

Vicious rebellion refers to the beating and murder of grandparents, parents, uncles and other dignitaries.

No, it refers to the killing of more than 3 innocent people in a family, or the use of cruel means such as dismemberment to cause death. This kind of behavior not only violates morality, but also crosses the bottom line of being a human being, what is the difference between a man and a beast?

Filial piety refers to not filial piety to grandparents, parents, or marriage and entertainment during the period of filial piety.

Discord, i.e. murder of certain relatives, or beating and accusing a husband by a woman.

Unrighteousness refers to the killing of officials and officials, the killing of chiefs by soldiers, the killing of teachers by students, the death of women without mourning or immediate remarriage.

Civil unrest, adultery or rape between relatives, etc. I think that when I encounter such a thing, as a victim, both men and women can't stand it.

Which of the "ten evils" in "Ten Evils" is the "Ten Evils"?

Finally, there is another famous crime, called great disrespect, which refers to acts that offend the dignity of the imperial family. It was usually used to steal the emperor's sacrificial utensils and the emperor's daily necessities, forge royal medicines, and mistakenly violate the food prohibition.

Because the sin of the "ten evils" directly endangers the core of the feudal autocratic system - the monarchy, patriarchy, theocracy and the husband's power, the ten evil deeds of the ten types of villains are even more threatening the most fundamental social order of the entire feudal society.

In fact, putting this "ten evils" to today, these crimes cannot be pardoned, and China's current Criminal Law has formulated very serious crimes and applicable punishments for these ten types of behaviors, which shows that no matter how human society develops, some things are actually common.