
The red songs of Xuhui education system are sung to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party

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2021-06-27 16:37

Celebrate the centenary of the party with affectionate songs, and continue to write the chapter of the torch with the story of the struggle of Xuhui educators... On June 26th, amid the melodious and moving songs of teachers and students, the theme activity and choral exhibition and performance activity of "Always Follow the Party" in Xuhui District to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was opened at the Xuhui District Youth Activity Center. At the event, "education heroes" with outstanding merits, "young backs" with great spirits, and "altar gardeners" with high spirits gathered together to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party and jointly appeal to the people of Danxin.

The red songs of Xuhui education system are sung to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party

The centenary of the founding of the party is in full swing, and the four chapters sing the deep affection of Xuhui education

Xuhui is an important red fertile land and the place of the original heart. In the hundred years since the founding of the party, a large number of benevolent people have emerged in xuhui education system. They either educate to save the country, cultivate the frontline of educating people, or defend the family and defend the country, and shed their blood for the revolutionary cause... This theme gathering traces the context of the centenary history of the party and uses four chapters to lead everyone to jointly admire the style of Xuhui's education sages.

The first chapter of the activity took "Sparks of Fire" as the theme, and teachers and retired teachers used classic songs such as "Velvet Flower", "Nanniwan", and "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" to concentrate on interpreting the fearless spirit of the Chinese Communists before the founding of the People's Republic of China who swore to die to defend their families and defend the country and their deep friendship with the people.

The second chapter takes "Striving to Be Strong" as the theme, and the teachers use songs such as "Hero Praise", "Night of The Military Port", "Playing Tambourines and Singing Songs" to show the years of burning passion after the founding of the People's Republic of China and before the reform and opening up, so that everyone can experience the happy time when the people of all ethnic groups in the country jointly created a new life after the founding of New China.

In the third chapter with the theme of "reform and opening up", teachers and students of several schools in Xuhui District deeply interpreted familiar songs such as "The State", "Nursery Rhymes of Hearts", and "Young Friends Come to Meet", showing the glorious course of the people of the whole country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China after the reform and opening up.

The fourth chapter tells a "dream of a strong country", and the Xuhui District Education Bureau, the Xuhui District Education System Teachers Choir, and the Xuhui District Youth Activity Center respectively presented songs such as "Deep Feelings of the Earth" and "Don't Forget the Initial Heart". The moving melody conveys the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists to never forget to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

At the theme gathering, Lu Xiaohui and Liu Qi awarded the "Glorious 50 Years in the Party" medal to the representatives of the recipients of the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" medal. Yao Lihong, secretary of the District Education Work Party Committee, and Wang Tong, director of the Education Bureau, issued certificates to individuals and collectives who won the "two excellent and one first" award in the Education System of Xuhui District. At the same time, the scene also witnessed the relay of new and old party members. Under the leadership of Comrade Wang Xiaoping, the new party members faced the party flag, raised their right fists, solemnly swore an oath, and revisited the oath of joining the party, and Zheng Zheng's oath expressed loyalty to the party and firm ideals and beliefs.

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, and without the Communist Party, there would be no New China..." The simple lyrics, the piping melody, and the chorus expressed the voices of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. In the passionate singing, this theme rally and choral exhibition and performance activity has gradually come to an end, and the sincere and warm patriotic feelings of patriotism and love for the party will always remain in the hearts of teachers and students.

The red songs of Xuhui education system are sung to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party
The red songs of Xuhui education system are sung to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party

In tribute to the pioneers of education, eight senior principals were awarded the "Rongchang Special Honorary Award"

A hundred years of wind and rain, a hundred years of song, prosperous and strong China can not be separated from the persistence of generations of communists, Xuhui education development every step, can not be separated from the struggle of generations of educators. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that no matter how far we go and go to the glorious future, we must not forget the past. When we look back at the road that Xuhui Education has traveled, what comes to mind are the figures that accompanied us all the way.

They are the devotees of "selflessness in their hearts and the breadth of heaven and earth", and they are the pioneers who "dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day"; they let "chicken feathers fly to the sky", let "students go to the world", and they promote the school on the journey of modernization. On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Cpc, Xuhui Education Foundation and Rongchang Public Welfare Foundation set up the "Rongchang Special Honor Award" to commend outstanding figures in Xuhui's education circles.

Zhu Chenggang, Wang Maogong, chairman of Xuhui District Education Foundation, and Wang Jianming, chairman of the executive committee of Shanghai Rongchang Public Welfare Foundation, presented the "Rongchang Special Honorary Award" to Wu Peifang of Jianxiang Primary School, Wang Xiaoping of Shiwai Primary School, Wu Xiaozhong of Jianxiang Middle School, Zhao Jiahao of Weiyu Middle School, Xi Tianjing of Nanyang Middle School, Tang Shengchang of Shanghai Middle School, Luo Peiming of Shiwai Middle School, and Wang Yaohong of Huishi Primary School. At the award ceremony, Ms. Wang Xiaoping expressed her gratitude to the party with deep feelings and said, "Communist Party member is my first identity, serving the party and the people and working for the party is my responsibility, the post can be retired, the Communist Party is not retired, it is eternal, I want to educate people for the party, educate talents for the country, work hard for the cause of education, realize the oath that I am a party member, and fight for communism all my life." ”

Tang Shengchang and other principals also put forward the expectation that in the torrent of development in the new era, a new generation of young teachers and young students can continue to practice the dream of a strong country and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I believe that under the illumination of the spiritual brilliance of the centennial party, our tomorrow will be better.

The red songs of Xuhui education system are sung to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party
The red songs of Xuhui education system are sung to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party

Inheriting the red gene, Xuhui teachers and students cohesively opened a new journey of education

Taking the opportunity of the centenary of the founding of the party, how to better guide teachers and students to inherit the red gene and firmly build a highland of ideological and political education?

To this end, Xuhui education system will transform valuable spiritual wealth into a driving force for progress, actively excavate regional red campus stories, education achievements, and actively carry forward the highlights of the "13th Five-Year Plan" education and teaching achievements. In order to help the key breakthroughs in the "14th Five-Year Plan", xuhui education system guides all teachers and students to unify their thinking, unify their will, and unify their actions, learn party history, enlighten their minds, do practical things, and open up a new situation, so as to study and educate with solid and effective party history, unite people's hearts and minds, gather consensus, and promote the high-quality development of education.

The event also particularly reviewed the characteristics of the education system in Xuhui District on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the party, such as the launch of the "Always Follow the Party - To Welcome the Centenary of the Founding of the Party 'Ten Hundred' Series of Activities", the release of students' "Seven Ones" theme education content, the activity also showed Xuhui Education's "Struggle for a Hundred Years road to set sail for a new journey" series of measures.

The "Ten Hundred" series of activities combines the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with the study and education of party history and basic education, and further enhances the sense of political responsibility and the sense of mission of the times for teachers and students in the region by walking into the "Hundred Micro-lessons on Party History", searching for "Hundred Red Stories", meeting "Hundred Advanced Models", and singing the "Hundred Red Songs Competition".

The "Seven Ones" series of activities focus on inspiring red teenagers and youth to the party, leading the "new fashion" of Xuhui students with a red party lesson, a red visit, a red report, a red insight, a red song, a red work, a red performance and other content. In the activity, Xu Hui innovated ways and methods, using flexible and diverse forms, leading the students to relive the shadow of Chen Wangdao's translation of the Communist Manifesto, touching the contours of Shikumen's great shore that witnessed the changes of the years, and painting a red story portrait at the end of the pen, so that red traditions and red memories were rooted in the hearts of the students.

In addition, the Xuhui District Education System also combines the resources of the school district to carry out distinctive school district activities. All units of the education system are also actively carrying out party history study and education in various forms and with distinctive characteristics. It has formed a red education ecology with up-down linkage and becoming a common practice.

It is reported that with the successive development of activities such as "Ten Hundred" and "Seven Ones", the education system of Xuhui District will continue to carry forward the fine traditions of the past hundred years, focus on the fundamental task of Lide tree people, anchor the goal of excellent education in exemplary urban areas, practice the original mission of "educating people for the party and educating talents for the country", constantly pioneering and innovating, and answering the fundamental question of "what people to cultivate, how to cultivate people, and for whom to cultivate people" with practical actions.