
Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

author:Uncle Kai tells stories

#2023育儿季 #

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Author丨Miao Dai


How does a "Parenting Divine Comedy" come about?

I am most afraid of the sudden quiet of the air, and I am most afraid of the sudden concern of the scumbag.

If your child is quiet for more than 10 minutes, don't be surprised, you may be frightened.

If your child suddenly starts caring about you, then you should really be shocked.

Seeing a video on Weibo, it's simply indescribable...

The child was quiet for a long time, but a carton of milk was missing. How about a scientific adventure?

Oh no, they just did a "big milk" magic.

It's amazing, the milk fell on the bed, and it disappeared, you say surprise, surprise?

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Don't say anything, roll up your sleeves, stretch out your slap, and show the power of a drop baby's eighteen palms. Undress, lie in bed and enjoy this rare and luxurious milk bath.

After all, this is a piece of filial piety for children!

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha


One mother said, "I feel happy and satisfied after contrast. ”

Finally someone is telling the truth! Seeing other people's babies like this, I finally laughed...

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

But don't be too happy, this "satisfied" old mother must also be a female classmate with a story.

This is a photo of her circle of friends, you taste, you taste.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

An old mother who has not seen the "imagination" of a scumbag is not enough to talk about life.

As for the "well-informed" old mother, please take the initiative to contact me, if you are still lucky enough to have two sons, then I have made you a friend.

Of course, happiness must be based on the pain of others, otherwise?

"Appreciating" the creativity of other people's children is simply a source of happiness for old mothers.

For example, this strong man whose computer was graffiti by the baby, in a messy environment, it is difficult to have a place for this computer.

However, someone does not intend to let it go, but only wants to make it one with the surroundings ...

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Don't look at the child can't open the mineral water bottle, can't open the snack package.

However, things like milk powder, cooking oil, flour, they can open in minutes.

So the question is, how many slaps should be received for 300 pieces of milk powder and 6 barrels of milk powder?

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

And this heroic old mother, as soon as she turned her head, she liked to carry a new mobile phone.

Let's congratulate her on a mobile phone that can be opened in 50 years.

This is a mobile phone that witnesses history and vicissitudes, and can enter the family heirloom series.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

"My mother hasn't hit me for three days, hasn't hit me in three days..."

In a place like the kitchen, don't let the baby in, it's easy to "kill people", it's easy to make your mother angry!

A bottle of soy sauce guarantees that they will instantly become soul painters.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

If you are lucky enough to have two children, you only need a bottle of soy sauce to keep them quiet for a long time.

His own Huo Huo's soy sauce, even if he falls, he must get up.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Mom, you don't want to print my homework, and a whole box of ink has been finished.

Don't praise me, I'm just a little clever ghost.

In other words, looking at the little girl's posture, it is estimated that she is usually beaten, like a skilled worker on the job.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Seeing other people's children, they are so versatile, and the mood is much more comfortable.

Who hasn't died of anger, dying and living is the norm of life.


There are no quiet babies in this world, only lungs that do not explode.

When I worked overtime at home, patiently made a report, and enjoyed a moment of tranquility, there was a room that was suffering.

Please note that these are not simple waste paper, there are also Dabao's homework and my family's pass.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

When I quietly cook a lunch, the living room probably becomes like this.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

What is the white flower?

"Mom, look, it's snowing!"

"Look... See..."

My aunt also took my hand and gave me a large handful of "snowflakes", saying that it was a gift for me.

What to say, the most afraid of the sudden concern of the scumbag.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Take a deep breath, breathe deeply, life is like a drama, because there is a chance to get together. Lose your temper for the sake of trifles, and think about it afterwards, why bother. Others are angry that I am not angry, and there is no one to replace me when I am angry...

In the second half of his life, it is estimated that he will continue to live by this poem and the quick-acting heart-saving pill.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Why haven't I been blown up yet?

On the road to parenting, you may wish to let yourself be a little more Buddhist.

Because I know that they are children after all, and they have a precious childlike heart.

From an adult's point of view, I think they are very angry, but from the child's point of view, I can understand them.

Whenever there is a mess in front of me, I always tell myself: children need to explore, children need trial and error.

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

Every behavior of children has their motivation behind it.

We should think about the psychological needs of children, not yelling and beating.


One netizen said: If this were my child, I would definitely beat me to death!

This is also the choice of many parents, who feel that their children are "not sensible", and most of them are beaten.

In fact, not only does the child not feel that something is dirty, but he also does not know that he is wrong to do so.

In the cartoon "Peppa Pig", Page likes to jump in mud puddles, and she and George often return with a body of mud. However, Father Pig and Mother Pig never scolded them, and comforted them: It's just mud!

Don't let your kids into the kitchen, hahahahaha

yes, it's just mud.

Wash your clothes and take a bath, and the mud will naturally disappear. But the child jumps freely in the mud puddle and releases the feelings of nature, which may be a lifetime of good memories.

When you are angry, tell yourself that children are not "not long-lasting", they are just in the inevitable graffiti sensitive period.

There are also children who like to poke "holes", like to drop things, like to swear, like to cut paper, which are the growth needs of children at different stages.

The big deal is to pack up a little more, and the big deal is to wash one more piece of clothing. The inevitable path of children's growth and development is not as tolerant as more.

How else?

When gas comes out, it is quite expensive to treat the disease.

- End -

Author: Miao Dai, a graduate student in psychology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a working mother who holds a baby in one hand, works with the other, and writes with a heart, a post-90s girl who combines seriousness and funny, beauty and talent. Some of the pictures come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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