
Huanglong Town, Zhangwan District, Shiyan: Resolutely guard the important bayonet of the "external defense import" of the epidemic
Huanglong Town, Zhangwan District, Shiyan: Resolutely guard the important bayonet of the "external defense import" of the epidemic

Epidemic prevention card points are on duty. Courtesy of the correspondent

Huanglong Town, Zhangwan District, Shiyan: Resolutely guard the important bayonet of the "external defense import" of the epidemic

Passenger registration checks. Courtesy of the correspondent

Huanglong Town, Zhangwan District, Shiyan: Resolutely guard the important bayonet of the "external defense import" of the epidemic

Night card point on duty. Courtesy of the correspondent

Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily Network) News (Correspondent Tao Guisheng Liu Yunlong) "Hello Master, please show the health code, and please get out of the car and cooperate with us to do the epidemic prevention registration." Wu Yan, the duty officer, said to the driver of the bus who had just stepped off the highway. At 12:00 noon on August 3, the staff of the high-speed bayonet in Huanglong Town, Zhangwan District, Shiyan, still stuck to their posts, and carried out epidemic prevention inquiries, health checks and information registration for each vehicle passing through the bayonet, which was their prescribed action. Under the scorching sun, they have to repeat such actions hundreds of times a day, just to use their hard sweat to guard the important bayonet of the "external defense input" of epidemic prevention and control, and to fully protect the life safety of personnel in the jurisdiction.

In accordance with the requirements of the district epidemic prevention and control headquarters for a new round of normalized epidemic prevention and control, the Huanglong Town Epidemic Prevention and Control Command responded quickly, set up an epidemic investigation bayonet at the exit of the Huanglong section of the Shibai Expressway, and quickly set up an inspection working group composed of 25 personnel including town and village cadres, security guards, and auxiliary police, and carried out special shift duty at the bayonet in accordance with the "three shifts, all-weather" work standard, and took temperature measurement of vehicle personnel entering and leaving Huanglong for 24 hours uninterruptedly, checking the safety code, itinerary code, registration, Establish an information ledger for people entering and leaving, and for those who have returned to their hometowns from medium- and high-risk areas, the first time the staff of the special class of transfer and isolation will send a special car to the prescribed isolation point for isolation and observation, resolutely implement the "external defense input", and guard the people's lifeline.

In the next step, Huanglong Town will further strengthen the work of bayonet duty from three aspects, and resolutely guard the important checkpoint of "external input" of the epidemic. The first is to improve logistical support. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, further improve the supply of materials for bayonet duty personnel, reserve sufficient thermometers, masks, disinfectant water, protective clothing, drinking water and other materials, set up temporary rest rooms, do a good job of high temperature and heat prevention, and ensure the safety of personnel on duty; the second is to smooth information channels. According to the changes in the domestic epidemic situation, further do a good job of information flow between the bayonet duty personnel and the town epidemic prevention and control command, for the identification of new medium and high-risk areas, the first time feedback to the bayonet duty personnel, to ensure that the inspection and registration is not placed in one place, not missing a person; the third is to strengthen the investigation. Further improve the information ledger of the investigators, check the internal personnel of the passing vehicles, and manage the fever personnel and the return vehicle personnel in medium and high-risk areas, comprehensively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic at the highway checkpoint, and form a closed-loop protection network for epidemic prevention and control.

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