
Protein is very important, don't lack it, otherwise the disease will harass

author:Wang Qiudong talks about medicine

#蛋白质科学免疫情报局 #

We all know that the human body needs seven essential nutrients, mainly protein, fat, vitamins, sugars (carbohydrates), minerals, water, cellulose, etc., which is more important than another, may be different people have different views, I participated in a consultation, let me realize that protein is very important, do not lack, otherwise the disease harasses.

This is one of my consultations. An elderly person infected with the new crown virus, fever, cough, dyspnea, low oxygen saturation, admitted to the hospital for treatment, related examinations, diagnosed as new crown virus infection, given antipyretic, cough, oxygen, infusion and other comprehensive treatment, the patient's symptoms were reduced, but never able to recover, later consultation, the examination found that the patient's protein was low, not only led to reduced immunity, infection with viruses or bacteria, but also affected the recovery of the disease, so the nutrition department recommended to give oral protein powder to strengthen nutrition, After a period of supplementation, the protein returned to normal, the patient recovered from infection, and achieved a more ideal effect.

Protein is very important, don't lack it, otherwise the disease will harass

Hospitalization of the elderly for infection

Nutritionists tell us that protein is very important, don't lack it, otherwise it will be harassed by disease, so what should we pay attention to? The following should be noted.

Protein is an important nutrient for humans

Among the nutrients needed by our human body, there are seven main categories, namely protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals, water, cellulose, etc., these nutrients are necessary for human growth and development and its maintenance of their own functions, of which protein is an important nutrient, occupying a very important position in various nutrients, has a very important role, is indispensable, must be paid attention to.

What are the important roles of proteins?

Protein is an important component of all cells and tissues of the human body. All important components of the body need to be involved in proteins. Generally speaking, protein accounts for about 18% of the total mass of the human body, and the most important thing is that it is related to life phenomena. Protein is an important raw material for building and repairing the body, and the development of the human body and the repair and renewal of damaged cells are inseparable from protein. Protein can also be broken down into human life activities to provide energy, so it has a very important role.

Protein is very important, don't lack it, otherwise the disease will harass

The protein structure that makes up cells

Lack of protein can cause low immunity

Human immunity is the body's ability to resist diseases, low immunity, easy to infect bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, but also easy to lead to other diseases, so we must maintain the body's normal immunity, in order to maintain our health. The results of the study show that protein deficiency is easy to cause hypoproteinemia, in the state of hypoproteinemia, the human body is prone to edema, and prone to resistance and immunity decline, so for protein deficiency, must be paid attention to, do not lack protein, so as not to lead to low immunity, and then induce a variety of diseases.

Lack of protein can cause some diseases

In the absence of protein, the human body is easy to cause many diseases, such as malnutrition, hypoproteinemia, osteoporosis, rickets, low immunity, reduced muscle strength, hindered intellectual development, edema, muscle mass decline, wounds are not easy to recover and other diseases, affecting the health of patients, so we should pay special attention to not lack protein, otherwise it is easy to cause many diseases.

Protein is very important, don't lack it, otherwise the disease will harass

Protein deficiency leads to wound non-healing

How do we supplement protein?

First, get it from diet

For most people, as long as the diet is normal, there is no absorption disorder and increased consumption and other diseases, the protein we get from the diet can meet the needs of the human body, so we should pay attention to the intake of high protein substances, pork, beef, mutton, etc. in meat, fish, shrimp, crabs, etc. in aquatic products, eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, etc., milk in milk, goat milk, soybeans, black beans, green beans, etc. in beans, as well as walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, sesame, etc. in dried fruits, We can choose to use it according to our needs, and finally we can use it together, and the effect will be better.

Second, use special health food supplements

For us to supplement protein, food supplement is the most important, but sometimes food supplementation is relatively slow, difficult to meet the body's needs for protein, at this time can use special health food to supplement, protein powder is a nutritional food supplement for specific populations. As an amino acid supplement food, protein powder can provide essential nutrients due to protein deficiency for young children, the elderly, sports people, pre- and postoperative patients and weight loss people.

In addition, people with poor appetite or poor digestion, as well as dieters who lose weight and vegetarians through dieting may have insufficient protein intake, which will not only lead to stunted growth in children, affect the body's water metabolism, but also lead to a variety of diseases such as low immune function, poor sleep and anemia. In these cases, high-quality protein powder makes a good supplement.

Protein is very important, don't lack it, otherwise the disease will harass

High-quality protein powder

Protein powder has many advantages, such as it is fine powder, easy to use, easy to digest and absorb, is high-quality protein, etc., in addition to the lack of protein can be used, for some sick patients, is also an ideal choice, such as anemia, fatigue, malnutrition and low immunity, physical weakness, recovery and other patients, can use protein powder to supplement protein.

Third, severe cases require intravenous protein supplementation

For most people, it can be obtained through diet or supplemented by eating protein powder, but for patients with severe protein deficiency, such as intracranial hypertension, shock, hypoproteinemia, severe wasting diseases, etc., the use of diet or protein powder supplementation has been unable to meet the needs of the body and disease recovery, intravenous protein supplementation is required, albumin can be used for intravenous supplementation.

Protein is very important, don't lack, otherwise the disease harasses, this is the doctor's advice, everyone should be urgent, because the lack of protein, will lead to low immunity, will lead to a hundred diseases, so everyone should pay attention, do not lack protein.

Medication is risky, use with caution! If you have any questions, please follow me and I will solve your doubts!