
Dangerous! Stop picking your ears with your little finger!!!

author:China Women's Daily

Recently, #千万别用小拇指掏耳朵 has been on the hot search.

Some bloggers said that when he took out his ear with his little finger, he took out the ear canal bleeding, because he did not clean it up in time, and the ear poop solidified into stones, and it was also adhered to the ear canal. When cleaning up, "it hurts so much that it sweats all over and wets my clothes"...

Dangerous! Stop picking your ears with your little finger!!!

Everyone has a lot of ear poop hidden in their ears, and many people like to remove them cleanly, whether there is anything or not, just scratch it with their little fingers, or use cotton swabs, hair cards, ear digging spoons.

But is it necessary to take out ear poop? Do itchy ears need to be removed? What's the right way to pluck ear poop?


Why are people so obsessed with pulling out their ears?

Freud once said: All excretion can bring pleasure.

Ear Harvesting is no exception. The larger the earwax taken out, the more satisfied some people are.

So how is this pleasure and addiction created?

The ear is a sexy and sensitive organ, and when we dig the ears, or ear pickers use tools such as goose feather sticks, hammers, shakers, horsetails, etc. to remove earwax in the external auditory canal, it will stimulate the nerve endings in the external auditory canal.

In turn, sensory nerve endings will convert this stimulation into nerve impulses, which are transmitted to the most sensual organ of the human body, the brain, so that people can enjoy and relax after itching and tension.

Dangerous! Stop picking your ears with your little finger!!!

Ear poop is a secretion from the sebaceous and cerumen glands of the external auditory canal, mixed with dust and dander, which is called "cerumene" in medicine. Although ear poop is said to be metabolic waste, it has a great effect, and it is kept and cherished!


Itchy ears, pluck or endure?

If the ears are severely itchy, it is recommended to see a doctor.

If it is not very serious, it is recommended to endure.

There are many causes of itchy ears, common causes are:

  • Bad habits

Such as spicy eating or staying up late frequently.

  • Bad ear picking habits

Some people are used to digging ear poop too clean, but this is more likely to allow harmful substances from the outside to enter the ear, and it will also cause the external ear canal to dry, thereby causing ear itching.

  • Otitis externa or eczema of the external auditory canal

Once the external auditory canal is flooded, the skin of the external auditory canal is moist, and after the bad ear picking habits damage the skin of the external auditory canal, it is easy to cause inflammation of the external auditory canal, and discomfort such as swelling and pain in the ear occurs.

  • allergic

Attacks of allergic diseases can sometimes cause itching in the external auditory canal.

  • Mites

If mites run into our ears, we also feel itchy ears.


These wrong ways to pluck your ears, stop!

Many people are accustomed to pulling out their ears, using long nails, and even hairpins, pencil heads, matchsticks and other things they have at hand that they think they can fit into their ears, but in fact, these methods are very risky!

Applying too much force or too hard can lead to bleeding from the ear canal, perforated eardrum, hearing loss, and even inflammation of the middle ear.

Improper method, push ear poop deep into the ear canal, forming cerumen embolism, resulting in hearing loss, compression of the eardrum and even causing tinnitus, vertigo and other discomfort.

Dangerous! Stop picking your ears with your little finger!!!

There are also people who are used to going to ear picking shops on the street, but this is also risky.

Many street ear picking tools have the problem of repeated use, cleanliness and hygiene are not up to standard, which can easily cause fungal infection of the external auditory canal, ear itching, ear stuffiness, ear pain and other symptoms, and are also susceptible to infectious diseases.


The right way to pluck your ears

  1. Under normal circumstances, the ear has a "self-cleaning" function, and with each speech and chewing, it can move outward on its own and fall off on its own. If you feel itchy ears, you can wash your hands and gently tap the pinna or external auditory canal twice.
  2. If it is wet oil ear poop, you can go to the hospital and ask a professional otolaryngologist to help you take it out. Never poke your ears with cotton swabs, sticks, ear pickers, etc.
  3. If you have symptoms such as inaudible sound, a feeling of fullness in the ear, or pain after water in the ear, you may have a cerumen embolism and need to seek medical attention promptly.

Usually the ear is slightly itchy, but it can be relieved by gently pressing the cartilage of the ear canal. Do not damage the skin of the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane, if you accidentally damage the skin of the external auditory canal, be sure to prevent infection.

In 2023

China Women's Daily

Source/Nanning CDC Pictures/Photogram Network Editor/Su Lin Review/Yifan Producer/Zhifei

Dangerous! Stop picking your ears with your little finger!!!