
Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

author:Little cat tourism

In Brazil, a South American country, beautiful beaches, welcoming people and the world-famous Brazilian Carnival are well-known features. However, in addition to these famous attractions, there are also some favelas in Brazil, which is a topic that needs to be in-depth.

In this article, we will reveal the real Brazilian favela side, while also reminding readers to be cautious when going.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

Now, let's take a look at the Brazilian favelas:

First, we need to clarify the housing situation in the slums. The houses in the slums are very rudimentary. When we see those urban villages in big cities, many people think that the houses are poor, and the houses in the slums are almost dirtier and worse. Most of these houses consist of recycled materials and temporary buildings, and residents here often face many difficulties in their lives.

Brazilian favelas are mostly built on hills, with unplanned power poles dotting the streets and steep and rugged alleys typical of slums. Many media outlets have reported on the dangers of Rio's favelas, but in fact, it is also a living community. Many houses are not fully built, but are occupied.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

There are even houses that are built with cement directly on unexcavated hills. Nevertheless, communities have developed here, where people can buy food, drink coffee, and even do laundry. It is worth mentioning that slum dwellers do not lack water, and tap water is provided free of charge. It's full of wild fun and full of lush weeds.

In addition to the housing situation, the street scene of the slums is also a striking topic. Despite the poor environment of the slums, bikini girls can often be seen walking around the streets. This phenomenon is very common in some slum communities and attracts tourists from all over the world.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

Due to the hot climate, local residents adapted to the environment, and some even went out directly in bikinis or swimming shorts. Some residents seize the opportunity to create business opportunities, such as setting up street stalls selling snacks or handicrafts. This situation reflects the optimism and entrepreneurial spirit of the Brazilian people, who struggle to make a living even in difficult times.

However, despite the friendliness and warmth of the slum dwellers, we must also remember not to enter these areas blindly. Because of the dangers of Brazilian slum tourism, tourists need to be cautious. Slums are often focal points of economic deprivation and social problems, which have led to criminal activity and social tensions in some slum areas.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

Tourists can be targeted in the slums, at risk of robbery, theft, etc. Criminal activity is one of the main dangers of slum tourism. Theft, robbery, and scams are risks that tourists may face. These problems are exacerbated by economic hardship and social tensions in slum areas.

Tourists are often potential targets because of their conspicuous appearance and unfamiliarity with the local area. Therefore, tourists should be vigilant, avoid carrying too much cash and valuables, try not to show off their wealth, and avoid attracting unwanted attention.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

In addition, slum infrastructure is weak, including in terms of water supply, electricity and transportation. This can lead to poor hygiene, traffic chaos and safety hazards. Slum areas often have crowded, narrow streets and irregular building structures, which increases the risk of fires and other unexpected events. Visitors should exercise caution and avoid entering unstable buildings or dangerous areas.

Health and health are also important factors for tourists. Slums often have poor sanitation and are subject to infectious and hygienic health problems. Visitors may be at risk of infection, especially without proper protection. Visitors are advised to make adequate health preparations, including necessary vaccinations and precautions, before visiting the slums.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

For tourists who are inexperienced and knowledgeable about the local area, entering the slums requires careful selection of the right guide or tour group and adherence to their recommendations and regulations. Guides often have an understanding of the local environment and risks and can provide a safe tourist experience.

Also, avoid going it alone, especially at night, and try to walk in groups. Visitors should respect the privacy and lives of local residents and avoid intruding into their homes or taking inappropriate photographs.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

However, despite some risks, some slum communities are working to change their image and reap the economic benefits of tourism. Some organizations and social entrepreneurs have launched slum tourism projects to provide employment opportunities and sources of income for residents.

This form of tourism is often themed around cultural exchange and community cooperation, allowing visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the current situation in Brazil's favelas and contribute to the development of communities.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

If you want to travel to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and explore the favelas at the same time, be alert and stay safe. While favelas represent part of the reality in Brazilian society, there are also some security risks.

It is recommended to choose to join an experienced guide or tour group to learn about the history and culture of the slums and make sure to explore them with their company. Avoid night visits and acting alone, be respectful and cautious, and avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Come to the real Brazilian favelas: the houses are very broken, the bikini girls are walking all over the street, the people are poor and friendly, but don't mess around

Travel should be enjoyable and full of learning experiences, but we should also pay attention to our own safety to ensure a smooth and safe trip.

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