
Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

author:Floral space

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Rich and noble people like to raise Junzilan, Junzilan gives people the feeling of beautiful atmosphere, never tired of seeing, the leaves are like folding fans, flowers and elegant, it is arranged on the window sill table, it seems to fall generously, very appreciative.

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Junzi orchid, also called large-flowered junzi orchid, is a garlic family, not a real orchid, because of the classical temperament, beautiful appearance, from ancient times to the present has been deeply loved.

It is a relatively shade-tolerant plant, although the root system looks developed and strong, but relatively weak, suitable for growing in slightly acidic humus more breathable soil, overall more squeamish, if you use careless ideas to raise it, can not be very vigorous, is likely to raise ten pots dead nine pots.

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Especially in the summer, there are many yellow leaves and rotten roots in Junzilan orchid, and many people are called summer hardship households, how to help it spend the summer, it is recommended that everyone understand its three joys and three fears, and will bloom early after the weather is cool.

Three Hi

I like a semi-shaded and ventilated environment

Due to the surprisingly high temperature in summer, if it is placed directly on the window sill on the south side, it will be directly burned on the leaves, resulting in the leaves being directly sunburned, resulting in scorched black and yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to move to a semi-shaded place in time, or put it on the north window sill, the east window sill, etc. But in addition, it is necessary to do a good job of ventilation management, not directly placed in the corner, stuffy weather, if not ventilated, will cause the occurrence of pests and diseases, and then lead to death. In addition, it is recommended to change the direction of the pot every half month to prevent phototropic growth. Causes the plant to grow off.

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Prefer dry soil

In summer, the sun is hot, the temperature is very high, the air is stuffy, the water in the soil evaporates slowly, if there is stagnant water, the flower roots will be in a humid state for a long time, which is easy to breed bacteria, germs, so that the flower roots are in a more dangerous environment, which is not good for growth and is prone to rot. So raise junzi orchids in the summer to ensure that the soil is slightly dry, some of which are very beneficial to spend the summer.

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Love sour water

Junzi orchid is a flower that likes to grow in acidic soil, PH value between 5.5 and 5.6 is the best, if it is alkaline soil, relatively hard, tightly wrapped flower cover, not conducive to root breathing, but also not conducive to drainage, easy to occur root damage. Therefore, often using acid water to raise junzi orchid is more conducive to growth and development. For example, often receive some rainwater, instead of tap water, but also save water bills, and can make flower roots and leaves grow vigorously.

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Three fears

Fear of strong sunlight

Junzilan is afraid of strong light, as soon as the leaves will appear yellow leaves, the summer temperature is very high, pay attention to blocking, such as pulling the shade net, or put on the windowsill with a gauze curtain, the shading rate should reach about 50%, which can also reduce the evaporation of water in the leaves, prevent the leaves from softening, in fact, the hottest is only two months, these two months have passed, and it is very good to take care of in the fall.

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Afraid of watering too much

Many people may misunderstand, although the temperature is very high in summer and the water evaporates quickly, but for Junzilan, the more so, the less watering, keep the soil slightly dryer, can reduce the chance of rotting flower roots. Once watered, it is necessary to quickly move to a well-ventilated place to accelerate the evaporation of water and not to be stuffy. Water the orchid, usually until 2/3 of the soil is dry, and then replenish the water. Many people don't know how to judge, you can insert a wooden chopstick in a pot, insert it into 2/3 of the soil, pull out the chopsticks, observe the dryness and wetness of the chopsticks, you will know whether there is a lack of water, this method has been tried and tested.

Raise a gentleman orchid in summer, there are 3 fears and 3 joys, don't get it back, the summer is also turquoise, and the sword is sworded early

Fear of using raw fertilizer

The use of fertilizer for junzi orchid in summer, must be cautious, after all, summer junzi orchid may enter the dormant period, the demand for water and nutrients is not very large, excessive fertilization stays in the pot, easy to cause fertilizer damage. And you can't use raw fertilizer, raw fertilizer is fertilizer water that is not completely fermented, such as rice fruit peel water soybean water, if you are not fully sure, or do not use it for Junzilan .

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