
When a shark bites a person, humans kill it to avenge the victim, which is a blessing to be kept in captivity

author:Intellect is a good thing

Wasn't a young Russian man swimming near an exclusive beach in Egypt some time ago and killed by a tiger shark attack, especially tragic because his girlfriend and family were watching all this, but could not prevent this tragedy. If it had ended there, it might have left only sorrow and sadness, but with two Egyptian fishing boats going out to sea to kill the tiger shark, the nature of the matter took to another level.

When a shark bites a person, humans kill it to avenge the victim, which is a blessing to be kept in captivity
When a shark bites a person, humans kill it to avenge the victim, which is a blessing to be kept in captivity
When a shark bites a person, humans kill it to avenge the victim, which is a blessing to be kept in captivity

Is it justified for individuals and organizations other than him and his relatives and friends to take revenge if a person is disabled or killed by an animal? Or is it a killing spree in the name of revenge?

If we use human standards to bind animals, then I raise my hands in favor of this behavior, no one can deprive a person of his life and still be able to go unpunished, he must pay the price and be punished by society in order to demonstrate the value and dignity of human beings. But we have always used mental illness to excuse those who do not have the cognitive ability to act on their own, for the simple reason that if he cannot take responsibility for his actions, how can he be responsible for the mistakes he has made? Forcing a cognitively incapacitated person to be punished for his actions is undoubtedly a cruel crime for these vulnerable groups.

Let's first assume that animals should conform to the norms of human society, in which case these non-human creatures can understand the consequences of their actions, whether they have the motivation to harm others in their subjective will, and what kind of needs are driven by these actions that harm others. Animals attack and hurt out of instinct are naturally unforgivable sins for the person concerned and his relatives and friends, but can anyone say that animals can understand their own behavior and the corresponding chain reaction like humans?

If the life and death of animals are judged by whether they have harmed people, then why are the consequences of human hunting for those who protect animals completely different from the consequences that animals instinctively suffer from their injuries? The logic here is a naked human priority and human exceptionalism, and the emotions we hold for other creatures are the top-down condescension mentality, not that our affection for them is false, but that this emotion is a gift and charity that we give them.

To use a less appropriate example, like the white plantation owners who sympathized with black slaves, they would also be pleasantly beautiful to blacks, and even give them humanitarian help, but this could never hide the subordination of both parties as masters and servants, let alone hide the superiority of whites over blacks from the bottom of their hearts. I have always believed that the basis of equality is to put yourself in the other person's shoes and think about problems, not for me to think for you or for your good, why the current white left is disgusting, this is the reason.

Speaking of the relationship between animals and people, human beings on the earth, can be said to be an extremely large species, every corner has our footprints, most of the land is our place of residence, we transform everything around us according to our own needs, want to get a better life, naturally it is understandable. But what about animals that are absolutely vulnerable in modern times, and how should they deal with themselves?

To gain a small right to live in a human-dominated world, there are many rules to follow. We have helped them set the rules they must abide by, according to their own needs, and the cost of violating them is cruel and bloody, and they should abide by them in order to survive. But who will tell these animals? Who will tell them where they can't go, what they can't do, which creatures are masters, and which creatures are food? No one, no one!

Therefore, it is so lucky to be born a human being, and it is even more the chosen son to be born into a rich and powerful family. We are so cruel to our kind, and we should mercilessly let those ugly-looking, aggressive, and intrusive animals that invade our lives taste the iron fist of civilization.

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