
EDG's latest poster is out! Versus IG finally fills the void with only one ADC on the squad!

author:LOL Little Bookboy

It's been two days since EDG officially announced Uzi's joining, which has been an unusually long time for many viewers! The main thing is one thing, EDG officially announced that Uzi joined the team, Uzi flashed to the Holy Gun Brother live broadcast room, in the face of Crystal Brother's question, Uzi bluntly said that the first start was the 14th, the game against IG!

EDG's latest poster is out! Versus IG finally fills the void with only one ADC on the squad!

At the same time, when explaining EDG's match against JDG with Saint Gun Grenmai, Uzi once again told the audience: Good night everyone, see you on the 14th.

This personal commitment can be regarded as a temporary relaxation and feel the sincerity of EDG signing Uzi this time. This sincerity also starts with the poster of EDG vs JDG, according to the audience's speculation, Uzi did not appear in that game, and there may be some official formalities that there is no way to play, and at the time of the poster, Uzi has not officially announced to join the team, so on the poster of that game, EDG specifically left a blank:

EDG's latest poster is out! Versus IG finally fills the void with only one ADC on the squad!

This is to show the importance of Uzi, and many viewers have also experienced EDG's good intentions. It's just that many viewers still felt a little regretful at that time, after all, EDG played JDG, JDG with Ruler sitting, can't see the classic showdown between Uzi and Ruler, and always feel that something is missing.

At 5 p.m. on June 14, EDG will play against Team IG, and before the start of this game, EDG released a pre-match poster, you can see the gap left in front, with Uzi's official announcement of joining the team, this time it is finally filled!

EDG's latest poster is out! Versus IG finally fills the void with only one ADC on the squad!

In the fifth regular season game of the EDG Summer Tournament, the name of the previous ADC player Leave still does not appear on the squad, and in this sea, EDG has only one ADC player, that is, Uzi.

Combined with the previous news, Uzi's debut against IG is already a certainty, this is EDG's sincerity! It is also a place where many viewers can't help but praise. At this point, EDG's approach and BLG formed a clear difference, and many viewers were also blunt, recalling that when Uzi was in BLG, everyone waited one by one, and finally the scene became blank, and the mood was really beyond words... Maybe that kind of mood can only be understood as a true love fan.

EDG's latest poster is out! Versus IG finally fills the void with only one ADC on the squad!

Imp previously commented on Uzi's comeback when saying that it is strange that the current Uzi can beat other talents, the implication is that Uzi has been away from the field for too long after all, so that everyone should not over-expect it, and there is the ultimate line suppression at the peak, and it is always necessary to slowly adapt to a few games.

IG is a good opponent, the online strength is not too weak, but compared to some of the top down-the-road combinations in the LPL, the intensity is still a notch or two lower, against IG This starter, can help Uzi better find the rhythm of the game, is a more perfect opponent.

EDG's latest poster is out! Versus IG finally fills the void with only one ADC on the squad!

From the recent state, Uzi's overall strength is still worthy of recognition, now depends on the adaptation to the arena, I believe that after these days of training matches, the feeling of the game has returned, in addition to the assistance of Meiko, an old acquaintance, it is not a problem to integrate into the team with Uzi's personality, I hope that the brothers of EDG can work together on the field to help Uzi win the first battle after this comeback!