
The "real-name system" is strictly enforced, and the construction industry has issued new regulations? Greater impact on workers!

author:Jigongjia platform

For migrant workers, the construction industry has a low threshold and a good salary can be a good choice in most people's minds. But with the changes of the times, the construction industry began to decline. Many young people are running to deliver food and open Didi.

In addition, various regulations and restrictions in the industry have "turned many people out". The new reform in the construction industry mainly has the following aspects, all workers come and see.

Real-name management

China has always had the title of "infrastructure maniac", with many construction projects and strong mobility of personnel on construction sites. This also leads to difficulties in worker identification, which is not conducive to site management.

Before the implementation of the real-name system, the management on our construction site was not particularly strict, and a large number of workers came in and out, and it was generally difficult to find out if they were not in the same team or knew people.

In the event of any accident or dispute, it is not so easy to find the parties, especially many workers who are owed wages, and they do not even know who their superiors are.

The "real-name system" is strictly enforced, and the construction industry has issued new regulations? Greater impact on workers!

Real-name system management not only requires team members to be certified at the first time, but also requires real-name registration for site members and personnel entering and leaving. All personnel need face recognition or fingerprints to enter and exit, etc., and clock-in authentication is required for commuting.

The implementation of the real-name system has greatly improved the efficiency and safety of on-site operations, and employers can also inquire about the working hours of each staff member through the entry time;

Workers can also check their clock-in time through the real-name system to determine the reasonableness of wages. In the event of wage arrears, it is also more advantageous for workers to defend their rights.

All mechanics must be 100% licensed

The construction operation environment is often "dangerous", such as welders, plumbers and other jobs, for high technical requirements, the corresponding operation is more dangerous.

In order to ensure the safety of workers, various regions have successively issued new standards for construction personnel, requiring that all technicians must be 100% licensed.

The "real-name system" is strictly enforced, and the construction industry has issued new regulations? Greater impact on workers!

I believe that anyone who has worked on a construction site knows that the risk of working without a license is extremely high, and a single wrong operation can be fatal. Many tragic cases have taught us profound lessons.

Workers must pay attention to safety, wear safety helmets, safety ropes, etc. correctly, and be responsible for their personal safety.

The construction site is fully closed management

Construction sites are different from factories, one is not seen all year round, the other is wind and sun, most of the time the construction site chooses to work outdoors.

Construction sites are complex, and in order to ensure the smooth development of site construction, fully closed management is usually implemented. Mainly for these considerations: the closed management of the construction site can prevent the accidental danger of idle personnel entering by mistake;

The "real-name system" is strictly enforced, and the construction industry has issued new regulations? Greater impact on workers!

Closed management can prevent idle people from entering and stealing construction site materials, causing unnecessary losses; Closed management of employees can effectively supervise employees and reduce the possibility of problems for employees.

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