
"The earlier you sleep, the sooner you die", how long do you sleep every day to live a long life? Tell you the truth

author:Medica Media

About sleep-related common sense should be understood, can do regular work and rest, sleep methods are appropriate, benefits into the pocket, in addition to regulating endocrine, enhancing resistance, but also can effectively fight aging, while improving multiple organ functions. However, many people say that sleeping too early every day will shorten their lives, and they can't fall asleep too early, and it takes the right time to reap the benefits.

"The earlier you sleep, the sooner you die", how long do you sleep every day to live a long life? Tell you the truth

Those who attach importance to health will pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early, but how early it is appropriate to go to bed should be understood, can not stay up late, can not fall asleep too early.

Because most of the dinner is eaten at seven or eight o'clock, if you go to bed at half past eight and less than nine o'clock, the stomach is in a busy digestive state, and there is a feeling of fullness, which may reduce the quality of sleep and cannot benefit from a reasonable schedule. However, simply from the morning and evening of sleep time to determine the length of a person's life expectancy is more one-sided, some people's shortened life expectancy is other reasons, can not be generalized.

How long do you sleep every day is science?

Most people hear that the best sleep duration is eight hours, will follow this principle, sleep enough eight hours a day, but the actual sleep time of eight hours This concept is not suitable for all groups of people or age groups, among which infants and young children sleep much longer than adults, may sleep for more than ten hours a day, wake up after breastfeeding and fall asleep.

Most of the most suitable sleep time for adults is seven or eight hours, in this way to nourish the spirit and delay aging.

"The earlier you sleep, the sooner you die", how long do you sleep every day to live a long life? Tell you the truth

Of course, if it is the elderly, the aging speed of the body is accelerating, and some people encounter sleep disorders, autonomic dysfunction, biological clock can not maintain normal, should be appropriately adjusted, while ensuring that the sleep time is not less than six hours a day, the correct practice can promote health.

What should I do to improve my sleep quality?

1. Create a good sleeping environment

Actively improving sleep quality is a top priority, and although many people fall asleep on time every day, their actual sleep quality is poor, they have difficulty falling asleep, and they often wake up in the middle of the night.

If you can start from the aspect of creating a good environment, you can let yourself fall asleep in a comfortable and comfortable environment, thereby improving the quality, in which the indoor temperature, humidity is appropriate, not too dry, and the temperature cannot be too low, too high. In addition, bedding should be selected appropriately, in addition to mattresses, pillows are moderately soft, and suitable quilts should be selected according to weather changes.

"The earlier you sleep, the sooner you die", how long do you sleep every day to live a long life? Tell you the truth

2. Establish a normal biological clock

Establish a normal life clock and fall asleep at a fixed time every day, this is a good way for the body to gradually adapt and you will find yourself sleeping well every day. Many people in life work and rest is disordered, sometimes because of entertainment, work and other relationships stay up late, sometimes feel sleepy and fall asleep very early, this irregular work and rest behavior will make the biological clock disordered, affected by its sleep quality is naturally not high. The correct way is to go to sleep at the right time every day, and the time should be fixed, the body adapts to the process, and the biological clock is naturally established.