
Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work


From September 27th to 28th, Zhou Bo, deputy secretary of the Hedong District Party Committee and mayor of Tianjin, led a party and government delegation from far away to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support, investigate and inspect the rural revitalization and enrichment industry, coordinate docking and support projects, and discuss the cooperation and development of the two places. Deputy secretary of the county party committee and county governor Tu Wajia, Zhang Chunyang, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and deputy county governor, and Zhang Qingmin, deputy county governor of the county government, accompanied the inspection.

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

In the past two days, Zhou Bo and his party have successively gone deep into the Agricultural leisure industrial park in Cizhina Village, Wangzang Town, the Zhongdarun Fern Pig Breeding Base in Niao Township, and the more ancient leisure agricultural pastoral complex in Dianga Town, to fully understand and grasp the economic and social development of investment promotion, rural revitalization, and cultural tourism industry.

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

A ceremony was held to sell unsalable apples in Wangzang Town, and 17 tons of "Rich Fruit" were transported to the shores of the Haihe River thousands of miles away. Went deep into the homes of the helpers, carried out the "pairing and recognizing relatives" activity, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on solving related problems.

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

On the afternoon of the 28th, a high-level joint meeting of cooperation and counterpart support between Diebu County and Hedong District was held.

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

At the meeting, Comrade Yang Yong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin Xintiangang Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., donated 2 million yuan to the Diebu County Rural Revitalization Bureau

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

Mr. Zhang Jianmin, Chairman of Tianjin Xuyang Construction Group Co., Ltd., donated 200,000 yuan of social funds to Wangzang Town

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

Mr. Zhang Wenwu, Chairman of Tianjin Huitong Investment Group Co., Ltd., provided consumption assistance funds of 100,000 yuan to diebu County Industry and Information Technology and Commerce Bureau to purchase agricultural products

Zhou Bo pointed out

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

Through on-the-spot inspection of the rural revitalization demonstration villages and the industrial cooperation projects supported by Hedong District, we have witnessed the new economic and social changes that have taken place in Diebu County under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Gansu Provincial CPC Committee, and the Gannan Prefecture CPC Committee, witnessed the spirit of unremitting struggle and the style of arduous struggle of the vast number of cadres and masses in Diebu County, and further strengthened our confidence and determination to continue to deepen counterpart cooperation and work with Diebu County to promote the development of various economic and social undertakings to a higher level.

Zhou Bo stressed

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

The cooperation and counterpart support work between Hedong District and Diebu County in the east and west has entered a new historical stage. We will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely focus on the requirements of the goals of high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable in rural areas, and rich and prosperous farmers, adhere to the idea of "upgrading and strengthening, multi-layer full coverage, and limited and unlimited combination", cohesive force, do our best to fight, increase the intensity of work promotion, and ensure that the counterpart cooperation between the two places reaches a new level.

Tuwajia pointed out

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

In recent years, Tianjin Hedong District has always stood at the height of the overall work of the party and the state, focused on promoting the coordinated development of the region and promoting major decisions on common prosperity, sincerely, earnestly and earnestly, and with real money and silver to support the poverty alleviation and rural revitalization of Diebu, and has sent 4 party and government cadres and 85 professional talents, invested 134 million yuan in financial assistance funds, 12.85 million yuan in social assistance funds, and implemented 47 various assistance projects, benefiting more than 13,000 people out of poverty. It has established an all-round and multi-field assistance and cooperation system with government assistance, industrial cooperation, talent exchange, labor service cooperation, and social assistance, and through the cadres of Tianjin Aid to Tibet and the people of Diebu, they have shared weal and woe and fought side by side, helping Diebu to win the battle against poverty on schedule and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way with the whole country, opening up a new journey of modernization and producing tremendous political, economic and social benefits.

Tuwajia stressed

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

Diebu County will actively seize the major opportunities of the national strategy of promoting rural revitalization, keep an eye on the development goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", make full use of the favorable policies of Tianjin's counterpart support, continue to deepen the "Hedong enterprise + Diebu resources", "Hedong market + Diebu products", "Hedong technology + Diebu manufacturing", deepen the docking in the construction of industrial parks, the cultivation of characteristic industries, education and medical assistance, labor cooperation, consumption cooperation, etc., and promote the further expansion of cooperation space between the two sides, the further deepening of cooperation projects, and the further improvement of cooperation levels. Join hands to write a new chapter in the cooperation between the east and the west of Tianjin and Die, and jointly promote the high-quality development of the two places.

Zhou Bo and his party came to our county to carry out east-west cooperation and counterpart support work

After the meeting, the county education and science, finance, industry and information technology, commerce, rural revitalization and other departments and relevant departments in Hedong District conducted business docking.

Zhang Zhihong and Li Lin, members of the county government party leading group and candidates for deputy county governor, and responsible comrades of relevant departments directly under the county government attended the joint meeting.


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